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Posts posted by EvilDragon

  1. On 11/7/2020 at 7:38 PM, benoitjeffrey said:

    I had the exactly same problem after replacing my screen, this is a driver issue, just ask fxtec support they will send you the links and the guide how to do it, they won't tell you but this include a complete factory reset so don't forget to backup your things

    Do you happen to have the links / information available somewhere?
    I'm not sure how fast the team does reply these days :)

    On 11/7/2020 at 2:53 PM, _DW_ said:

    I would say that is desirable behavior! 😄  I would guess it is driver related and its been changed.  Maybe someone can confirm on stock?  I no longer have it installed.

    Haha, I know what you mean 😄
    I would agree (and love the margin function on Lineage), however, the margin is WAY too much here, about 7 - 9mm margin.
    I can't even properly use the WhatsApp record button anymore 😉

  2. While it's not directly related to LineageOS, I thought I might ask here as well, as it might be something that can be added:

    You can read more details about my issue here:

    Basically, I bought replacement screens from China from multiple vendors. They work fine, but they don't react to touches on the edge of the screen.

    I first thought the touchscreen is unresponsive - but that's not it: when I enable the function in the developer mode that shows the coordinates and draws your touches on the screen, I noticed that I can slide to the edge of the screen without any issues and 100% accurate.

    So it's only touches that are not being recognized - as soon as you slide there from further in, it works perfectly.

    According to some replies in the thread I made above, it seems to be a driver issue (the touchscreen is probably a slightly different model) and that the support team can send instructions how to fix this with a reflash (which also does a factory reset).

    I can't think of a reason why this would be necessary for a driver update - but I'm not using stock but LineageOS anyways, so I thought I'd ask here:
    @tdm: Are you aware of such a driver change? Maybe this would be something that should be included in the next LineageOS versions as well?
    I'll try to find out more about it - but maybe you know about that already or have an idea what this could be :)

    • Thanks 3
  3. Oh, interesting information. I'm on LineageOS, so I'll ask if there's a way to fix this without a full reflash by just updating the driver.

    What's interesting is that I have multiple screens here. Some work without any issues - and some have exactly that issue. With the same OS.
    So it seems there's a different model and they updated the driver later on... hmm..

    Thanks for the information :)

  4. I received a Pro 1 back from a customer with the exact same issues:
    Microphone issues and non-working hall-sensor.

    I completely disassembled it. The good news: The hall sensor (and probably also the microphone, didn't check) is sitting together with the USB port on an extra PCB which is connected to the mainboard.

    That's an awesome design - as it means that you can even fix ripped out USB ports easily by simply replacing that small extra PCB!

    Now... we just need to get hold of the PCBs.

    I've contacted the team a week ago, as I want to stack them so I can offer replacement parts as well as offer a replacement service as well.
    Still waiting for a reply (they're probably busy now), but if these small PCBs can be bought, it's a very simple repair :)

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 3
  5. Hm, this is becoming a bit of a problem it seems.

    I have 15 replacement screens here, from two different china distributors.

    They work - but don't react to taps on the curved edges, which is very weird.
    An earlier sample I got from China worked fine - so I guess the hardware has been changed.

    The weird thing is: Only taps are affected. If you touch the screen at the edge, it will show no reaction. But if you touch it in the middle and slide to the edge, the edges work fine and accurately (can be tested with the developer settings in Android).

    I wonder how this can be... could it be they need a slightly updated touchscreen driver?

    It doesn't seem like hardware... or could it?

    • Thanks 1
  6. I'm not sure if this is related to LineageOS or something else, but I have a small problem with Bluetooth:
    I've got a headset (Shure) which is also recognized as headset (you can see that from the symbol).

    However, all apps (Audio Recorder, WhatsApp, etc.) I tried always use the internal phone microphone instead of the headset one.

    When I connect a wired headset, this works fine - it's only an issue with Bluetooth.

    Any ideas?

  7. Ha, thanks a lot! Both worked.

    I tried top before - but didn't see anything special. But checking the log for crashes I could see that Android Auto was constantly crashing... removing and reinstalling it stopped the battery drain and made it work again.

    Totally forgot about that as I didn't use my car since then 🙂

    So yeah, it seems the update made all Google Apps crash. Is there a reason to prevent that?
    Reinstalling the Google Apps each time wouldn't be an issue - but I need to redo the configurations each time as well, which is a bit annoying :)

    • Like 4
  8. Okay, I'm not sure what I am doing wrong, but it seems I still have quite a bit of issues.

    My upgrade path was a long way... from early testing builds until the first official nightly and two days ago, I flashed to the latest nightly.

    The first nightly was working pretty good for me. Long battery time, no real bugs. I have never used the fingerprint reader though.

    Seeing that the fingerprint reader should work pretty well with the latest nightly, I decided to upgrade, and that's where my issues begin.

    First: What's the best way to upgrade?
    I simply tried to update the rootfs with the latest nightly, thinking it should keep my google apps.

    That's when the first problem happened: Google Play Services were constantly crashing.

    So I reinstalled them with MindTheGapps.

    They didn't crash anymore - the PlayStore always complained that it doesn't work. So I uninstalled all upgrade for the Google apps - which made them work again (of course, I also tried deleting cache / data before that as well).

    Okay. So Google Apps are working again.

    However, now I do have a huge battery drain. The About 1% per 10 minutes when the phone is lying on the table with screen off, etc.
    According to the battery monitor, it's not an app that drains the battery. And I didn't have the issue with the first nightly - and upgrading hasn't changed my apps.

    Then I tried to use the fingerprint reader. It works fine - but unfortunately, it forgets the registered fingerprints on a reboot.

    So these are my two remaining issues: Battery drain and forgetting fingerprints on reboots.

    Is there something I can do to debug this (is there a tool that can report what REALLY eats up my battery?)

