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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/25/2020 in Posts

  1. Thanks to your comment I've finally decided to publish my teardown guide I've been working on for some time 🙂 https://gelraen.github.io/fxtec-pro1-teardown/ (forum topic)
    6 points
  2. https://gelraen.github.io/fxtec-pro1-teardown/ https://github.com/imax9000/fxtec-pro1-teardown
    5 points
  3. I took a series of photos in an effort to troubleshoot my drowned Pro1, hope they are of use. https://imgur.com/gallery/17bo7bI
    5 points
  4. Well, managed to pull it apart somewhat. There was a bit of corrosion on the body under the screen, but it doesn't seem to be bothering any connections. One of the three screws holding together the hinges was an absolute nightmare to remove, it stopped dead with maybe a half turn to go. I stripped the head almost completely with a screwdriver, and just barely got it out by jamming a needle file into the wounded slots. The threaded portion felt jagged, I think the screw was defective to begin with. Note: take out the damn card tray before you start, it interferes taking the keyboard suppor
    5 points
  5. Best pictures of the battery we have had so far! Thanks! 👍
    4 points
  6. If it is not too late an single picture from less close by showing the entire opened part of the bottom half would be nice, same for the screen side and bottom of keyboard. Thanks very much for documenting this :). Surprisingly little damage visible from the water.
    3 points
  7. If there's anything of interest that isn't clear, let me know and I'll try to get a shot. I don't know how much more apart I get it without a lot of glue melting, and I need to be able to reassemble it to start the replacement process.
    3 points
  8. I fully understand it would not be your priority. Thanks for engaging the idea though. When a user stumbles upon a longread, user goes into menu and activates autoscroll function, maybe in a tickbox. This opens a box where a speed may be entered ( 1 - 10, 1=slow) and saved. This starts the auto-scroll on the page. It is still possible to swipe up or down on page. Autoscroll turns off automatically when user leaves page. That would maybe be the simplest way? Although, since we are talking about the Pro1 here... Maybe hitting Space could pause/resume autoscroll. Maybe the Left bu
    2 points
  9. Hello Slion, Thanks for working on this browser. I like how you are trying to make it function well on the Pro1. I have been using it for a week now and happy so far! I obviously like the wide screen on the Pro1 and it makes longreads easier on a phone. I read longer articles for my work and for hobby projects. Pressing the cursor down button is a way to scroll down the the page and through the text. It got me wondering about an auto-scroll function. I have tried seperate apps and addons-in-firefox, but they dont seem to work. Hence my question: is it possible to add a simple auto-s
    2 points
  10. Nice. I had trouble with the same screw, and I figured out the card tray issue just in time. I had little trouble prying, as I simply sharpened a guitar pick. You can readily wedge in the thin part you create, then rotate it to the full thickness for prying.Available everywhere for under a dollar, I'd recommend a Tortex in at least 0.88 mm, Delrin might work, but won't flex as much. I had an Ultex on hand, which tore during the prying, but was good enough to get through it once. The battery comes out easily at that point, the metal bars alongside it need removing, some wires need re-routi
    2 points
  11. For other users: Also see the discussion over here;
    2 points
  12. Thanks a lot! I'm disheartened to see that it seems to be a custom battery tailored for the Pro1!! 😱 Searching for GX5036108PLN with various spaces inserted does not seem to lead to anything relevant. So this leaves us with no known alternative source if F(x)tec -for whatever reason- should stop ordering/offering them. Though we now know where it was produced: "Dongguan Guoxia Electronic Technology Co. Ltd", that at the least is known with an address here
    2 points
  13. https://imgur.com/gallery/fYWqIsG So, another two cents' worth: As mentioned, get the card tray out first. I realized that the one screw that gave both gelraen and myself trouble is under tension, which is probably the issue. I unfortunately happened to leave that one for last, it should probably be done first, while the screen support is being held by the other two screws. Also as mentioned, the F(x)tec .pdf describes the required screwdriver as PH0. That will not work, they are either PH00 or PH0000. I was able to reuse the little black stickers. Just peel them carefu
    1 point
  14. Can't you just push away the stickers from the back? And the middle hole does not seem to have a sticker on mine (either). My guess would be that their repair plan is to replace the stickers after service, so they could be more 'brutal' removing them, than we would prefer to be. I definitely would try that before messing with the hinge, if/when I need to open one.... 😇
    1 point
  15. Good point! That's easy enough to fix though 🙂
    1 point
  16. HINT: Clicking the images does nothing, BUT if you right click and select to open in a new tab, you get the images in a much higher resolution. Especially interesting with the (currently) last one where the battery and other stuff are visible.
    1 point
  17. @EskeRahn suggest this thread be moved to the "How-To" category rather than letting it get lost in General Discussion.
    1 point
  18. I'll do it when I get home. I did not un-glue the keyboard though, and based on how the rest of it went, I wouldn't feel good about trying it.
    1 point
  19. It seems to be a different battery company you linked. Not the same address and googling I see no relation between "Sunshine" and "Guoxia", and they claim it to be established in 2013 not 2018.
    1 point
  20. So looks like this is the battery source (the company, not the wholesale web site hosting the company's catalog. https://sunshinelec.manufacturer.globalsources.com/si/6008825825782/Showroom/3000000213584/15428/Mobile-phone-battery.htm Looks like they only work wholesale and are not consumer oriented. They don't list a replacement battery for our phone so it is probably special order in batches. Unless it's one of the Samsung batteries, lol. But I couldn't find any leads. Guess we have to depend on F(x) Tec to get spare batteries, maybe after (if) operations become normal.
    1 point
  21. Actually, it's late for me, so I've safely stored the thing in a cat inaccessible area, and I'll rebuild it tomorrow night.
    1 point
  22. No, they don't align with any of the screws in either position. My guess - leftovers from earlier revisions.
    0 points
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