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Found 2 results

  1. Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) unlock is needed when you want to unlock bootloader on your Pro1-X. Although having access to bootloader can allow you to root your device and flash custom ROMs, the downside is that you will no longer be able to use Google Mobile Services (GMS) such as Google Pay on your device. We firmly believe that by allowing users with more access and control over their devices can help them achieve more, which is why we shipped our Pro1-X’s with “OEM unlocked” by default to offer convenience when flashing other OS’s such as LineageOS and UbuntuTouch. But
  2. According to the PRO¹-x FAQ Why does LOS come with an unlocked bootloader without locked bootloader option? From the documentation I read, it's up to the ORM to decide on what img can be used to lock the bootloader. Given that F(x)tec is the OEM, you should be able to ship with a locked bootloader and LOS which can allow having root capabilities and a locked bootloader at the same time.... Which can allow full freedom and SafetyNet attestation to pass (if the user installs SafetyNet by himself, ofc)! Am I missing something here? Sources: https://source.android.com/d
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