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Posts posted by glic

  1. I see this mainly as an Android/lack of f(x)tec UI issue, because I have also ended call with my ear during the cal - it was opposite with Samsung phone and Samsung UI(and I have no previous experience with other Android phones, so I am slightly spoiled for that matter and can't understand how people could endure all of these issues). It does not help that I am trying to manually lock screen after call has been made and then for some reason it awakes after a while, when I thought  that I solved that issue - and then it leads to my ear ending the call.

    Then there is a problem with light making photos, I can't make any picture with flash(I could do that in the beginning, but not anymore). That is minor issue, as I am mainly taking pictures of nature outside with natural light, but sometimes I feel urges to illuminate something darker and get it on a picture I am unable to do that with this phone - apparently there are some settings, that are preventing me to do that, but they are hidden somewhere very deep and I just don't have enough time and energy to look further.

    Ah, and sometimes phone goes in landscape mode, which is what I expected, but UPSIDE DOWN! Even with camera and I have to physically rotate phone, so I can use it as if it is in landscape mode.

    So, I am prepared to try this phone in Sailfish mainly to solve these issues.

  2. Can someone point in the right direction to a fresh and updated solution on how to get latest Sailfish OS on this phone. I feel ready to do this step - I've waited for something more official for this phone from Sailfish, but there seems to be no information for someone who is not following this everyday.

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  3. When I am entering in my house(of flats) which is around other houses that are 4 floors houses, phone reception signal can be cut, while I am in corridor in the middle of the house. The house is not that big - probably 5m is where reception is struggling from the window. And that is in the center of 1mil city agglomeration(in UK), where signal is perfect for any phone. Sometimes I have to stand next to window to have conversation, because 2m away can cause conversation to get garbled and cut.

    Many people also were complaining that they could not hear me very well. At this point I would say that everyone I am having consistent conversations, so occasional callers just are not able to make it so far to complain.

    So, I was also curious if this is something that is affecting some phones - probably earlier batch or is this normal and nothing can be done.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, 3zet said:

    Yep, works online and you can race with PC clients of RVGL. There is even huge scene of that game, even with tournaments! Many people play with phones.

    multiplayer with PC is selling point to me - will have to check that out. I have played it PC single player and it was fun on its own and thought that with other people it might be even more fun.

    • Like 2
  5. On 3/29/2020 at 9:51 PM, silversolver said:

    I was going to drop the subject, but here we go again....one thing that I find completely and utterly disgusting is that in all of the news discussion, and all of the chatter everywhere, I had heard exactly NOTHING about wellness or nutrition, and how it can help people be better prepared to fight pathogens, until @Stucadoor2 mentioned it. NOBODY has said to take vitamins, C or otherwise. NOBODY has said to eat fresh vegetables and quality meats, both of which help the immune system. NOBODY has said to lay off alcohol or sugar, even though those are immunosuppressive. Nobody has suggested exercise, other than as a way to fight boredom by walking the dog. I think I've heard a few whining about tobacco usage, but that's it! NO other mention of wellness at all. We are a bunch of processed-food-eating, booze-swilling, sugar-chugging, fat, malnourished slobs in Western countries, so it should come as no surprise that an unfamiliar pathogen catches a lot of us with slack immune systems poorly prepared to respond to it.

    Even now, it's not too late to do some things. Eat well NOW. Take vitamins NOW. Get off your duff and get some exercise NOW. While almost everyone is waiting for the drug pushers to save them, the solution for most people is at the supermarket.  Do what you can to get healthier NOW and you can still reduce your odds of becoming a statistic. It will amaze you how much better you'll feel, too, and you may never wish to go back to your previous self.

    /rant off LOL

    There is so much misinformation flying around... and too much attention on this virus, like there are no other diseases to worry about.

    One of the solutions suggested for battling covid is about holding back immunity system, as it does a lot of damage while aggressively defending against virus. It is not always virus, that is killing organism, but reaction of organism, when it sends all the defenders, and their bodies clog the system and organism dies because of that.

