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Posts posted by Val

  1. On 7/18/2020 at 12:47 PM, Rob. S. said:

    Which legislature gives you the right to demand getting your phone before them


    On your planet, what does a paid in advance, in full, pre-order means? Just curios about your pesonal definition of a pre-order, because it seems revolutionary and could change the world commerce.

  2. 1 hour ago, SchattengestaIt said:

    I just wanted to inform you all that I received my refund just in this minute (realtime transfer).
    It took a while but they are definitely not scamming anybody.

    Indeed. They can be rightfully accused for many things, but they are not scammers. 

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  3. 7 hours ago, Waxberry said:

    Although its's more of FedEX issue but I will pushing / checking with out logistics partner see if there is anything we could do to speed that up. That seems rediculous to me as well!

    Pleaso do the same for Fedex/TNT #122470407879  (order #8332). "Clearance delay - Import" since Jan 28th although I gave them all the documents they've asked and more. I even paid them a visit to their headquarter and I'm about to escalate the situation to country and european institutions. The EU legislation on imports it's the same and it's just plain outrageous that Fedex/TNT apply some rules in the western countries and others in the eastern ones.

  4. 3 hours ago, Erik said:

    Once the paperwork is signed, there should be no additional costs on your side.

    That may not be the case in Eastern Europe, even if we're talking about an EU country. In my case, TNT (Fedex) works with a private person/company regarding the custom services and they've pushed for some fees. Should I mention that the person/company have a gmail address?:D And this is kinda official, the email being sent from TNT address with the "friend" in cc, asking to contact them directly.

    I'm also talking with Fxtec over the mail and I asked them to talk with Expansys in order to apply some contractual/legal pressure to Fedex regarding this matter. 

    • Sad 1
  5. 12 hours ago, omikr0n said:

    So FxTec is shipping phones to non-IGG preorders AGAIN? Before fulfiling IGG preorders (such as mine, I'm sure there will be more people).

    Yes, AGAIN. So much for backing, staying with them and not asking for a refund, like others did.

    I asked them when they did it the first time and they wrote me that there was a mistake. Interesting repetitive mistake. More like they don't give a s.it about their word or backers.

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  6. 2 hours ago, EskeRahn said:

    My personal GUESS on the 'Store-Gate'.

    I'll not quote your full reply.

    Like I've said, this "Store-Gate" could have been avoided or "softened" with a simple pre-facts statement. Without this simple official statement explaining at least why they could not keep their word and promises, and I'm not talking about the "usual" delays, this is the result. We've found out the stores by ourself, like a nice waiting bonus. Does this seems ok for you, biased or not? For me, it was a limit, principle related. 

    As you know, not even now we don't have an official statement form fxtec regarding this "Gate". There is a fine line between poor communication and disrespect for paying customers.

    As for Chen, kudos to him for the refunds, and it's not the first time that I say this, even if I didn't ask for my money back, like other species did. It's one of the reasons I waited, and maybe others too, without making any comments till now, but the "Store-Gate" was something in a different category, added to the mistake(?) of sending units to non-IGG backers. 


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  7. 27 minutes ago, EskeRahn said:

    At the least that could have some relevance.

    We (unfortunately) have too few facts to deduce what is exactly going on. So though I can see several possible explanations, all are just guesses.

    I know that you understand perfectly why I'm ranting and you also know that I didn't write any post regarding the delays in octomber/november.

    The facts appear one by store. A situation which could be easily avoided with some pre-facts info from fxtech, not with some post-fact (un)official info from Erik.

    As a side note: I don't know when you've paid and I know that you received also the final version, not only the test one. Even if you, or someone like you, didn't "qualify" to receive the final version, I don't mind at all that you got it. By you or someone like you, I mean testers or "explorers" (screen protector, cases, programs etc) who helps fxtec or us. On the other hand, you tend to be biased on this topic 😉  

  8. 37 minutes ago, EskeRahn said:

    So you would like to be sure to add another variable to eliminate it? That does not make much sense. Why not shoe and hat size then? 🙄

    You're right and I'll raise you with the variable enduser/reseller. Maybe then we will know what's the actual order in which the phones are being sent and to whom. 

