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Posts posted by Gon009

  1. 17 minutes ago, SBurn87 said:

    Hey Community

    The title of this thread is "info on production status" . But i find every other infos but nothing about the production status.... 


    So, could someone please say if there are any informations about the 2nd batch? About more delay or about where my preordered phone is?? 

    Thanks guys

    Unfortunately Fxtec did not give much info about any other batches than the first one. There is only vague and contradicting info but it all of it mention "Mid-November". It was first mentioned as shipping date but seeing that even first batch still wasn't shipped makes me doubt that they could ship second batch mid-November. Mid-November is from 15th to 20th November according to what support wrote to me.


    Also, depending on your order number and how fast you paid after receiving the payment mail there's a chance that you phone can be included even in the third batch unless you are igg backer.

    • Like 1
  2. 23 minutes ago, david said:

    I don't see how the Nov 6th tweet and the Nov 8th tweet cannot be seen to be going backwards in progress either.   This is what we have, where "***" represents the current location of the first batch.

    Nov 6 (very close to getting a tracking number): 

    Factory-->China export customs-->InTERcontinental Shipper-->Destination Country(ies)-->Import customs-->Warehouse--***-->InTRAcontinental Shipper-->Customer


    Nov 8 Best Case (still has to go through import customs):  

    Factory-->China export customs-->InTERcontinental Shipper-->Destination Country(ies)--***-->Import customs-->Warehouse-->InTRAcontinental Shipper-->Customer


    Nov 8 Worst Case (still has to go through import customs):  

    Factory-->China export customs-->InTERcontinental Shipper--***-->Destination Country(ies)-->Import customs-->Warehouse-->InTRAcontinental Shipper-->Customer

    For me it seems like it's going backwards in progress as well. I am really worried about the PandaBearCorgi post above and I hope we will get more information about his/her emails, if Fxtec really makes problems when someone wants to cancel their order then it looks like huge problems. Fxtec could then try to delay bad news as long as possible.

    Anyway, I don't know how it is with business packages but I had a personal package sent from China recently by air. It started the journey on 4th and I got it in my hands on 7th, including customs things.

  3. 1 minute ago, PandaBearCorgi said:

    Has anybody successfully cancelled an order?

    They've sent me the same message twice trying to persuade me from cancelling and refunding my order.

    What's going on f(x)tec?

    Huh, it sounds bad. Could you share more details please? Did you ask them twice to cancel the order and twice they sent you a message instead of cancelling it?

  4. 7 hours ago, rejujacob said:

    I think the delays are mainly because many things are not in their direct control. Small company, hence maybe at mercy of various vendors...

    I am sure things will be different if there will be Pro2, with better experience and buying power...

    Except now Fxtec don't even admit that they have delays. The know things but they hide it from us, it was also like before but now it's worse. They are making even worse mistakes than before but now at least there's a high chance that people will be able to get their phones so people try to be patient for a while now. Fxtec can't learn at all and if Pro2 will ever exist then I doubt it will sell better. Let's see first if people will start buying Pro1s after they finally can be ordered without any delays, so far Unihertz Titan has more than twice of backers than Pro1 and Unihertz is a crowdfunded project so money can't be 100% safe in case of something bad. Also, if Pro1 is really about to be a long-term device, very little amount of people will buy Pro2 unless Pro2 will be announced after ~4-5 years from Pro1 release. Many people who bought Pro1 never paid so much for a phone and expect it to survive for many years, for that high price 2 years lifespan would be an insult to everyone who bought it.

    Let's see first how Pro1 will work when people will use it for a year or two. So far based on opinions of prototypes Pro1 seems to be a really good device. Maybe Fxtec are good designers but having a PR and treating customers like customers and not like brainwashed sheep is also important. For these reasons I don't expect many people wanting to go into that crapstorm ever again if Pro2 will be announced even after many years and only most devoted fans or people who didn't know about Pro1 will order it. Personally if Pro1 will be a really godly device and in ~2025 they will announce Pro2, I will wait for the general availability and then maybe buy it. I will never preorder anything from Fxtec again. 

