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file transfer mode for USB port with jmtpfs under linux not working as expected

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how do linux users access the Pro1 data directories using the "File Transfer"-mode with the USB port ?  i don't mean the MTP-mode, that will only show camera data. i used mtpfs and lately jmtpfs on various Android phones successfully - but on the Pro1 specifically i succeed only as root to do so, and not as regular user like on the other phones.  bizarre, right ?  for the linux fanatics : i use Slackware -current.

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Since both devices are Linux, I need to clarify... you need to be root on the host or on the phone?


If it's on the host, which I assume since there isn't any official way to become root on stock, it is likely because your udev rules are not marking the specific vid:pid used by the pro1 as owned by the correct group.


I can tell you that the pro1 has a very minimal set of changes from the qcom bsp so it's probably using the default qcom USB compositions. Many device vendors customize these.



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oops, you are right, tdm, i should have specified who owns root here, sorry about that !  i meant root on the host (and i did not yet need to be root on the phone).  you are most probably right regarding the udev rules and i googled similar notes elsewhere on the web.

interestingly jmtpf worked over the last few worked for the "PTP"-mode - but as i started to play also with the "File transfer" mode it broke my previous access to the phone photo data.  so neither access worked for me as regular user as of today but for root both worked just fine.

anyway, i assume the number will be the following : vid=18d1  pid=4ee2, taken from the CLI output "Device 0 (VID=18d1 and PID=4ee2) is a Google Inc Nexus/Pixel (MTP+ADB)".

and this seems to be indeed the case, as it started to work just a minute ago !  first i had to add myself to the uucp group.  then my 51-android.rules looks now the following way :

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="18d1", ATTR{idProduct}=="4ee2", MODE="0660", GROUP="uucp", ENV{ID_MTP_DEVICE}="1", SYMLINK+="libmtp"

many thanks, tdm, for your suggestion !

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I'm curious of the answer to this too.  With mtp, it opens /sdcard.  With the ftp server I use, same thing, it doesn't even ask for root.

I think it would be useful to know how to access Pro1 filesystem as root from linux from a file maanger.


edit: and I see a response from @pistikemthat implies you made it work?  can you explain for noobs?


Edited by Craig
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i use Slackware linux - depending on your linux flavor things may look a bit different.

1) you need to install jmtpfs on your linux box.  in my case it's v0.5

2) add yourself to the uucp group : /etc/group : uucp:x:14:uucp,YourUserName

3) /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules :

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="18d1", ATTR{idProduct}=="4ee2", MODE="0660", GROUP="uucp", ENV{ID_MTP_DEVICE}="1", SYMLINK+="libmtp"

4) as root, do : udevadm control --reload

5) mkdir ~/mtp ; jmtpfs ~/mtp/ ;

6) do your copy/move/delete jobs...

7) fusermount -u ~/mtp

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I don't remember any problems accessing it under Debian using jmtpfs except that it was extremely slow so I have used everything else other than that... tried FTP servers, Samba network and even my e-mail server by saving as draft...

The best way would be for me to run an ssh server on it and able to access userdata including SDCARD but I still don't know if it is possible in a proper way like in my N900 was.

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in my case jmtpfs was extremely slow too, but only with an old Android version, v4 i believe.  now, having two Android 9 phones (Samsung A10e and Fxtec Pro1) transfer speeds and access are lightning fast under jmtpfs and the very same version(!) - to my surprise i must admit.

in contrast, my old N900 was on my host usually mounted as /dev/sd?1 (? being b,c or whatever) - that worked perfectly fine too.

Edited by pistikem
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