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How do I actually uninstall Magisk/addons in order to do OTA updates?

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Well since my backup backup backup backup phone decided to snap off a SIM slot pin I'm finally putting my Pro1 into service (instead of waiting for a proper case for it like I was hoping).

I'm a total noob when it comes to rooting phones, but I used (the possible original non-editied version of) this post by Craig to originally root my phone with a 20191203 firmware, and according to this post I installed 'Systemless Hosts', 'AdAway' & 'Youtube Vanced'.

I turned on my phone for the first time in a while and it showed me a prompt to update to 20191210 (...why not something newer?), I tried to run it and got a fail error 20. I remembered something about you can't update if you modify the system partition (which AFAIK those addons did) and kinda attempted to revert the Magisk installation... by uninstalling Magisk.

Naturally that did absolutely nothing, and when I reinstalled Magisk Manager I get 2 items at the top of the app to install Magisk Manager (it is already) and to install Magisk (it isn't). When I click on Magisk to install it it wants me to either download Magisk as a zip, or select a file to patch. I don't want to do either of those things I want to undo everything I did installing it & the addons so I can run the OTA updates.

...What do I do? I have the original (hopefully) pre-patched boot.img files on my SD card, but I guess reflashing those over adb won't do anything because the system is still modified with AdAway/etc. I'd appreciate a 'noob-friendly' explanation, it may help others like me in future who were stupid enough to root their phones without actually understanding how it works...


Thanks in advance.

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Thanks, but all I gathered from that thread is I have to either wipe my phone back to stock, or reflash the system image?

Is there a way I can reinstall Magisk and then uninstall the previously installed modules?


EDIT: ...Does anyone have a backup of the 20191203 firmware? All I've managed to locate so far is 
20191028 and 20200825. Are there any archives of the previous QX1000 firmwares anywhere?

Edited by lameboyadvance
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Well I just reflashed the patched magisk boot img, re-added the 'systemless hosts' and 'youtube vanced' modules (adaway apk was still installed from original), uninstalled adaway, removed the hosts & yt modules, and chose the uninstall image only option inside magisk. I hoped doing so would revert everything the old installation did but I guess not, it still gives me error 20 when I try to do a ota update.

What else can I do? I can't reflash the system partition since I don't have a virgin 20191203 copy of it. Would flashing a stock copy of the boot img do anything, or is that what magisk already did for me?

My only other option seems to be wipe the phone and reflash every partition using either the 20191028 or 2020082 archive I listed above?

Is there any other option? Does anyone out there have a fresh copy of the 20191203 system partition?

Edited by lameboyadvance
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2 hours ago, lameboyadvance said:

Is there any other option? Does anyone out there have a fresh copy of the 20191203 system partition?

I would be surprised if flashing that without a wipe is enough. But you could try support, if they are not too busy. I'm sure they got a copy of it somewhere.

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10 hours ago, shubell said:

dirty flashing a new version should work imo

Dirty flashing? Is that wiping every partition with fresh copies of a firmware so its 'stock' again?

At this point I'm seriously considering wiping it all with the 20200825 firmware. Theres nothing on the phone I can't put back on anyway. I was just hoping to get the OTA method working so I know what to do next time I get it all loaded up, rooted, and then get another OTA.

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...What partitions are actually affected by rooting/Magisk? I know for sure the boot partition is since you have to reflash a Magisk patched version over adb.

Is the system partition modified at all? I'd like to be able to dump a copy of the new system partition before anything modifies it, but from what I can tell you need root to dump it, and root requires modifying/adding stuff to the system partition...

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Ok... magisk affects only the bootloader. So if you flash a new bootloader or firmware (in the firware the bootloader is included) you get magisk/root free phone.

All you date is stored on the data partition. So basically if you flash a newer firmware on you phone you loose magisk and keep the data (well if the firmware has upgrade paths).

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Since I kept the phone (mostly) stock since I got it there isn't much on there data wise anyway. I'll probably just wipe everything with the 2020 firmware and be done with it.

...Still not sure if I actually have to modify the system partition before I am able to take an image of it. Magisk seems to get its root stuff by only changing the boot partition(?). I also saw theres a version of TWRP for the Pro1 as well. Can either of these be used to backup the system partition before anything SU/root related modifies it? I'd love to be able to grab an image of partitions before I actually go about doing more than adding modified boot stuff in the hopes  I can possibly reuse them again when I need to do a future OTA.

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  • 2 weeks later...


On 12/24/2020 at 3:00 PM, lameboyadvance said:

...Still not sure if I actually have to modify the system partition before I am able to take an image of it. Magisk seems to get its root stuff by only changing the boot partition(?). I also saw theres a version of TWRP for the Pro1 as well. Can either of these be used to backup the system partition before anything SU/root related modifies it? I'd love to be able to grab an image of partitions before I actually go about doing more than adding modified boot stuff in the hopes  I can possibly reuse them again when I need to do a future OTA.

Well you should be able to dd or smthing the system image... i wanted to do something like that but i gave up. TDM is working on a backup solution...can't wait
TWRP can't decode the data partition so it is pointless.

TBH don't be afraid if you #### up you boot partitions... flash a new image over and it is fixed.  Btw if you have used magisk to root your phone... magisk creates a boot image backup that you can use to restore it using "fastboot flash boot_a boot.img"  or flash the whole image over it 😉

and don't forget you have a an b partitions 😉 to switch use fastboot --set-active=a  or b 😉


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5 hours ago, shubell said:

TBH don't be afraid if you #### up you boot partitions... flash a new image over and it is fixed.  Btw if you have used magisk to root your phone... magisk creates a boot image backup that you can use to restore it using "fastboot flash boot_a boot.img"  or flash the whole image over it 😉

and don't forget you have a an b partitions 😉 to switch use fastboot --set-active=a  or b 😉

The problem is I had Magisk installed and used it to install some stuff which modified the system partition, then instead of uninstalling the addons before uninstalling magisk I just uninstalled Magisk, so of course it now has no knowledge of what was previously modified.

When I get around to it I'll just wipe the whole phone with the 2020 firmware listed above. If I can't figure out a fireproof way of backing up the boot and system partitions before I go rooting it again I guess I just won't be rooting it again...

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