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, david said:

    Wow.  If that is true, then maybe they are starting to under promise and over deliver.  Stating that the 2nd batch is leaving China mid-November (stated previously) could be the under promise part.  This would also make sense, as they said at an earlier point in time that they would be sending batches out within days of reach other and then it was more recently changed to weeks.  Saying it is weeks and then having people get them sooner would be a good move on their part.

    If this does end up being true, it would also make a huge difference for the company regarding Christmas sales.  My concern is if they can only get the the remaining pre-orders to customers by mid-Dec (3rd batch, assuming 2nd leaves mid-Nov and 3rd leaves end of Nov), it will result in far fewer people choosing the Pro1 for a Christmas gift than if they can get the pre-orders done around the 3rd week in Nov.

    We'd all like them to sell as many phones as possible, as it increases the ability for them to bring another phone to market.

    I guess time will tell what the real story is for how fast they can get these batches out and what the lag time ends up being from China to customer hands.

    Just to be clear, you are saying they said to expect to *receive* your phone the second week of November for the 2nd batch?  Or expect your phone to be "shipped" to you the second week of November?  The latter has lately been their way of saying it is leaving the Chinese factory.

    I am in 3rd batch and support said that phone will be delivered by end of November but honestly I don't believe that even if they exactly said "delivered". If it was true then 3rd batch should leave factory next week but we all can be sure that 2nd batch is probably still in factory. However support also told me that they aren't being told about everything what is happening with shipments and I guess it is a person above them who creates confusion.

    All that confusion is probably because people in Fxtec who handle contracts with factory/shipment companies are trying to hide everything what isn't related to first batch from people like it is some sort of national security thing. Support and probably also Eric aren't allowed to know what is happening. So small company, so many secrets...

  6. 7 hours ago, ichbinsinaction said:

    aI imagine this being the first batch, those are 20 devices on the top, so I'd expect 100 devices per box, which would equal to 600 devices in the first batch. If we are talking about 1000+ IGG backers, a litte more than half of those will receive their device in the next week or so.

    Also, if you are interested:

    The support confirmed me that they expect my device (regular order 38xxx, paid mid-october) to be delivered by the end of this month.
    I will "most certainly" receive it before Christmas. I'm slightly pessimistic about the end of this month for regular orders but I believe them with Christmas.

    This means that they really expect to get all preorders shipped by this month.

    On Chen video it was clearly seen that the box can contain only one row of boxes. Also, 600 would be too many considering the fact that there aren't even 3000 orders, paid or unpaid.

    After pressing support a little I also got an answer, my order (22xxx) is also supposed to be delivered by the end of this month and is in "second mass batch" so it's in third batch. It seems that second batch is about to cover all igg guys and some amount of earliest non-igg preorders. Mid-November for Fxtec is from 15th to 20th, so it means three weeks after supposed shipping date of 29th October but we all know that they still didn't ship and probably may ship by the end of this week, so it's closer to 1 week between batches if support and Fxtec say the truth. However it could also be "shipping to warehouses" date and it would be a shame. Is worries me that Fxtec doesn't write much about anything else than first batch, second batch should be leaving the factory already and they should write about it.

    Also, I won't trust that phone will be delivered by the end of this month. As I told before, mid-November is 15th-20th for them, it's probably the expected date of second batch shipping. If there was a chance for third batch to be delivered by the end of the month, they should ship it at the latest by 25th, 23rd and 24th are weekend days, which means that this batch should arrive directly after second batch which in my opinion is just impossible by looking at how Fxtec handles things. By looking at things I guess that these "mass batches" contain around 1000 phones each.

    Also, support told me that they aren't being told much details which is a huge shame. I really appreciate that they were honest and even said that they know that this leads to additional confusion. People from Fxtec(not support) who know everything and can give answers we need prefer to whine on twitter that people are angry and start calling them liars(which is understandable that people get angry at looking how they treat own customers and are dishonest at least) instead of telling what is happening to least to other Fxtec staff so they can answer, and also they focus only on first batch people ignoring everyone else.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2

    39 minutes ago, elvissteinjr said:

    Indiegogo + QWERTZ, nothing.


