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Poor software stability?

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5 hours ago, sdx said:

@Waxberry Tried the same actions over 4G and VPN over Cisco AnyConnect to repeat the exact same actions without Wifi. It crashed within 1-2 minutes while playing video. Tried it two times just to be sure. So that means I need a replacement device?

Just a thought to narrow the bug down. Is it only the combination of VLC and SMB?

Have you tried loading the video onto the phone and do the same locally?
Have you tried with another videoplayer?
Have you tried with something on a UNC path?

Just to narrow it down, and easier for others to see if we see the same bug or you got a faulty device.

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2 hours ago, EskeRahn said:

Just a thought to narrow the bug down. Is it only the combination of VLC and SMB?

Have you tried loading the video onto the phone and do the same locally?
Have you tried with another videoplayer?
Have you tried with something on a UNC path?

Just to narrow it down, and easier for others to see if we see the same bug or you got a faulty device.

No, it happens otherwise as well. Just most frequently when doing this. It seems load-related. Either for CPU or memory access, and/or network-I/O. Where network is any IPv4 carrier.

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11 minutes ago, sdx said:

No, it happens otherwise as well. Just most frequently when doing this. It seems load-related. Either for CPU or memory access, and/or network-I/O. Where network is any IPv4 carrier.

I see. I have used one for sat-nav for hours, and that is somewhat evil. So does unfortunately sound like it is something with your unit, and not just a software-fix away. 😥

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16 hours ago, sdx said:

@Waxberry Tried the same actions over 4G and VPN over Cisco AnyConnect to repeat the exact same actions without Wifi. It crashed within 1-2 minutes while playing video. Tried it two times just to be sure. So that means I need a replacement device?

Will send you a PM, please check your inbox. 🙂

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FYI, I ended up with sending it to the UK for warranty repair. Let's see how that goes.. On a side note, apparently the Swedish Post requires me to customs declare the return since the UK is no longer in the EU.

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4 hours ago, sdx said:

Well, you can read the statement yourself if you'd like. Use google translate as needed.



It does not say if this is effective from Feb 1st 2020 or from Jan 1st 2021, as far as I can read.

But if you follow their link here it clearly says at the very top (my emphasizing):


Att Storbritannien lämnar EU den 31 januari 2020 med ett godkänt utträdesavtal betyder att handeln kan fortsätta precis som vanligt till och med den 31 december 2020.

For people not reading Swedish that is: Nohting changes regarding customs this year.

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  • 4 weeks later...

A quick update. Received my warranty replacement phone today. It has a different serial number. The stability issues I had before are now gone, so it seems likely that the particular unit I had before was faulty somehow.

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36 minutes ago, sdx said:

A quick update. Received my warranty replacement phone today. It has a different serial number. The stability issues I had before are now gone, so it seems likely that the particular unit I had before was faulty somehow.

Thanks for keeping us all informed and glad it's sorted! 🙂

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