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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/30/2021 in all areas

  1. Motos are great cheap phones. I'm using a G8 Power right now that I got on sale from Moto US a while back. The worse things about Moto phones is their USB ports seem to lose their grip after a lot of use. My G8 power would be a fine phone if it only had a real keyboard. 😉
    2 points
  2. Good thing the local electronics retailers, although the shops are closed due to COVID-19 restrictions, are still running an order online & collect local service, with a pickup notification coming in per e-mail really quick as long as something's already in stock locally. Managed to buy the cheapest 4GB/64GB phone (at least, so that I can simply restore everything without having to either select stuff or fear storage shortage) that I could find, the discounted Motorola (again) Moto G8 for 139€ (reduced from 199€). It's amazing how much smartphone you can get for such a small price. It even
    2 points
  3. To my recollection close-range-focus was never an issue. Nor did stability have anything to do with the OS (in case of the Pro1). As of this moment I use the stock camera app (LOS 18.1) for point and shoot, Open Camera for Panorama mode and CameraZoom FX for manual mode. All three suck ass when it comes to infinity mode zoom. But I'm pretty sure that's somethin FxTec has to fix (probably with money to pay for a better algorithm or API-like interface with the OS/camera app). CameraZoom FX works when I'm not in a hurry. Manual shutter, ISO, focus and brightness is a a pain in the a*. But ap
    1 point
  4. I'm sooo happy for you and sooo jealous. ☺️
    1 point
  5. That hope has not been justified... My Z3 Play was dead this morning after the charging level still had been at 70% when I went to bed last night. Quick-Charged back from what seemed to be zero to 100% within a few minutes, it booted up, but dropped dead again shortly after disconnecting, only showing the charging symbol again. Now, with my mixed experience with the local repair shops around here, it very much looks like I need to buy a second substitute phone to bridge the time between my first-ever non-keyboard phone (the original Moto Z that I bought in early 2019, for the Livermorium
    0 points
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