    This is old, but I'd have expected this small batch to cover all Indiegogo-coupon orders after this statement in all honesty.

    Basing on amount of IGG backers and amount of orders of Pro1s, if everyone from IGG bought phones then around 50% of all orders would be with IGG coupon. The first batch boxes they sent us contained 120 phones and it seems probable looking at the fact that all the time Fxtec says that first batch is extremely small.


    Chen post about the situation is yet another mistake from Fxtec but because I don't want to spoil the mood of people who received emails(even if they should already get tracking codes on 29th October but anyway..) I won't comment any further on that topic.


    Congrats for all who will finally have their phones!

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    • Sad 1
  8. 9 hours ago, silversolver said:

    Seriously people, just chill and await the awesomeness. Whether it comes next week, or the next, or barely in time for Christmas, it will be awesome. Focus on the awesome, not on the wait.

    Or maybe not at all. We can't be sure if Fxtec will fulfill all orders looking at their history of dishonesty. No one got their tracking codes and phones were supposedly already shipped 5 days ago(and only in Asia). Also Fxtec said that case doesn't exist AFTER shipping deadline so I won't be surprised by anything at this point now. And these are only most recent things. I wouldn't be surprised if only few hundred people got their phones and the rest was refunded. Also, calling people toddlers shows how immature you are.

    For me the point now is not "I want the phone now" but I want honest information and no lies, numbers, amount of batches, which batch has which order numbers inside, shipping deadlines and maybe even tracking numbers of batches during transit to warehouses and maybe even how many units they are making. Fxtec already made countless mistakes and they show that they learn nothing, even more, they are making even worse mistakes. Also they don't even admit their mistakes now. I want to know what is happening with my ~670 euros. If it's going to be revealed that Fxtec needs to refund people money because they weren't able to fulfill all orders then all of this will be a huge waste of time and nerves. Fxtec is not a charity company, we gave them money and i want to know what is happening with that money. The fact that they abuse their position of being the only one who is creating landscape slider now and they know that people have literally no other choice is just disgusting. Yeah, Fxtec is not Samsung or Apple but also it means that there is no complex structure in that company. These's no big CEO who has other officers, who have other subordinates who have other subordinates who finally can tell people about current situation, no. Also they sure follow every part of manufacturing and know exactly what is happening. Would a startup like that just tell the factory "Manufacture x phones for me and ship them to warehouses"? No, even Chen is visiting factory from time to time. They have to follow what is happening or else it will be a disaster. It also means that they know exactly what is happening with our orders, that the case won't exist etc. It also means that they have knowledge to tell us about everything, about every problem etc. but they are being dishonest and they are doing this knowingly. They finally took a step forward when people started cancelling their preorders but quickly they made few steps back again. The other problem is that many on the forum are trying to be white knights for Fxtec and are trying to give an excuse for every mistake Fxtec makes with the explanation "it's a startup", "just wait" etc. and without any other valid point. If this was a charity company, I wouldn't even care about mistakes but they aren't a charity company. They took money, they told things that turned to be invalid few times, they are vague, they know that there are people demanding answers but they ignore them knowingly. To be clear, I'm sure that my money is safe, I'm not afraid of this and I don't think of Fxtec as a scam anymore. However I'm not sure if they can fulfill what they told they are doing and they won't answer that or will answer with "soon" which is as good as no answer. What is more, if they know that they won't fulfill some orders, they aren't going to admit that at all until it's all too late. Numbers please.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 6
  9. Does anyone in Asia have even received their tracking codes? I can't believe that you guys from Asia first batch aren't writing "I have a tracking number" all over the forum yes. I start wondering if these phones were really sent to customers... I can't believe that these people are just silent, so far it seems that only early preorder number igg backers will receive their phones in first batch and these must be die-hard fans who wouldn't miss an opportunity to write about their tracking number on forums. Fxtec told that they sent phones yet nobody seems to have received any tracking numbers... I guess they are covering yet another delay just because they want people to think that at least few phones were really sent on 29th...

