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Do the phones ship first to the UK before going to clients ?

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Hi ! I pre-ordered the pro1-x on the website, before I even heard there was an indiegogo thing etc, and am happy with waiting a bit for the snapdragon redesign and everything.

One thing I wonder, seeing their twitter account, is that the factory ships to the UK the finished phones for flashing... but I live in Hong Kong, a few hours I'm sure from the factory in Shenzhen ! Is the phone going to cross half the world and back or do they have any sort of software / product finishing operation here in China ? I suppose if most clients are in EU/US this won't matter anyway, but I just feel bad about these kinds of waste nowadays.


Edited by Pierre
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3 hours ago, Pierre said:

Hi ! I pre-ordered the pro1-x on the website, before I even heard there was an indiegogo thing etc, and am happy with waiting a bit for the snapdragon redesign and everything.

One thing I wonder, seeing their twitter account, is that the factory ships to the UK the finished phones for flashing... but I live in Hong Kong, a few hours I'm sure from the factory in Shenzhen ! Is the phone going to cross half the world and back or do they have any sort of software / product finishing operation here in China ? I suppose if most clients are in EU/US this won't matter anyway, but I just feel bad about these kinds of waste nowadays.



I think it is better to contact F(x)tec at their e-mail address about your question, it may happen they have a solution for that - they may not read comments here.

However, earlier (for Pro1) they wanted to ship everything to UK in big quantities but finally they sent a lot of phones directly from China - I think it was a fallback option because of customs problem and they may want to optimize fees and they may have contract with customs/appropriate offices now.
So I am unsure about their possibility but if they still have appropriate staff in China and they are willing to send directly from there, that would be the best option for you I think - but I suggest you to contact them directly.

Anyway, as UK is out of EU borders now, currently it is logically also away from EU the same way as if they were sending the phones directly from China but they may also have contract specifically for them and Pro1-X, so, who knows...

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2 hours ago, VaZso said:


I think it is better to contact F(x)tec at their e-mail address about your question, it may happen they have a solution for that - they may not read comments here.

However, earlier (for Pro1) they wanted to ship everything to UK in big quantities but finally they sent a lot of phones directly from China - I think it was a fallback option because of customs problem and they may want to optimize fees and they may have contract with customs/appropriate offices now.
So I am unsure about their possibility but if they still have appropriate staff in China and they are willing to send directly from there, that would be the best option for you I think - but I suggest you to contact them directly.

Anyway, as UK is out of EU borders now, currently it is logically also away from EU the same way as if they were sending the phones directly from China but they may also have contract specifically for them and Pro1-X, so, who knows...

Oh right I forgot Brexit, this is probably way worse to ship from the UK now, you're right 😄

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1 hour ago, Tsunero said:

I don't think so, my original Pro1 came straight from China.

My "original" Pro1 has also came directly from China but originally they wanted to send higher amount of units to UK in bulk, then send them within the EU.
(I don't know if people outside of EU had any benefits of it, maybe they wanted to have another quality control.)

However, they ran into troubles and had to send smaller amounts then also they sent them directly from China, then Covid has started to cause further problems...

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I also have doubts they would be planning on flashing the phones in the UK.  Maybe they did that with the 10 Xmas phones, but I don't believe they have the people or set-up to do anything on a mass scale.  I think everything will be shipped from HK, as the Pro1s were.

Edited by Hook
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