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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/16/2021 in Posts

  1. Normally if you send back something for a warranty repair or replacement it should not have any extra taxes to pay, anywhere in the world. That's the theory, now in practice, as an individual, every single shipping carrier refuse packages under this kind of procedure and only accept regular expeditions. Now, anyway, this is an issue for fxtec, you should not advance any money to send back a device under warranty neither receiving it back. And if you do they have to reimburse you the expenses.
    2 points
  2. UPS doesn't care, they refuse to send package under any return procedure for an individual.
    1 point
  3. Yeah pretty crazy to expect that you should have guessed what impact later legislation would require of you to have done. But that is Brexit legislation for you... A total mess... 😰 At first glance it looks like UPS is following the crazed rules. First of I'm pretty sure you expected to see your phone(s) back long before the Brexit would take effect. So even if we had known the new legislation I for one would most likely not have done the today needed paperwork. 😓 But it seems there is some exceptions if you can prove that you shipped it before Brexit, as they request prove of that. An
    1 point
  4. Thing is, I wasn't told shit. Their response: If you can provide UPS with the original shipment invoice when you sent the device to us, they should deduct the import tax. In customs terms, there is no such thing as "repairs", you're basically at their mercy if they process it as such or not. They only deduct this tax if you prove that you shipped it to us a few months back. Like I kept the shipping documents from September 🥴 . And I've tried communicating with UPS, they won't budge. I don't pay, I don't receive the package...
    1 point
  5. Personally I will try to avoid buying anything above the €10 (including shiping) trifles limit from the UK if alternatives exists. I even switched using ebay from .co.uk to .ie edit Just found this (in Danish), and though there are two different trifle limits (€10 and £150) it is generally with so many caveats and small prints, that it for an EU consumer has gone from "Why would I not want to buy from Britain?" to "Why on earth would I want to buy from Britain?".... So I guess we are going to see a lot of UK web-shops move their base to (Northern?) Ireland.
    1 point
  6. ...correct...if you have invoice for puchase before brexit then all is logically ok. ...with shipping to authorised service is it tested by me many times (from czech to motorola in us)...only one time-when delivery company was fedex was needed to show communication with service
    1 point
  7. According to the PRO¹-x FAQ Why does LOS come with an unlocked bootloader without locked bootloader option? From the documentation I read, it's up to the ORM to decide on what img can be used to lock the bootloader. Given that F(x)tec is the OEM, you should be able to ship with a locked bootloader and LOS which can allow having root capabilities and a locked bootloader at the same time.... Which can allow full freedom and SafetyNet attestation to pass (if the user installs SafetyNet by himself, ofc)! Am I missing something here? Sources: https://source.android.com/d
    1 point
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