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Chad Joan

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Posts posted by Chad Joan

  1. Current info for anyone else following this thread for battery replacement info:

    I contacted Fxtec through this form https://www.fxtec.com/contact-us about getting a replacement battery. They just got back to me and said that they have no more replacement parts available.

    (They didn't mention if this was temporary or permanent. But, at the very least, it's going to be hard to come by official batteries for now.)

    My battery has started swelling, so I will probably have to dig back through this thread to figure out which 3rd party battery is "close enough" and then do the soldering necessary to adapt it to my phone...

    (I am really thankful to everyone who shares knowledge about this stuff! Thank you!)

    • Like 2
  2. Thank you for that info!

    That's interesting... and unfortunate. I hope someone figures it out, though in that case, I probably won't wait for TWRP.

    It's looking like I should just put Magisk and get on with life.

    It also looks like the Fxtec community (maybe Fxtec themselves, too?) has me covered in terms of stock ROMs, should I ever need to reverse the process. I'm still not sure how anyone got those or if Fxtec is providing the stock ROM images, but at least such things seem to exist out in the open and are easy to obtain.

    It's awkward that I can't get everything to be the way I want and back up the whole thing, but if I can at least find a way to back up my own data (maybe root + Titanium Backup?), then putting the whole setup onto a hypothetical Pro1 replacement unit would just mean repeating the root+Magisk install and then restoring user data. That maybe isn't ideal, but (assuming the root+Magisk isn't too hard) it's not too bad, either.

  3. Thank you for those links and the advice!

    I might do that soon.

    What operations would modify the system partition?

    For clarity's sake, here's how I understood it: It's fine to modify the system partition when done with the intent to restore stock images or perform updates, but if anything like magisk/root ends up relying on something that's stored on the system partition, then an OTA update could wipe out that stored something and disable magisk/root/whatever. Please correct me if I misunderstood.

    (Even if I understood correctly, I still don't know what kind of activities/procedures might modify the system partition.)

    In the second link I saw this in the list of fastboot commands:


    fastboot flash system_a system.img
    fastboot flash system_b system.img

    ... and I'm wondering, is that the system partition?
    (Or system partitions, but just as A/B slots for the sake of release engineering.)

  4. Thank you Rob.

    I noticed the decryption was a problem. It sounds like that's an issue for backups, whether TWRP or not.

    I'm still wondering... why is decryption not handled? Is there a private key that Google/Fxtec isn't revealing, or is this just "a small matter of coding"?

    • Like 1
  5. In the "Team Win Recovery Project [TWRP]" thread it sounds like TWRP can maybe-work sometimes, but can't be used for flashing Magisk.

    In the "Got my Pro1, any ideas on root access?" thread it sounds like flashing magisk is possible without TWRP.

    So, is it possible to have TWRP and Magisk on an Fxtec Pro1 at the same time? Has anyone done this?

    (And I'm mostly looking for a situation where this is done on stock Android, but I'll grit my teeth and install another OS if it is 100% compatibile with the apps/games/utilities/Google-Fi/etc that I can use on Android.)

    TWRP is important for being able to take backups, even if it isn't used to install Magisk.

    Magisk is important for hiding root status (and perhaps other system tweaks) from certain applications. For instance, `Fate/GO` wouldn't run on my rooted Pixel until I used Magisk to make it think it was on a more "normal" system. Meanwhile, root is still useful, so I don't want to simply turn root access off.

    I'm hoping to get these installs over with soon. I'm used to the whole install-recovery-and-flash experience typically involving a data wipe. That, combined with the fact that I have absolutely no backup strategy for this phone right now, means that I am currently afraid to put any unique data on to my Fxtec Pro1 or change it very much. Thus no system updates, minimal customization/personalization, no using WeChat (it stores history locally), and so on. That then forces me to have another phone around and experience some pretty awkward workflows. I... really hope there is some way to get ahead of this stuff.

  6. Hello,

    How do I obtain root permissions on my Fxtec Pro1, using only stock OS and no custom recovery?

    I saw the "Got my Pro1, any ideas on root access?" thread already.

    It doesn't help me because I don't want to flash anything with fastboot until I have backups of my stock recovery and stock android image.

    Getting those backups seems to require root access:

    In the aforementioned thread, `Linkandzelda` seemed to have similar end-goals to mine. However, they were willing to take more risks than myself, and seemed to get Magisk installed by flashing without first creating backups. And they even lamented, "... It is a shame because I would have liked an unrooted and rooted stock backup for easy restore."

    Here's what I've tried so far:

    When I use `adb shell` to connect to my Pro1 and try to run `su`, it says "/system/bin/sh: su: not found".

    When I connect with adb and try to run `adb root`, it tells me "adbd cannot run as root in production builds".

    In one Stack Overflow post, `NgaNguyenDuy` mentions that "In some developer-friendly ROMs you could just enable Root Access in Settings > Developer option > Root access. After that adb root becomes available."
    Cool! Surely this very open hacker-friendly phone will have this enabled? Nope. I scanned the developer options carefully, and found nothing like a "Root access" option.

    This really seems like something basic that an open phone with support for multiple OSes should be able to do out-of-the-box. I hope there's something I'm missing and it's actually really easy.

    So... how do I get root on my Fxtec Pro1?

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  7. I managed to get fingerprints on the adhesive WHILE USING GLOVES. Guh.

    I must've used the wrong gloves. Or brain. Or something.

    Next time I will apply it in a more clean and open area, and will just wash my hands with really aggressive soap right before I take risks.

    So, uh, I'm with @Adrienspawn, where do we buy these things?

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