    I think that the chance of ever getting Pro1 for me is really low and there can very small number of Pro1s. Honestly, all they talk is "first batch first batch" that is confirmed to be really small and after looking at photos and last video(which clearly shows that boxes can only have one row of Pro1 boxes) there can be only 120 phones. What about everyone else? Is anyone except igg backers have a chance to get their phones? Please send people emails in which batch they are and when these batches are expected to ship(and to really ship to customers, not just being shipped from HongKong to warehouses in other continents like your current 29th October "shipping" date is). So far we are not sure that Pro1s will be shipped to anyone else because anything that not includes first batch is extremely vague.

    • Like 1
  10. After seeing that they admitted that case doesn't exist after they already maybe started shipping phones... I would never imagine that they would fall down that much...

    Sleeve is useless. Case at least is there to take some amount of the impact if the phone drops. Of course all drops will be accidental, because of haste, lack of attention. To use the phone you must take off the sleeve, before that operation there will be little chance for phone to be dropped unless someone has a hole in pants pocket. In my opinion, sleeve could be only useful if one wants to hold a phone in a pocket together with keys or other sharp objects(I don't even plan doing something like this), in every other situation it will be useless...

    • Like 3
  11. 7 minutes ago, Keyahnig said:

    I honestly don't see any reason to be disappointed or upset. They said they start shipping the first batch on the 29th. They already started shipping.

    I don't know why people are saying there's a delay.

    Lol, I said that they will have an excuse for anyone realizing that there's a delay and I was right, we didn't even need hours for someone to come up with that.

    If they shipped a single Pro1 I guess people would also say "but they started shipping!".

  12. 28 minutes ago, elvissteinjr said:

    I'll be honest, this little update came with a minimal disappointed.
    Everything is "on track" to start shipping to customers tomorrow. Except it's suddenly just the ones outside EU and US at first, while you made it sound like the phones would've been at the warehouses there by tomorrow already before. Let alone that before it also seemed like you weren't fully sure how to handle those "rest of world" order shipping at first, but now they're the first to ship.
    This all makes sense logistically, but I don't want to lie and say I'm feeling extremely happy about this update. I'm being very nitpicky on my end, but it's been a tough ride.
    I've also had a glimmer of hope of perhaps not getting delivery held up by the upcoming holiday, but looks like it will not get close to that anyways.

    There are QWERTZ devices in the first batch, right? I think that was mentioned before, but is it still the case?
    Are these "rest of world" orders queued the same as the other two regions? From my casual observation, there were not many users who publicly said they had a pre-order from this region. I don't expect to get this answered, the thought of late orders there getting their device first would be weird.

    It's just a phone... but what a phone it is. Makes me hard to write this stuff without coming off as super mad. I'm a little bummed at best with a bit of curiosity, don't get me wrong.

    Phones should arrive in warehouses already two weeks ago, they have an insane delay but they are hiding it with shipping whatever they have to Asia customers to keep their 29th promise. I guessed that they will ship first batch on 29th and then say "but we started shipping already" to everyone else but it's even worse, it's just first batch Asia customers, probably something like few dozen devices at most. Now they will have an excuse to anyone saying that there's a delay.

    For me it's still a tough ride and a lesson to the end of the life to never go into anything like that when it comes to devices needed in daily life. Some hobby things? Yeah. Games? Ok. But phones? Never again. Delays and delays, lying that everything is on track, non-specific answers from support and lack of any communication about what is happening. With that attitude I don't expect Fxtec to succeed. My current phone barely works, it was already meh two months ago but now it's barely usable. I already keep myself from buying a new phone now because this would be waste of money. Never again, I guess there's a reason why BB Key2 is still being sold that much despite being overpriced and having unsure future. Still, I don't care about these ~120 phones from the first batch because it just covers little part of all orders. Unfortunately is seems like many people here are first-batchers so Fxtec ignores the rest.

    The reality will start once finally they ship all pre-orders and orders(I guess they won't be able to finish it before 2020) and we will see if they really created a phone that can handle at least 5 years to make its price tag worth it or if they created a toy that will barely handle 2 years.

