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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/23/2023 in Posts

  1. I may be on the other end of the opinions here. I use my Pro1 as a phone since around two years now and it was always a pleasure. I dropped it many times and every corner is damaged but the screen and phone works fine. I type excessively and fast (+300 keystrokes/minute) and the keyboard still works fine. I even melted some keyboard buttons on the right part when trying to change the usb port as I forgot that there was another side of the phone (you can easily get out the usb port pcb). But it works fine. I removed my fingerprint sensor and added a secondary usb port and... since I use
    3 points
  2. It's more complicated than that. I'm in the US a couple of hours from @jakfish and mine works fine. @claude0001 is in the EU. Given I don't use mine as a phone, I think it's just a cruel joke of the gods that mine works. 😄
    1 point
  3. I do. As a phone it works fine for me. I've tried for 1 week some months ago and it did it's work as I'd expect from a phone in which I do calls and SMS. Even the tinny speaker doesn't "broadcast" the call to everyone around you, unlike many other smartphones. I'm in EU. Maybe that's why it just works for me without tweaks. I suppose so. If it's not open-source, I only run sandboxed with limited and tight control on what permissions I provide (inside work profile). They would be useless there. Yeah. I check that (and just re-checked that). The biggest spenders are repor
    1 point
  4. @jakfish, @Hook, @brunoais: I respect (and sometimes admire) your point of view. However, please let's agree on that the Pro1-X was not marketed as an HPPC, but as a phone that could (maybe) double as an HPPC. Let's also not forget that it was meant to be delivered with LineageOS (OK, we finally have that now thanks to community support) and UbuntuTouch (nowhere close). Let's further not forget that it was supposed to come with HDMI-Out to enhance that HPPC aspect (especially with UBTouch). I do not see how my Pro1-X is fulfilling any of those design goals. That's why I, sadly, shelved it
    1 point
  5. I would open the box and double check. They are using the old Pro1 boxes and, yes, mine had the right label sticker identifying it as a blue 8/256. But I wouldn't be sure that couldn't get mixed up. Opening the box won't affect being able to return it, and maybe when it turns out to really be a black 6/128 it will be doubly disappointing, but with the shipping chaos, I would want to check. Wrong phone or wrong box?
    1 point
  6. I opened the box and as it says on the back and on the shipping slip it's a black 6/128. So it's not the updated one I ordered and paid extra for.
    0 points
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