    Or should I backup everything, go back to factory settings, check if everything is fine and then reinstall the system?

    Thanks for your help 😄

  9. 10 hours ago, Slion said:

    Just tried it and it's way too complicated to setup for my taste.

    Hm, what's so complicated about it?

    Took me about 20 minutes to setup everything the way I like after installation... and then you never need to do it again.

  10. On 5/9/2020 at 5:42 PM, Craig said:

    I also use Nova.  But what I'd want ideally is a launcher that doesn't rearrange things when going from landscape to portrait.  Just keep the icons where they are and rotate them in place.  And dont rotate the wallpaper (if present).

    That's why I switched to Total Launcher where you can define two totally different layouts for portrait and landscape.

    Way better than Nova 🙂

    • Like 3
  11. 1 minute ago, Hook said:

    Do you reinstall the Gapps package each time?  I do and my updates are always smooth.  They should be preserved with each update, but I don't trust that and haven't for any ROM. I used to do the same thing when dirty flashing (updating) Dirty Unicorns and on my LOS 14 Tablet.

    I haven't experienced any problem with hearing calls.

    Yes, I did that, but for some reason, it still happened. But as mentioned, that was fixed by reinstalling the programs, no big deal.

    The problem with hearing calls is that I have no idea how to troubleshoot that on Android.

    On Linux, I would simply test all output devices to see if it might be the speaker that's faulty, but with Android, I don't even know where to start 🙂

  12. Oookay, I updated Test 13 to Test 15 which really has messed up the installation a bit.

    All Google apps (and a few others like Skype) stopped working and crashed all the time.
    The fix was to remove and reinstall them all, so that is okay now.

    However, one issue remains:
    In phone calls, I can only hear the called when I switch to speaker mode or use a headset.
    The internal speaker is disabled for some reason.

    Any idea how to troubleshoot or fix this?

  13. Okay, did the update and think I fixed most of the issues.

    The Corona App did work after I manually updated the Google Play Services using the latest APK from apkmirror.
    No idea, why it didn't work before though, probably a bug in the Play Services version I was using.

    Additionally, I reinstalled supersu - which made the AudioDAC Booster work again.
    I do remember that I installed this as someone suggested that this can fix some audio issues - so this probably was what fixed the WhatsApp issue I had (I need to check and confirm this though). If that's the case, then there's a bug with the current LineageOS version which could be fixed by checking what the AudioDAC Booster does :)

    Finally, at least for me, the keyboard is still not correct:

    Fn + L now produces # instead of '

    So it has changed, but it's still not correct (unless I did something wrong).

    • Thanks 1
  14. 3 hours ago, Wheeljack said:

    Corona-Warn is working for me.

    I´m on Play Services 20.21.17

    Google-App is

    lineage test13 - not rooted

    Trust data protection is deactivated for Google and Play-Services

    That´s about it what I believe could be different on your Pro1.

    Edit: do you see the Corona options under Settings -> Google ?

    Nope, I don´t even have the settings, they don´t pop up.

    Hm, maybe I´ll reset to factory settings. Never did that since intalling my first LineageOS build... I always simply upgraded.

  15. 1 hour ago, tdm said:

    Apparently the German corona-warn-app is only available from Play Store in Germany (known issue on github), so I installed it from apkmirror (here).  It installs and starts fine on my device using test13 and Play Services 20.18.17.  Is there a particular function in the app that fails?

    Hm, I'm getting the error:

    "CAUSE: 3
    Something went wrong

    Error when communicating with Google API(17)"

    Details say:

    "Nearby.EXPOSURE_NOTIFICATION_API is not available on this device. Connection failed with: a(statusCode=UNKNOWN_ERROR_CODE(39507), resolution=null,message=null)"

    and a lot more stuff.

    That happens right after installation when it tries top open the API.

    I'm on Google Play Services 20.21.15, so it's even more recent than yours.

    Hm, maybe it's some of the Google stuff I froze (Google Partner Setup?) - but, hey, flashing test13 did remove my root (even though it's enabled in the developer settings), so I guess I need to reinstall su first 🙂

  16. Maybe someone here knows:

    I´ve installed the official Corona warn app from german government which uses the new expose notification framework from Google (implemented in play services 17.x and higher - I´m running the latest 20.x version).

    However, it complains that it can´t find the api - and the same seems to happen for all Xiaomi users.

    Does anyone know what´s missing here? Is this something that can even be fixed with an OS like Lineage?

  17. On 6/15/2020 at 6:43 AM, tdm said:


    Oh, I didn't know you still had or used a Pro1.  Good to see you are still here. 🙂 I should have the apostrophe on the L fixed for the next build.

    Of course :D I need a phone with a keyboard.

    Got a multiple-times-cracked screen (as it fell down multiple times on the ground without a protection... now I've got a nice leather cover :), but it's still working.
    And I've ordered a new screen already (and will also offer a replacement service later on).

    Just waiting for the team to catch-up with the orders so they can deliver more units to distributors.

    On 6/15/2020 at 6:43 AM, tdm said:

    Sorry, I don't know what could be up with WhatsApp.  Can you tell me what is the last build that worked?

    I'll try to find that out... I think I was on test12 before, as I always try out the latest version, but if it just had fixes I wasn't interested in, I might've skipped.

    It was at least a version after the audio has been fixed :)

    • Like 5
  18. Great to see you´re doing fine and that things are moving again :)

    I flashed Test13 and the keyboard on my German version is a lot better. I think the only wrong key is the apostrophe on L now.

    However, I now have the issue that recording WhatsApp  voice messages (at least with my cable headset) has problems.
    It heavily stutters. I´m not sure which version I used before (but it was one which had the audio fix already), but it worked fine before.

    Has anything been changed in that area?

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