    • Like 1
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    25 minutes ago, Keyahnig said:

    it depends on how fast you paid. it doesn't matter when you pre-ordered

    It matters when your preordered because they were sending emails in order. I am at 22XXX pre-order and paid 3 minutes after receiving the email and my phone will be shipped not earlier than Mid-November. I emailed them about it once but they wrote a response that was totally false with what they said and how their system worked.

  14. 37 minutes ago, abielins said:

    It's not even that expensive! The cheapest new iPhone you can get is $999 while the Pro1 is only $729 right now.

    But IPhones are overpriced. IPhones are not that bad but if someone wants an IPhone for sake of using it, IPhone 6 or 7 are the way to go and they are cheaper than Pro1. New IPhones are for people who want to show everyone that they have enough money to walk around with newest phone from Apple brand. F(x)tec is hardly a well-known brand.

    Unihertz Titan will be a MediaTek Helio P60/6GB/128GB phone and it costs ~33-40% more than a Chinese slab with comparable internals and less than 50% of Pro1 price. Pro1 costs 100% more than a Chinese slab with comparable internals and goes into into Galaxy S10+ price range(which basically becomes a new IPhone-like phone in the market) and still costs more than Chinese phones with SD855+ and 8GB RAM and almost 4k mAh batteries. I'm not saying that Pro1 should cost the same as Chinese phones because it's impossible, the phone has bigger functionality than slabs but the price currently is insane anyway. Fxtec knows that currently there are no alternatives if anyone wants landscape slider. Titan is at least a competitor to BlackBerry phones so they can't just put any price tag. Yeah, there are phones that cost even more than Pro1 and probably won't be supported after 2 years but their hardware is newest possible, it's the same like with everything, if you want a top-tier PC or a car then you have to pay extra, however you can just buy something slightly less powerful and save tons of money. Titan is currently more popular than Pro1. Anyone wanting a qwerty phone will buy a Titan. Only people who absolutely want only a landscape slider will buy Pro1.

    Another problem is release date, the phone is becoming worth less and less and constant delays don't help at all. In current state I guess that the phone will be available for "order now, get a week later" maybe in December if not in 2020. Pro1 will meet the same fate as old landscape sliders, high price for average internals after release.

    Pro1 will be worth that price if F(x)tec is going to support it for at least 5 years and with parts for even longer. Also, it has be a top-notch design that won't fall apart after at least 3 years of heavy abuse.

    There's one part that you just can't buy and store for 5 years and that's a battery, people can't found which battery model Pro1 has even when having its numbers. If Fxtec goes out of business and they made a custom battery then we are all in deep mud. So far Fxtec didn't write anything about the battery. If it's custom then people who are good with repairing phones will be able to do some hacky stuff and put a different battery there but everyone else will have to buy a new phone.


    Btw. about your Iphone 11 price, check this:


  15. 30 minutes ago, Erik said:

    Skynet Worldwide Express is only used for shipments to one country - Russia. They have the ability to pass packages to established Russian couriers such as Pony Express and others. This ensures our orders arrive in Russia, which is a known destination with customs and courier complications.

    For the rest of the globe, we are using either DHL, UPS, FedEx, DPD or Royal Mail.

    Thanks for clarification. I was worried that everyone will get inferior service.

  16. 8 hours ago, gogasan said:

    I've asked them about it someday via email. They said that they will ship with "Skynet Worldwide Express".

    Oh great, instead of choosing a DHL or another respectable company they chose this. In my country their only partner(which will probably handle the package) is not good and there are many negative opinions about it. I heard about often delays from that company. Also, no option to pick up the package in favorable location like other companies and I'm not home when couriers deliver packages. Just great... another thing that makes me lose any faith in Fxtec.

  17. Message from the 1st October, 3 days before announcing October 29th as shipping date:

    (...) we only have an expected window within which we will have our devices in the fulfilment warehouses (US, EU). As my colleague mentioned, this is expected to happen between (not after) 1-2 weeks from today.(...)



