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Fingerprint sensor works only once after every reboot - has anyone encountered this issue?

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Hello guys.

My problem is exactly as described in topic. When I try to register fingerprints, a screen with location of fingerprint sensor is displayed. When I touch the sensor, phone vibrates, so the sensor's working, at least it senses touch. But on next screen (asking to touch the sensor until I feel vibration) nothing happens. Pressing power button off and on doesn't help. After reboot, when I try to register fingerprints again - it's exactly the same. I tried different versions of original Android, tried also LOS - no difference.

I'd like to mention, that the unit I have now is my second Pro1. First one fingerprint sensor wasn't perfect, but it at least worked. Unfortunately USB port broke, and the unit was replaced under warranty. With the new unit everything works, besides this sensor.

To be honest, I don't want to use warranty again - last time, because of lockdown, I had to wait about 6 month for repair. I can live without fingerprint sensor, but it is a nice feature to have.

Does anyone have any ideas what could be the cause?


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1 hour ago, spam71 said:

Does anyone have any ideas what could be the cause?

In theory, F(x)tec has repaired fingerprint-related problems in latest update.
@tdm told the fingerprint sensor has a closed-source driver (blob) and the root cause is the sensor and Android can get out of sync and under LineageOS, you can delete related part of persistent storage to get it work well. Under stock, it is not as easy as access of the system is restricted. Sorry if I didn't remember well.

As of my case, currently I am facing the same problem using stock firmware and I think it worked for a while before factory reset (then it got out of sync).
I have tried registering fingerprints, then delete them and register again, but it did not help yet.
So it is not fully solved yet.

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I tried even older firmware (first version of fastboot restore), and the problem is there as well. I cannot register a single fingerprint. I'm afraid it's hardware related issue, but don't want to send the unit to repair again. I suppose that before fxtec can fix it, Astro Slide 5G will be already manufactured. 😉

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On my (recent batch) device it flat out doesn't work. I registered the same finger 8 times and I cannot get it to unlock. So I literally gave up on the FP sensor and am using a PIN to unlock. Due to the position of the sensor I guess it's better like this anyway..

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Today my phone's fingerprint sensor stopped working.  After a reboot it works for a bit but then stops. Could this be related to what is described in this thread?

I'd really like a solution other that rebooting.  I use the stock os and for a number of reasons need to keep it that way.

Could it be a h/w issue?  I'm unsure what else could have changed otherwise.

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1 hour ago, damion said:

Today my phone's fingerprint sensor stopped working.  After a reboot it works for a bit but then stops.

It sounds like a known software bug, that was improved but not totally fixed with the latest firmware update from August 25.

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It seems to have inexplicably started working.  I'd already memorised passwords for Banking apps and disabled it, so won't trust it'll always work but weird, I hope it's not flakey hw caused by the weather or something.  No software updates or different apps had been run so I'm struggling to see how this is a software/driver issue

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