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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/28/2024 in Posts

  1. (lineage-20.0-20240127-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on Jan 5 security patch installed smoothly (*) using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-13.0.0-arm64-20230808_213316)
    2 points
  2. yess - it is same as with los 20 from odd solutions . Gapps are included, update will be monthly.
    1 point
  3. That may confirm an impression I had (but couldn't find any source that I had gotten the impression from) that Nolen includes Gapps actually built into the ROM.
    1 point
  4. From what I can tell (I don't have inside information), Francisco handles all communications concerning trouble tickets. That doesn't necessarily mean he is working to solve all the trouble tickets or that he makes all the decisions concerning trouble tickets, but he is the one doing the communication. There will tend not to be responses for email inquiries about what is happening as only IGG updates, as infrequent as they are lately, are used for such information. Both Casey and Francisco have communicated on trouble-shooting matters in Discord, but not as often as they used to.
    1 point
  5. I'm pretty sure that is Nolen Johnson's version of Lineage. It probably means there will be an official version soon.
    1 point
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