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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/16/2021 in Posts

  1. yes yes it is, cpu wise. But the keyboard is timeless. The Question is only, what is the keyboard worth for you? I am currently an owner of a fried prawn, using my old phone (nokia 6.1). I do not miss the faster cpu, I miss the keyboard... every f**king time.
    4 points
  2. I no longer have an active AT&T sim to test, but my sim always worked fine with LTE. I think I had the preferred network set to Global. Also, try checking the Access Point names. I forget which one I used, unfortunately. Unless LTE where you are uses a band not included on the Pro1 (like band 71), I have no idea why you would have a problem with LTE.
    2 points
  3. That contractor has been MIA for more than a year now. lol I don't think we will see official stock android 10 anymore. Although a heads up from Fxtec would be well appreciated at this point because everything points to the base Pro1 being left for dead. (save for Lineage and Linux...)
    1 point
  4. I am in an odd in-between position. I have no issues with the size of the keyboard. (I use std qwertZ, not the shifted qwertY) But on one hand the screen is too big to use one handed as touch only, while keeping a secure grip. My thumb is incapable of covering the full display. On the other hand I'm so old that a smaller screen, in a font size I can read effortsless, would leave even less data on screen....
    1 point
  5. The Pro1 certainly won't be updated, but I'm still pretty sure the contractor is working on the Pro1x, whether the same contractor or a different one. They most likely had to initiate a new contract. The contractor does the initial development job but is pretty bad at any maintenance follow-through. I assume that will probably be true for the Pro1x as well-- it will get an initial not well refined version of Android (probably 11) and will fall behind over time. I suspect they don't have a lot of choices of contractor and that they have no clout at all being a very small company. They get w
    0 points
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