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Posts posted by Ralf

  1. @EskeRahn@Rob. S.@VaZso - thanks, I see your point.

    So let's just hope that "something special" is indeed not a waste of resources and that f(x)tec will be able to deliver whatever it is so the momentum is not lost. At the end - and again I am speculating - it boils down to f(x)tec being a very minor customer with no importance at all for their chinese manufacturers, hence the backlog of 1 year in production.

    So yes, if "something special" generates new demand and thus bigger batches to be ordered it might actually speed up the production and delivery. I'll keep my fingers crossed and my order open ...

    • Like 6
  2. @EskeRahn I see you are confused, so let me explain a bit more.

    In my opinion ALL resources (human and financial) of f(x)tec should go toward fulfilling customer orders. No matter what the "something special" is, there is money and work spend on it. And now, imagine this "something special" is pretty cool and people want to buy it? F(x)tec can not deliver, so all the work and money invested into "something special" is just wasted.

    That is unless "something special" is just designed to funnel money out of the company as "marketing spend" and then back into the private pockets of the f(x)tec guys by such things as kickback payments from XDA.

    I repeat: if f(x)tec can not deliver the product, they should not spend on marketing but on production for existing customers! Otherwise I can only assume that f(x)tec
    (a) don't care about its customers or (b) have a hidden agenda related to make money without actually delivering anything - I can not think of any other reason, and this behavior is a pity, really.

    So please f(x)tec, invest your resources into your existing customers instead of "something special"!

    • Like 4
  3. I am actually deeply disappointed with F(x)tec about this. Shouldn't the company focus on delivering pending orders (mine is pending 10 months by now) instead of drumming up some marketing bla-bla? All this is pretty pointless if you can not actually deliver the product, so why even bother? Or maybe this is just some scam to funnel the remaining prepayments from the customer orders out of the company books via marketing payments to XDA to make the money disappear forever ...

    • Confused 1
  4. 40 minutes ago, Rob. S. said:

    Just a guess, contrary to Magisk it does nothing to conceal it and therefore makes you unable to use apps which check for root?

    No, this gives an adb shell with root permissions. So this would be for "thinkering" (eg changing otherwise unavailable settings), but not for running apps that require root. Different use cases, if you want to run apps as root you still need Magisk or some other way of running a su (=SuperUser) binary.

    • Thanks 2
  5. 3 minutes ago, Zamasu said:

    Sadly it does seem like the su addon package for lineage is going away with version 17, so Magisk might be the best option then. I think there's also an option to just make it do root without hiding stuff or using the modules.

    Wouldn't as @tdm mentioned just using adb root from the PC be enough for most use cases anyway?

  6. 12 hours ago, tdm said:

    So I'll work on those and hopefully will have a working build within a few days.  After that the bugs should fall quickly and official support won't be far off.

    Thank you for all this work! I have some questions regarding "official support": what part of your code will later go into the "official" LOS sources, is it all that is in android_device_fxtec_pro1 (this is what people call the device-tree I suppose) or are there other changes in the "generic" LOS sources needed as well?

    In other words: as long as the device code is not included in the LOS sources the builds are "unofficial", once it is included it becomes "official"?

    Also: what happens if the code became "official", but for whatever reason you stop to maintain the pro1 part. Will it be removed from the official sources?

    These are rather LOS generic questions, but I could not find this information on xda and since you are here I decided it would not hurt to ask 😉

    • Thanks 1
  7. Preface: I am sorry if this is a stupid question, please point me to any helpful information sources in that case.

    What would be the advantage of using this ROM instead of a LineageOS build without GoogleApps?

    Something along the lines of better hardware support comes to mind, but then it was my understanding that the proprietary blobs needed to support the hardware are fully available already. Otherwise LineageOS would not run on the device I'd imagine. Or are there maybe specific android software (functional) additions in the stock build that are only available that way?

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