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  1. The options for extra functionality for navigation can be found at: Settings - AICP Extras - Navigation - On-screen naviation
  2. In the setting go to "System" at the bottom and then "Date & time".
  3. I got safetynet passing with magisk prop hide on LOS, but it didn't suffice AICP. So yes, please, share what you got.
  4. Just installed AICP. Still exploring, but love the extra features so far. Thanks @tdm. Your work on LOS and AICP has made the pro1 experience amazing! I found a potential bug. Looks like I can customize some advanced navigation commands. (in other words, when you long press/double tap navigation buttons.) I tried it out and it works for the most part. But I don't seem to get split screen functionality to work. Starting split screen the normal way works fine though. Navigation command for camera don't work either, but I uninstalled the normal camera in favor of gcam, so that might be on
  5. MtG: MindtheGapps, OP: OpenGapps. Two different variants of the Google program suite.
  6. I can confirm the same issue. I use Bose NC 700. It works as I can hear everything fine through the headset, but I need to hold the phone as a microphone for others to hear me. EDIT: This releates to apps (in my case Slack). The native phone app does not seem to have this issue.
  7. Thanks. This was very helpful. After doing 'adb backup' (ansering myown question above), I tried your method. Installation was without issues. Looks like setting up stuff required a bit of tinkering, but I gotten most things working. Only one banking app and Gpay not working. Good enough for me for now.
  8. Good advice. Questions: 1. Any recommendation for doing backup before beginning? 2. Is it the same install procedure for Magisk as AddonSU as oulined in the LOS docs? Most online resources for Magisk uses TWRP, which I understand is not quite ready yet the pro1 when using LOS.
  9. Ordered: August 20, 2019 Shipped: July 25, 2020 Recieved: August 5, 2020 #34xxx, QWERTY, Norway
  10. I have a few of banking apps that complain that the phone is modified. Also Google Pay, but that isn't as important to me.
  11. I can confirm the issue too. It also affects software navigation buttones (home, recents, back) when the lag hits. Feels like a process is "hogging" all resources for a few seconds, before it returns to normal. On another topic: * Has anyone have tried to disabling the lock screen? Pressing power/opening the keyboard results in background and status bar only. I need to lock and unlock again to get back to normal. Seems to happen after the "Display -- Sleep" timer has ended. Is this expected behavior or a bug? * I've read that SafetyNet currently fails for stock. I haven't tested t
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