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Everything posted by kashif

  1. Yes thats a different story if you have to depend on third party. i can imagine it can get out of our hands
  2. Faith is not a very right word, you can say im a bit numb now
  3. I am also in software development and have been/am involved in fairly big projects. for me i never failed my timeline, reason. after looking at project req, if i know exactly what im doing here then i charge and give timeline (add decent extra time on top of what i estimate). if its something new, i dont give any timeline and no charging. onc e i figure out and fully test hurdles then specify timeline and charge.
  4. I do agree on that, atleast some devices are delivered and its the light of hope. I just wish though if FX can give us some realistic picture, and if any help we can do eg. financially.
  5. Hmm..... Same old fight is started all over again. I dont think picking at @EskeRahn will get anyone their devices. But i do want to say that EskeRahn dont make this mistake of saying "and they might not even get to that point until after (or best case very short before) Christmas". because same thing was said in mid sep that just two more weeks, and then in october that just by the end of october and so on.... Lets just say we dont know when, could be 6 months or more. and for me its doesnt count whatever next date or time is given, i will only be certain when i will
  6. Ok i thought you are addressing me, it also added up when i asked you: Posted Wednesday at 11:17 PM and your reply was: well if you were not addressing me that i must got confused and in that case i would need to apologize to you. also because EskeRyan quoted me and you quoted his quote for that post. it looked to me as you are addressing me
  7. I would like to say that i no longer worry about when will my pro 1 will be shipped. its been too long and i dont see any point to ask because whatever reply i get from fx tec never turned out to be the case. i have been promised several times a date and it passed. i guess there are reasons and problems they are facing that has caused delay. after all fx tec is doing business and their best interest is to ship and sell. but i wish they could be more open about it. and i dont see the point anymore to discuss it in this forum because its not helpful either. i will just say i dont expec
  8. i would think that it fx email has said its been looked at and fixed in the new batch then it should be fixed, provided that what is said is true.
  9. Realistically i dont think most of remaining pre orders will be shipped before xmas, unless FX does something extraordinary, Dont know why we are circling around batches where no one really know which batch we are in. It would be much better if we were just been given a que number and the updates would rather be where upto the que is shipping this week or next.
  10. I dont get it. what it means is that the batch 1 people who have already received their devices with the issue of light bleed? no one mentioned that but if this issue was fixed before sending batch1, they fx shouldve been on track to shipp all pre orders by end on nov
  11. Yes read it, i was not an offer to anyone. it was directed at fx if they can prioritize and send me my order. infect reading all the comments about how the price fx has set is so low for them to move things faster, it was my suggestion that for someone like me who is willing to pay more. but it was not an offer. even the word willing is not an offer. but the offer i made of 2k was serious offer.
  12. and please get the facts right, i did not offered previously 3k or anything, its the first time i made the offer of 2k.
  13. You don't know even the half of the story about this ebay auction
  14. What kind of non sense are you talking? what negative idea?
  15. So maybe ill remind what was said in the email asking for payment
  16. yep, its also sad some abuse honest people
  17. I dont think any one can be that fool to spend 20k on something that will last one or two years
  18. i don't think its worth 2k its just me who is willing to spend that much
  19. Well its not very funny Especially for someone who gets an email to pay immediately in order to get device before October. and its December now
  20. I did, but they are not interested
  21. Well I offer to pay $2000 plus the shipping cost. Message me if anyone is interested in selling
  22. Well i give up on all this! Now the next date given is 20th dec to me. i dont think its coming in next few months. what a nightmare and such a waste of time and money!
  23. well i have bought tons of stuff from ebay over the last many year. i never had any bad experience, no where near as with this FX Tec
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