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Everything posted by QWERTYAndreas

  1. This is exactly why i am interested in the device (other than the physical keyboard, but my BB key2 solves that perfectly already) Well, that PC is vastly more powerfull than what you would get on a phone with ARM emulating x86, for quite some time.. So don't get your hopes up. If you are into gaming, the GPD lineup of devices will cover you way better. WoA on the Fxtec would be quite good for productivity, "docked desktop use" etc. But not for gaming. But i really can't find any information on development status, only that the telegram group is quite dead :/
  2. Im Talking about running full blown Windows 10 Desktop enviroment on 950XL, not just Windows 10 Mobile 🙂 My 950XL can currently dual-boot windows 10 mobile and windows 10 ARM. But i see you are mainly talking about windows 10 mobile, which, unfortunatly, is quite dead as a mobile OS 😕
  3. It works very well on the Lumia 950XL, but it lacks quite a lot on the CPU department unfortunatly. x86 and x64 have emulation, even thou slow, on WoA. I ran CB R23 on my 950XL WoA, even thou the score was quite unimpressive 😅 But i follow the f(x)tech with a close eye, even thou i can't find much information w.r.t. progress.
  4. Just joined it 🙂 It is really, really interesting!
  5. Hi I saw the campaign on the Pro1 X, and that there might be Windows on ARM (WoA) in development. This is really exciting! If this ends up working, i will buy this device in a heartbeat. I currently have a Lumia 950XL with WoA, and it runs really really well - despite the very outdated hardware, limited storage and limited RAM. All these problem will be solved with the Pro 1 X 😃 Furthermore the ability to have display out over HDMI out (which unfortunatly does not work for the 950 XL as of now), could really turn this phone into something really interesting and really good.
  6. Look at Windows on arm on lumia 950 xl, and/or GPD in - its already here. The issue is that Office is NOT good - you are restricted to simple applications like Microsoft Office and the like
  7. That is actually quite interesting! However its still android, and Will still miss the desktop applikations - which is quite important for productivity in my case. Microsoft Office with a browser simply wont do.
  8. Hi There have been Some talking About other OS's and an open downloader. As the phone supports USB C video out, it could be an interesting deplacement for an UMPC. I Know that Windows 10 ARM is unfortunatly not going to happen, according to earlier answers - Even thou the much less capable devices like the Lumia 950XL can run it just fine But are there anything else that can be used as a desktop enviroment over USB C video out? Best regards
  9. I would say this is a minor detail, which is (should) definatly not be a deal-breaker. I think its a good design, and a phone needs to be practical - yes - but also look good.
  10. Hi! First off, i think it is very nice to see a sliding phone! I have a BB keyone, but i would really like a device with both keyboard and more screen real-estate. However i have a couple of questions; I have read on the forum that it will possible support other operating systems. How about Windows 10 ARM? I know, it wont be the fastest device - and it should be optional, for the end user, like other alternative operating systems. But a small W10 device, with 4G LTE etc, would still make a very usefull UMPC.. The hardware is there, the operating system is there. However, it will still
  11. Hi! First off, i think it is very nice to see a sliding phone! I have a BB keyone, but i would really like a device with both keyboard and more screen real-estate. However i have a couple of questions; I have read on the forum that it will possible support other operating systems. How about Windows 10 ARM? I know, it wont be the fastest device - and it should be optional, for the end user, like other alternative operating systems. But a small W10 device, with 4G LTE etc, would still make a very usefull UMPC.. The hardware is there, the operating system is there. However, it will still
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