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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/12/2022 in all areas

  1. I think that is a really important well choosen decision they made. 1. The first, most obvious reason, is what already been compiled here, something needs to bring money in to the company for financing the RnD. 2. I believe it's a strategically wise decision to implement other kind of products to the company portfolio. The brand will be more known and when you are operating in different business areas you are not so sensible for ups'n downs in the market. 3. LoRaWAN is really a hot topic right now, its a technology the really grows on the market. It's a technology mainly (if
    2 points
  2. Some time ago, I recommended Devuan as my GNU/Linux distribution of choice for installation in a chroot of LineageOS. Today, I wanted to upgrade my xrdp-pulseaudio modules (providing seamless sound forwarding to Android when using my X11 desktop) and found out that installing them on Devuan is not possible in a straightforward way using the tools provided on neutrinolabs' GitHub repo. The reason is that the drivers need to be compiled against the pulseaudio sources matching the version of each respective distribution. On Devuan, the command: # sudo apt build-dep pulseaudio fai
    1 point
  3. Right, that was what I have tried to point at. So an electrical engineer can do schematics and PCB design and microcontroller programming (but not every electrical engineers do all of them and the same level) and a mechanical engineer may do assembly-related designs (including the whole body) and modifications and usually high level software is also related to another team. It is not necessarily work this way but these are different professions and one territory may need specialists like designing multi-layer, high frequency PCB needs a special knowledge and correct antenna design ne
    1 point
  4. That could not be more true. Canonical (at the time they still backed the project) would have liked us to think about Ubuntu Touch and the Ubuntu distribution for PCs as two flavours of the same OS -- as in iOS vs. MacOS. Many users unaware of technical details may believe that to this date. The truth is, for all but a few exotic devices (like the PinePhone), Ubuntu Touch does not even use an Ubuntu Linux kernel! It bundles a minimal version of the device-vendor supplied Android system, including its kernel and driver blobs. It then uses compatibility layers (libhybris) to interface
    1 point
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