  9. 2 hours ago, EskeRahn said:


    A tiny question: Why do some in here insist on talking about the order number on IGG and for pre-ordering the Pro1 when it has been told again and again and again and again that is not what matters?? You might as well be comparing your house numbers....

    Is it because some in this thread only come to post, and if at all then at best randomly reads any replies?

    Very simple. Altough it should matter, it's only to eliminate a "new" variable, such as "you paid fast, but your IGG number was high". 

    Maybe I should add "IGG paid and NOT refunded", because for some people seems to be the same in their logic. And some other people in this thread, post exactly as you've said about anyone else. 


  10. 3 minutes ago, foxfreejack said:

    Negative. I am among the last to contribute on IGG. I haven't received a message hinting for a stock assigned or being shipped as of now.

    :) I was talking about the phones in ps555 guesstimate.

    I'm among the first (#26, order id#40) and and no sign of the phone, in any form.

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  11. 1 hour ago, ps555 said:

    With the 0,5% info this may be to high.

    This percentage is sure, as sure as it can be any info from fxtec in official emails. 

    9 minutes ago, SchattengestaIt said:

    So 200-300 devices would have been shipped by now (complete speculation).

    Including resellers, maybe.

    • Like 1
  12. 6 minutes ago, ps555 said:

    optimistic calculation / speculation

    • 50% of the IGG devices delivered (100 devices send out of 200 IGG orders)
    • 4% of all preorders delivered (200 devices of 5000 preorders)

    pessimistic calc/spec

    • 5% of IGG orders (50 IGG devices of 1000 preorders)
    • 1% of all preorders delivered (100 devices of 10.000 preorders)

    I don't think so. In both scenarios I think that there are more than 200 IGG backers who preordered and paid as soon as they got the email. There were 2-4(X) phones sent to non IGG by mistake, according to fxtec (less than 0.5% of ALL orders - 4th december email), so all the phones were sent to the IGG backers, excluding the ones sent to the resellers. This means that your numbers for preorders couldn't be right.

  13. 1 hour ago, Rob. S. said:

    Yes, there is a difference. But it is the reaction upon such differences that makes the real difference.

    For me, it's a matter of principle to keep my word/promises, for you, it 's not. Different species, as you've said.

    I've "missed" batch one, then batch 2, then again batch 3. The phone was sent to non IGG backers and to the retailers. They didn't even bother to issue a statement BEFORE that, explaining the reasons, not even that. I remained quiet, but there are limits. Mine were after batch 3 combined with the new FACTS. 

    Funny, probably part of the stellar communication strategy, Eric choose to lock the thread "lies don't travel far". I wonder if the forum and/or the users will be "cleaned" in a future step.

    To quote Erik from that now closed thread: "The amount of devices Clove and Dragonbox had was extremely small, and is nowhere near comparable to what we have shipped to our pre-orders, and what we still have to ship. Our pre-orders are our first priority."

    As far as I remember from one store, there were between 15 to 20 in stock. Let's say 15. There is 3 resellers that we know of, so 45 phones were sent to them. Erik says extremely small and nowhere comparable to what's been sent to the preorders. His own words. 10% it's not extremely small, but so be it. Do you think that 450 phones were sent to the backers? Seriously? Simple math and common sense, please. Like I've said, that thread is now closed. 

    • Thanks 2
  14. 3 minutes ago, Rob. S. said:

    @Val "Difference"? Of course there is, so what? "Pre-order"? Yes, and pre-order means you might get the product any time or not at all if the company goes out of luck and business. "Principle"? Right, have fun with your principle. 

    So... basically, there is no difference between someone who goes left and the one who goes right. Or between black and white. Between paid and refunded. It's so what. Maybe this is one of the reasons that we have peoplekind (trudeau dixit) and not mankind or X instead of male / female.

