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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/26/2024 in Posts

  1. As I'm getting used to the new phone and mainly the keyboard, I've done some typing tests. At the moment, I am getting 300-320 (340 peak) characters/minute (German, including capital letters). This is good news since on my Pro1 I was at 320-330cpm with 370 peak (only English) and I'm only using the keyboard for around two weeks now. Especially the reprogrammed keys Ctrl right / Right shift help a lot. Currently, I'm already typing blindly quite often but I have to 'recalibrate' my position after deleting characters. The keyboard definitely has potential!
    2 points
  2. Even in my mind, I can't type that fast.
    1 point
  3. IF that all was true (which might or not be the case), the reason mainly lies in the size of the company. The smaller you are, the less leverage you have and the worse your conditions for production are. You will also get screwed over in other countries and there are many trustworthy sellers and fabrics in China as well. FxTec had to go for cheap solutions and some solutions might have been too cheap. But (another time assuming they always said the truth) it was always badly organized. There should always be money for a couple of people controlling the processes. At least when they steal
    1 point
  4. Yes, I do this all the time with magnetic cables. My cables are all USB 2.0-- for my uses I've never thought it worth bothering trying t upgrade. The magnetic adapter goes in when I first receive any phone and never comes out. I've never felt any play with any adapter I've used.
    1 point
  5. You may laugh but currently this is my best solution to prevent the phone from tipping over. I've tried expandable and flippable supports and I'd love to have a side arm on the left side but I didn't find good solutions for mounting it. The wire is great. I've superglued it onto the hinges and it holds the phone perfectly. It also makes the tilting mechanism way stiffer as the top part is now supported from both sides (the other side is a magnet). My only fear is that the fishing line could lengthen over time. If it doesn't work, I might try a stiffer wire. For example, I've found
    1 point
  6. It's so much fun seeing new prototype phones getting built and your sliding mechanism really turned out great. Thanks for sharing and experimenting! I have installed the app Key Mapper which allows you to remap any key to any action. I've assigned the button [previous song] to portrait mode and [play/pause] to landscape mode. [Next song] activates auto rotation again. The app is also useful to reassign useless keys (like Win) to more useful keys (like right shift). It's a great addition for such a keyboard.
    1 point
  7. A lot of times, stuff gets produced and is sold by different companies. I don't think that FxTec is clickstec but I could imagine they work with the same supplier. And who knows, maybe one company copied the idea of the other when they heard what they are doing. I mean to remember that FxTec failed with the Moto Case since they didn't launch the phone like they meant to (click-on external hardware connected to te phone). I don't remember the details but I'm quite sure it wasn't FxTec's fault. FxTec also succeeded in building a great phone. The mass production just never worked out. I
    1 point
  8. I think that we can't say only based on address if clicks tech people are F(x)tech. According to the Verge, clicks tech company is founded by MrMobile (Michael Fisher) and CrackBerry Kevin (Kevin Michaluk). To my knowledge these guys are not working at F(x)tec. But sure it is interesting that the building is the same. - https://www.theverge.com/2024/1/4/24024957/clicks-iphone-keyboard-case-iphone-14-15-lightning-usb-c
    1 point
  9. Thank you guys! If anybody wants to rebuild this setup, feel free to ask any questions here or via PM. I'll report how it works as a daily driver in a few months but right now I'm very optimistic. The keyboard feels better than my Pro1 which is already quite worn out. I personally also like that you don't always hit the display when using the top row of the keyboard and you have actual F1-F12 keys.
    1 point
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