    Message from the 15th October:

    Stock from the first batch is leaving the factory on it’s way to the fulfilment warehouses next week, so we’ll most definitely be ready for shipping on the 29th (or before but I don’t want to overpromise). (...)


    Also from the same post:

    (...) We’re quiet because we don’t have anything new to say – everything is currently going as expected and there isn’t any change in plans that would potentially need announcing. I will see if we can post an email update, although I don’t know how different it would be as it’s all going according to plan.


    Noice, so delays in leaving the factory are according to plan. I know what's going to happen: fxtec will do everything to ship the first batch(which is very limited in quantity, probably will be exclusive to igg backers) and any delays after that(which will happen) will be swept under the rug "because we already started shipping".

  18. I think now all this doesn’t matter because by now we shouldve already had pro1 in our hands. so what i really am interested only is to get the news about its shipped.


    This time FX has assured very much that shipping will be before or by 29th october.


    So lets really hope that we get our orders shipped by 29th october.


    This time i am really hopeful that it will be shipped by 29th october.


    As a pre-order 22###, who got payment email 50 hours after the first info about starting payments, I paid in 3 minutes, I can tell you that fxtec wrote to me that my preorder will be shipped in mid-November. If you aren’t <10000 pre-order or didn’t have the coupon then I guess there’s no chance to get phone shipped before the end of October. If you pre-ordered sometime after everyone already got their emails then maybe it will be shipped before the end of November.

    I don’t think this is the case. The second batch should cover most of the phones, and FxTec said that it will be done a week after or so. So it should not make a big impact. But I know the feeling, cancelled my preorder and did a new one because adress change wasn’t possible. Didn’t knew it was relevant for the delivery date… However a week more or less does not hurt me.

    Information about mid-November was directly from fxtec support. They called it "shortly after first batch". Mid-November is 2-3 weeks after 29th October.


    Eske, if you want to delete all posts about the pre-order number discussion you should delete post #39116 too(your post) because it creates unnecessary confusion.

  19. This number it’s just wordpress post_id, e.g., there is could be pages, maybe forum threads or tread thread replies before your number, so just do not think there are >22k pre-orders.


    Of course I know that, of course there are less orders and preorders but how to check it and how many there are of them is something that we discussed in discord that it shouldn't go into public. You don't have to play "smart" because you know this.

  20. I think now all this doesn’t matter because by now we shouldve already had pro1 in our hands. so what i really am interested only is to get the news about its shipped.


    This time FX has assured very much that shipping will be before or by 29th october.


    So lets really hope that we get our orders shipped by 29th october.


    This time i am really hopeful that it will be shipped by 29th october.


    As a pre-order 22###, who got payment email 50 hours after the first info about starting payments, I paid in 3 minutes, I can tell you that fxtec wrote to me that my preorder will be shipped in mid-November. If you aren't <10000 pre-order or didn't have the coupon then I guess there's no chance to get phone shipped before the end of October. If you pre-ordered sometime after everyone already got their emails then maybe it will be shipped before the end of November.

  21. This reply: https://www.fxtec.com/forums/topic/direct-emails-from-fxtec-that-i-have-been-authorized-to-share/ is the reply I wanted. It's not super precise but precise enough for me. It gives more light on everything than just saying "soon".

    I want to ask why something like this is sent only to certain people when they ask? Seriously, this info is SUPER important and for me it makes a huge difference because it gives some ideas about the project status. Why didn't Fxtec team write it in public until someone put the email on the forum?


    Seriously, all that outrage is made by the Fxtec team themselves. They have the data and information, they just don't share it with us. Anyway, I'm glad that they finally let us know more about the status of Pro1.

  22. What Erik wrote is nothing but another “we want”, “we estimate”, “we plan”.

    And what DO you want then? Do you prefer a “promise”? And if so what if that -for whatever reason- can not be fulfilled? The Guillotine? The lions?


    Get real please. The best anyone can do is an estimate. Sure their estimates have been rather poor. But as I have no info on what actually caused the delays, I do not know if these delays are something they ‘ought’ to have anticipated.


    I guess ANY startup is quite likely to fall into a number of pitfalls that companies with a long product history does not fall into every time.