    Maybe I'm old school, but I preffer principles instead of (self)safe spaces (which leads to a good temper, of course), or the new "order/s". The same goes for my word, when I give it to someone. You seems to be veery flexible.

    Like I've said above, much of this could have been avoided with a simple post BEFORE we found ourselves about the phones for sale in the resellers stores. But, nevermind, doesn't concern you or you values. It's a principle, again.

    • Like 1
  15. 34 minutes ago, Thunderhaake said:

    And that's why I bought my Phone now from a retailer. Some Moto Mods are made and shipped. But the rest of us had no luck....

    For me the Story repeats and I did not want to be fooled twice...

    I know. Even though I was a very early backer, I didn't get one of the ones sent and I thought that it'll be no problem. That's why the Z2 which sits brand new in a drawer.

    I don't understand why fxtec didn't even issue a statement regarding the resellers BEFORE people found the phone for sale. in stock, in various stores, by themselves.  Would have been a minimium consideration for their customers and not very hard to do. Like I've said, principles doesn't seems to matter anymore, being replaced with safe spaces, not even safe words.

    • Like 1
  16. 10 minutes ago, Rob. S. said:

    @Val I know. And things went badly. But not hopelessly bad, and most importantly, not fraudulently bad. Yes, I paid for the Moto Mod in March 2017, too. And I got an offer of a full refund, which I requested and immediately got paid in October 2018. While it already was clear that the Keyboard Mod's problems had not been their fault, this was another piece of evidence for me that these people are honest. And yes, their Pro1 shipping order may have become different from what they planned and promised. But now that the delivery finally seems to be within reach, people get their knickers in a twist because of some twenty devices that were sent earlier to two or three small, enthusiast retailers of the kind that companies like F(x)tec depend on? As I said, I just don't get it.  .

    There is a difference: you've requested a refund (kudos to Liangchen), I and others didn't. One of the first promises was that the IGG backers will be the first to receive the phone. This promise was repetead, followed by the logical one that the ones who PRE-ordered and paid will be the next in line. I'll not explain to you the notion of PRE-order.

    Until now, no fxtec "update" mentioned that the IGG backers will have better chances to buy the phone faster from the stores, because the priority changed "overnight".

    It's a matter of principle, even if for some people around here this concept doesn't exist.

    Should I remind you the story of the Moto Mod? All is good and starting deliveries in february, then march then... cancel. I bought an Z2 force based on that promise and it was not very cheap then.

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    • Confused 1
  17. 42 minutes ago, Rob. S. said:

    I just don't get it. There are people who get pissed off because two or three tiny resellers got twenty phones before they got theirs? If I hear something like that, it makes me embarassed for belonging to the same species.

    The Moto Mod was paid in the first months of 2 0 1 7. Digg up the repeated promise for the IGG backers.

    Someone word have a meaning for you? How about yours, then? 

  18. 1 hour ago, Erik said:

    We want to explain why a very small number of retailers have the Pro1.

    Firstly, they have approached us since we first announced Pro1 at MWC in Feb and we've been in discussions with them since. They have also promised to help with success of the Pro1 in the market place which is important for us. We have only given them a much smaller number of units than they asked for because of all the customer pre-orders. Our pre-orders are our most important customers. For us to be a strong company for you, we also have to build a sustainable business and if we turned those retailers away we would have lost their business going forwards.

    Our priority is getting devices to our pre order customers, this has not changed.

    It was so hard to come forward and say the truth? Until now, "officially", IGG backers were first in line, followed by pre-orders. Maybe I've missed an official statement that says otherwise and includes the retailers...

    I suspected that what you've said above it's the reality, but we found out how, by finding the stores on the net one by one? 

    For you to be a strong company, you should start with frequent communication and, more important, transparency. Because, so far, you've said one thing and did another thing and this is not how it's built a business, started with and based on customers. I, and maybe others, can take a hard truth, but not lies or "omissions".

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