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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/23/2021 in all areas

  1. Hello, I have dropped my Pro1, which caused ugly dent in bottom cover. Even though screen itself survived scratchless, it stopped working. So I got into disassembly expecting something visibly broken inside, but I could not find anything. The only damage were scratches caused by me trying to get inside the phone 😀. I knew the software was still working, because I could hear morning alarm and all kind of notification noises. Than I noticed the screen replacement on AliExpress had the connector on the side, so this was the final solution: I just disconnected and reconnec
    4 points
  2. That is the only connector which directly goes to the display, I think it started to loose maybe at the outer edge which is less visible. I am glad it survived this drop with minor damages and the screen works well. Anyway, the easy disassembly process helped a lot, it would not be easily possible on a regular phone...
    2 points
  3. It looks like bottom v4 already contains the fix that I wanted to do. I'll print it within several weeks and report. Meanwhile, these are the photos of my previous print. Because the mini-jack socket was partially covered by the case, I used some pliers to cut out the covering surface. Another thing that didn't go quite well is the upper part of the bottom case - I only used supports on the build plate and I should've also used them inside, so the upper rim is a little frayed - but it holds well enough. The case was also battle-tested for the first time, the phone once fell screen do
    1 point
  4. YES!!! See attached video file (sorry for the ridiculous video quality ... had to shrink 2min to 2MB ...) I now have Ubuntu Touch via "Slot A" and LineageOS 18.1 via "Slot B". Dual boot procedure takes to get used to: It's not choosing OS during boot, instead it works from fully booted OS and then "OK, reboot into the other OS". The app used for that is "Switch My Slot" , with existing versions for UBports (Ubuntu Touch), Android and Sailfish. Feels like ages ago having such a satisfying moment like seeing this on my Pro1 \o/ Cheers, order#10248 Edit: Video is
    1 point
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