    Hard Alcohol(not wines, beer or cider) has been part of medicine for centuries. Most probably it creates distraction for organism, when fighting virus - mostly for above mentioned reasons to weaken reaction of too aggressive immunity counterattacks. For me hot spirit based drink with tea has been solution for pneumonia fix, after visiting my home country, where flu season has always been stronger, than in Western countries. Not saying, that it can work with covid - it is here as an example, that spirit works as medicine, and initially it was medicine because it suppresses aggressive immunity system. Smoking was sacred ritual for American natives  - apparently all things used excessively will do harm to anyone.

    Vitamin C is damaging organism because of oxidizing processes - there is chance to take them too much and much better option would be just sticking to eating greens(or drinking fresh blood, like some Arctic people were doing with no access to greens). Lack of Vitamin C is not something that everyone should be worried about IMO.

    D vitamin intake(and ultraviolet light from Sun) would be more important - just by opening windows, if walk is not possibility - not many people have dogs to go out and not be questioned by police

    There is plenty of awareness for healthy food in Western countries - the most unhealthy eaters are always people who do not earn enough have to spend money on other things too, not only on food. And IMO Westerners eat much healthier food, than people who can't afford food. Healthy food is not cheap - however, this has nothing to do with the fact, that many old people in West(we are of yet to understand if any data that came from China are real) are dying from this disease, and they in most cases are more aware about food eating habits, than newer generations. IMO, eating habbits is not the thing, that will change the fact, that many people are living and literaly shitting on each others heads, living in unhealthy crowded cities - rivers in cities usually stinks, as they are used for canalization. As for fast-processed food - not all of it is bad - ingredients sometimes are much better than what you can buy in your shop, but cooking in oil is bad, even if unheated naturally processed olive oil is healthy, when consumed unheated.

    The most important thing is not to panic - this pandemic will pass. Some people will pass away(pardon my dark pun, but laughter and not being in stress is important for health). Pandemic probably will pass sooner, than working vaccines will be a thing. Anyway - it would be much healthier to think, that in 2021 for most people covid would not be something that they will think about. I'm not reffering, that there might be other problems in 2021, but that the covid hardly will be an issue, that will stay for years to come.


    Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine. — Lord Byron

    • Thanks 1
  6. On 3/1/2020 at 3:16 PM, divstar said:

    Honestly, I just think you wanted to vent. So it's alright. While the phone indeed does have some mistakes, most of them can be worked around and if you want a proper phone with a keyboard - the pro1 is currently as good as it gets (I still have my BB Priv, but due to a hardware lock I cannot root it and so I'd have to use an OS, which is heavily outdated).

    I also paid about 720€ and while some errors do annoy me a bit, I use this phone as my daily driver and it works as expected.

    While venting is okay, you don't even seem to be interested in fixing the issues you have with the phone. So not recommending the phone to anyone just because you have issues you do not want to resolve is a bit weird to say the least.

    It sure is your right and your choice and if you had expected the phone to be completely flawless, you probably should have waited another year or the pro2 if it is ever going to happen - or pick some keyboardless phone (though I'd argue those do have their problems,too).

    To be fair, there are more than these things, that OP posted and that are annoying. I just don't have time to compile them all - clearly they are staying with Pro1.

    0. Information on sticker with IMEI information very quickly went away.

    1. Placement of power button - it would not be fair to call it power button, as Nokia N97(with the same hinges) had lock button, so it is power/lock button, but I would rather prefer lock/power button to be near audio jack. Placement of lock/power button is not great when using with pouch, that came with phone, as screen turns on, when inserting phone there. Well, on Samsung Note lock button is on left corner and it was great for me, though, Samsung Note had physical button for returning and I was struggling hard with Android option initially, as it requires 2 tasks every time to go back.

    It makes sense only if you are left-handed user only, but I am using both hands when on phone. Anyway, with current placement this is mainly issue with Android, but might be more usable with Sailfish, but Sailfish probably won't come soon. So, that for me is on hold, as I don't care for Android.