    If you do not want to wait, well then you are free to request a refund.


    Numbers. Data. What is their progress with licencing, certificates, how much of phones are already during packaging(percentage), how many of them are being shipped to London etc. How much of their contract with the factory is completed. Can we even know that they won't experience the same difficulties with shipping. How they will ship it, we paid quite a big amount of money for shipping. What difficulties they are facing now. I don't want photos from the factory that could mean everything, I want data. We know about FCC certificate only because people are mining all sources to find any information. So far it looks like their communication with the factory looks like "We want to produce phones", "Ok, we will do it", "So, is production going well?", "Yes, soon, phones will materialize inside of DHL transports once they are ready". I doubt that as a startup they just throw money at the factory, at people who organize shipment etc. and don't care to know what is happening.

    The problem with what Eric said is that they tell the same things again. "Sorry, delay, we expect to ship in early/mid/late-{select a month you want}".

    He may tell the truth this time. Or not and in mid-October will get get another post like that. Or maybe before October only people with coupons will get the phone. He didn't support his post with data to convince us.

    If there was another landscape slider available now I would just cancel my pre-order and get it. Be it MediaTek >2cm brick, I don't care. I won't cancel it just because if I want a hardware keyboard now, there's no choice but to wait. I guess this is the only reason why Pro1 isn't ending in a refund disaster and they know it, that's why there's so little communication even when half of the forums(and who knows how many people outside of forums) already got angry. Hell, even if Unihertz Titan was available to buy now to get it within a week, I would buy it even if I dislike portrait keyboards. Now I will wait, if Pro1 doesn't arrive till January 2020 I will just buy Titan instead. Or maybe something other if suddenly someone jumps in with a hw keyboard phone. Whoever ships first, wins.

    • Like 1
  23. So we are delayed again to mid or late October? Honestly I don’t know what to think of that.


    Will they tell us if we’re in the first or second batch?


    Really hate the obscurity going on, not kidding I feel like a fool right now. Even if it is just another week…

    ...or two weeks if mid-October for them is 3rd week of October.


    Also, is first batch production batch or shipping batch? From what was told on maemo forum over a month ago the first batch of production was already almost ready then and was very limited in quantity. It would be disappointing if the first batch said in the post is actually a production batch, probably reserved only to people with the coupon code or who got their payment emails first. Could you clarify, Erik-FX?


    And then what, mid-November? Early-December? Late-December? 2020?

  24. I had to change my delivery address last week. They confirmed immediately and confirmed that I will receive my order next week or latest the week after. I ordered my phone in March and paid by end of July.

    That means that shipping should begin immediately during the next week(which starts tomorrow) if they are so confident to say that it can arrive next week. In my country, a DHL package takes ~5 working days to arrive(which would be here in Monday the week after next one) unless they send it via DHL express which reduces it to 3-4 days.

    We would be happy if you could show us the email. I paid on 2nd August because the payment email didn't arrive after 48 hours and I had to write to support, I hope it wasn't too late...


    If it's true and there won't be any more delays then it's a great news.

  25. Yes, you are correct that the date keeps getting pushed back. But face it, we’re throwing money at a small company which has (basically) no experience handling a project like this. They’ve just started and I, for one, am going to give them the benefit of the doubt. This is no Samsung with their huge ass marketing machine, or dozens upon dozens of engineers pumping out batch after batch of prototype.


    If I don’t get my phone, sure, that fucking sucks. But this is kind of like dealing with a stock exchange: you might get burned. Deal with it. If you don’t want to take the chance, cancel your order. But let’s make a deal: you can laugh in my face if the phone gets cancelled and I lose my money. I get to laugh in your face when the thing lands on my doorstep. Waddaya say?


    You forgot about one, very important thing. This is not a crowdfunding project on kickstarter or indiegogo (even Fxtec team pointed that out in email to someone lately) but a valid preorder/order. There should be no "dealing with a stock exchange" thing. If this was a crowdfunding project I would probably not support it because it allows for that "gamble" thing. Ordering and backing are two different things.

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