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  1. I'll be DIYing my screen repair. If you got stickers to spare I definitely need a set. Let me know if it's ok and I'll DM you my address.
  2. Lol delayed until who knows when~ This saga of delays has reached comical levels. I wish everyone in China good health and safety.
  3. Support finally responded to my email. There is indeed a queue. Why later orders are jumping it though we'll probably never know.
  4. Your wild guess sounds plausible at the very least. Still for it to take an entire month for fxtec to receive the money.. that doesn't seem right 🤔 And yeah the USA standard format is qwerty.
  5. No email received of any kind. If your order still says "processing" in your account dashboard then it's not in the 70%-fulfilled shipment.
  6. I fully understand that cutoffs will vary among countries, but that logic doesn't apply in a scenario where among people from the same country a person who ordered and paid later would get their phone earlier. Everyone who ordered and paid before that person should be included in the shipment because they are from the same country. And that's what has happened to several USA-based orders: a person who ordered and paid in September is getting their phone before people who paid/ordered before September.
  7. No harm done. There are multiple phones being mailed through my area right now, which makes it even stranger that my phone isn't included in that shipment 🙄 I paid in early August, but somebody on here who ordered in September who lives in my country got their stock assigned email so there's clearly no logic in play here. I don't subscribe to the "it's a scam" nonsense, but it's difficult not to see all this and not think that order has been reduced to a game of roulette.
  8. Support has not responded to my email. Guess they're all enjoying the lunar new year?? Still I'm failing to understand what determined the order of the 70% batch. It makes absolutely no sense why people who ordered later got their stock-assigned emails first.. somehow they jumped the queue.. if there even was a queue to begin with 🤔 I've seen multiple people who (like me) ordered in July but have reported they were not in the 70% batch. This whole order fulfillment thing has been chaos incarnate, but I doubt we'll get any sort of explanation. Oh well I guess I'll be waiting another month
  9. Same here. No stock assigned email. I ordered in early July and paid in early August. I've seen some US customers who ordered in September say they have received their stock assigned emails. Waiting forever~
  10. I ordered QWERTY 🤔 I emailed support and waiting to hear back
  11. I ordered in July and paid at the beginning of August but I have not received a stock assigned email and the order status still says processing on my account. Now I see that another US-based customer who paid September got their stock assigned email? This makes NO SENSE. I should be in the 70% of preorders. What the heck!
  12. Wait so I can order one of these and cancel my pre-order AND it will actually arrive to me by fxtec's overly optimistic "by end of January" guesstimate AND the total cost won't be much more than what I originally paid for my pre-order? That sounds too good to be true!
  13. Second batch will likely reach customer's hands sometime in December as some here have been speculating for months. I wonder why there was so much confusion and contradiction about the timeline on the team's end, especially if the team knew how many phones they could realistically ship in each batch. I expect there to be shipping delays in December on account of the usual winter holidays' mail overload, so it may be more realistic to expect second batch phones in January. I think everyone here should expect to receive their phone by the end of 2nd quarter 2020. That seems realistic g
  14. I won't blame Erik if he decides not to come back. This thread has become a nightmare. Even Liangchen is upset. I hope everyone on the f(x)tec team will take a few days to de-stress before returning with a clear head. They're all doing great work, and shouldn't let a few forum trolls and troublemakers distract them from that work. I hope folks on this thread will recognize that the f(x)tec team is doing their best to deliver. Being less than perfect communicators doesn't make them liars or scammers. They can't control delays that happen after the phones leave their hands.
  15. They definitely have over 20000 preorders. Mine is in that range. Guess I'll expect my phone next month 😅 my friends and family are starting to think I'm a sucker for holding out for this phone, but I'm not motivated to cancel because I'll lose my spot in the "queue".
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