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SLOW CHARGING? Software or Hardware Error?

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I applied the latest update QX1000_EEA_2020082531443_2020_0825-2316.

Security Patch 5 April 2020

My phone now seems to randomly enter a slow charging mode, which does not charge the battery at all and barely maintains the charge level.

This can happen as soon as you plug it in or an hour or so later. When charging overnight, wake up in the morning and 20% battery.

I have tried multiple different mA chargers, 3.5, 2.1, 1.5, 0.5. Powerbanks and AC Adapters with random result for each.

Seems like the phone is struggling to recognize AC and USB current,  

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I have this issue with mine, but it's most likely due to something different (I am using SailfishOS).

In my case, plugging the phone to a computer doesn't provide enough energy to charge (~500mW being consumed, versus ~1500mW when unplugged), but if I use an USB-C hub in between, it starts charging (around -1500mW consumed). However, the phone has a tendency to disconnect from the telephony network while charging that way.

Using the adapter provided with the phone works fine though. I've only used once or twice, so I don't have much data for it. Using a car adapter also charges fine, but generates parasitic noise on the jack output.

So yeah, you might want to try with a USB-C hub in between, if you have one.

Edited by Raksura
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11 hours ago, EskeRahn said:

Really strange. 500mA ought to be more than enough to charge. Not fast but charge. The Idle consumption over night on mine is in the order of 15mA (4G+5GHz WiFi+NFC+BT but GPS off, and display not in use)

Stange thing is the 500mA is what works most reliably at the moment.

I am in airplane mode all the time, with Wifi Activated and sometimes Bluetooth.

On the lock screen it comes up it states (Charging Slowly)

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5 hours ago, Wheeljack said:

I once had an issue with my charger that would only charge devices at slow speeds. Turned out I hadn't inserted the USB A connector all the way.

Do you have the Pro1 in a case maybe?

My USB-C has full reach, even cleaned the port.

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10 minutes ago, ahunter said:


This is the sort of behavior it is exhibiting, you will note glitches on the graph, this is when it stops charging all together.

The flat or slight up or downward slop is when it is in slow charging mode, can barely maintain power.

Then when I finally get the charge to work it comes up at its normal rate. 

Edited by ahunter
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9 hours ago, ahunter said:

This is the sort of behavior it is exhibiting, you will note glitches on the graph, this is when it stops charging all together.

The flat or slight up or downward slop is when it is in slow charging mode, can barely maintain power.

Then when I finally get the charge to work it comes up at its normal rate. 

Hmm, it seems like normal relative slow charging when charging in 2-3 hours in your third dump. It is quite as it is supposed to be for the charging to slow down the rate significantly when closing to 100%. It is a little difficult from the graphs to guess when the phone is idle and when it is doing 'something' (with or without user-interaction).
And also what type of charger that are used at the various charging periods.

Percentages are estimates not absolute measurements so this makes interpretations even harder.

But what I suppose is idle consumption the night on the second dump, does look a bit steep, so maybe you should have a look at what apps are eating your 'juice'. In Aeroplane mode I would expect no more than 0.3-0.5 %/h drainage idle.

ADD: I just noticed that it is not pure Aeroplane mode, but with WiFi. Here the router used can make a significant difference.

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