    2. Curved screen - I am using this phone with e-ticket app on a bus - it doesn't help, that I have to be very careful and hold it so it doesn't drop, and because of rounded edges of screen I have started Camera countless times. Not really great for rush hour. I understand, that there can be software workaround to disable screen sensitivity for edges completely for some apps, but this is executive level thinking, that placed those curved edges on this phone(and did not thought about software fix) - no idea, maybe they were the only ones available or that was decision to go with the flow. Anyway, it seems, that the idea for this phone was that it will be used with open keyboard only, which is impossible in many different scenarios in real life.

    Nokia N97 had option to attack string - this phone might have benefited from that as well - not sure if that is issue with patents or some other things, but I have feeling that this phone is very fragile, when leaving home.

    3. There are keyboard issues. Technical, but there are also some issues, that prevent me using it, as I am not native English user and I do send sms and chats in my native language - even in games. English users might be oblivious about that Nokia with the same keyboard hinges provided easy native language symbols with keyboard and it was really easy to do - and this is the fact that Pro1 is still not comparable to that ease of what Nokia N97 provided for other language users of Latin alphabet(with English keyboard).

    I came to Pro1 from Samsung Note 3 with UI and bunch of software over ugly default Android interface which I avoided for years. To be fair, I was not prepared to this abomination of Android(my hate is mainly about Java) - it has gotten better, but still. I really wish, that Pro1 provided their own software that fixed those issues, or allowed configuration of phone without knowledge of Android or any other OS for that reason(not sure if they have big team to deal with all of this). It is not like Pro1 has gone out with different hardware and compatibility for different Androids - so far there is only one phone. There are plenty of companies who provide utility apps for many more phone models - and they work brilliantly.


    PS There seems, that answer to what OP has posted is either shut up and enjoy phone or accept some solution that does not work. Guys, if that is your only answer, just don't pollute this post - there must be someone who will love Pro1 much more than you do and look on these issues with opportunity to create a working solution. How you don't care for others, is not the answer that you need either. This is about frustrated user and expectations and reality with this phone are not on equal level - and that's a fact. It can be changed, but honestly - at this stage I would not recommend this phone to me either - unless some issues are fixed first. Currently it is just an investment in a toy(for me selling point was Sailfish OS promise, which will take more time than I thought), that is not at the best capacity - there is keyboard exclusivity(not of great use for nonnative English users), but that's about it. There is also that F(x)tec is new company and you would expect that there would be issues and that is reality for beginners in any field, but IMO honest feedback about all issues would always do more good, than trying to silence them, as that is not solution for all unhappy customers and company.

    • Like 1
  7. On 3/16/2020 at 4:27 PM, 3zet said:

    RVGL - Port of Re-Volt game engine. Works perfectly with keyboard!

    Wow, this is interesting - does it have multi-player capabilities?

    Anyway, do not have that much time to play with this phone properly and test things out, but I am happy that the games that I ported from previous phone, works:

    Creature Quest & Clash of Clans.

    • Like 1
  8. I had exactly the same problem, that Fedex sent me sms, that they will deliver in 28th, but this morning 24th they sent message that they would deliver today, so I had to cancel my few plans I had and stay at home - also I knew that it would be only my phone, so decided to stay. They delivered to me within 2 hours(because their depot is 20min distance with car from my home), though, even if their webpage said, that they could deliver up to 18:00. So, there were no specific time slots in any of those messages or in webpage, unless we are talking time span 9:00 -18:00, which IMO is not specific at all!

    Both of texts had different numbers, so I presume, that it might be possible to call them back and reschedule different time or at least ask about other options. Hey, congrats on getting your phone! 🙂

  9. On 1/9/2020 at 7:34 AM, rlpowell said:

    Anybody have a decent estimate as to how long I'd be waiting if I ordered a phone right now?

    When I ordered, it was pre-order and money was asked some time later and for the past 6 months there is constant promise to deliver phone in 1 month.

    Does the fxtec offer to take your money already? I would wait for some time, until they get their production issues solved.

    There seems to be some beginner issues and those can really anger customers, by giving out some unhelpful promises(that could be realistically achieved only if some magic or miracle was involved) and it doesn't really help, that customers aren't very realistic either.


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