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DivestOS 20.0 official release for Pro1 (QX1000) and Pro1x (QX1050)

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This is a placeholder for info that I will put about DivestOS which is based on LineageOS.

The goal of the OS:

  • DivestOS takes LineageOS and hardens security and throws away a lot of propriatary stuff & blobs to enhance both security and privacy.
  • IMPORTANT: Please read what is dropped by design before choosing to use this OS:
  • To ask questions and get help see community (mainly XMPP chat, also available via Matrix bridge)
  • To file problem reports see bug_reporting

Current status for pro1:

  • Unknown: Build exists but untested
  • Detailed description with links: XDA thread for DivestOS on Pro1 (that thread is mostly informational, for main communication see community link above)

Current status for pro1x:

  • Most things or everything should work,
    • except the ones reported here: divestos.org/pages/broken#pro1x
    • and except the ones that are disabled intentionally by DivestOS because of legitimate concerns regarding propriatary, security, privacy (e.g. wifi calling, etc)
  • Detailed description with links: XDA thread for DivestOS on Pro1X (that thread is mostly informational, for main communication see community link above)


Edited by ColdCamel
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