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Posts posted by pedro4444

  1. hi new update
    phone comed but after turn on microphone and speaker not working.
    I had new parts but phone not working maybe was repair team bad composed new parts i do not know...
    so I wrote on support and already had quickly answer and they send me new parts flex cabel and usb part. 
    After change this parts phone working. So little with problem but on finish with good solution for me...

    • Thanks 6
  2. 5 hours ago, EskeRahn said:

    I'm amazed by their perseverance too. The small group take a lot of beating from angry users, and way too little praise, IMHO
    I really hope they will continue to both produce PKB phones and support them.
    If there will not be a successor I hope they will consider crowdfunding extended phone-support as long as possible for the chipset and security update. .
    I have no idea what a year of support / minor development would cost, but they could come up with a number and see if we are enough that are willing to chip in. As a stretch goal they could offer those that chipped in  some special rate for service beyond warranty e.g. starting from half a year after we paid.
    Personally I would gladly pay e.g. $50 a year. If it was not only security and critcal fixes, but also more general bugfixes and improvements, I might consider a higher number.

    Yes You have true. My phone with qwerty was big surprise for my and I am very happy that They continue on next generation 2 fxtec...
    I am also willing to wait half a year for a guarantee when I know that it will come... Important is the result of a repair and not time ...

    • Like 2
  3. On 2/7/2022 at 2:16 PM, Swond said:

    Yeah, exactly. I think exactly the same.  Thanks god my phone was picked up on their own, so they also have the tracking. Anyway, thats nothing to solve the situation now, we both are without our phones and both hitting our heads towards the wall, why we didn´t ordered the screen on our own 😕



    yes it is long time...
    the same I still have not phone 😞
    now it is 6 months and I had problem only with microphone.
    if i knew it i would do it myself i would never buy other things again..

    I wrote on support very much emails and nothing stil only emal from february:
    Apologies for the late reply as the Team is quite busy.
    Let me chase the engineer for an update.

    Kind Regards,

    I do not know that can I do next...
    Do you have some idea for help?

    • Sad 1
  4. 4 hours ago, Jacob_S said:

    In the hope that it might lead to them fixing their inbox system at some point, I'd suggest you to use keywords as "urgently" or "as soon as possible" in your emails. I have the feeling that mentioning them gets messages to be prioritised. At least I suddenly got answers within a day to such an email...

    I kinda feel bad for even mentioning it. But on the other hand their communication sucks so much, that I deem it acceptable.

    thanks I will try..

  5. 18 hours ago, Hook said:

    If you are returning a Pro1 for warranty repair, I assume you have been in contact with them by email.  They will have provided the correct  address in their email instructing you to send the Pro1 in.

    If you haven't been in contact with them, you shouldn't just send it in.

    18 hours ago, Hook said:

    If you are returning a Pro1 for warranty repair, I assume you have been in contact with them by email.  They will have provided the correct  address in their email instructing you to send the Pro1 in.

    If you haven't been in contact with them, you shouldn't just send it in.

    yes before I send request but sent me old address and now i write on support but still waiting on respond so I thinked anybody know new address for delivery because company delivery wait on my respond

  6. On 6/10/2021 at 3:48 PM, DieBruine said:

    In thbat case I would suggest you disassemble the screen and bend and clean the contacts on the microphone.there are just five screws and two snap-on connectors.

    The alternative is sending it back for warranty and waitin a couple of months. Really, I would suggest trying to clean and re-inforce the contact pins on te mic. Take the screen apart and you will immediately recognize what I'm talking about.

    ok but when i open i will cancel warranty or?

    i wrote on support and for me will be better when i send him..

  7. No.... it is ok.... My corners have everything ok. I tried pressing a and do not working... I wrote on support and sent photos for warranty now i waitnig on respond...



    On 6/8/2021 at 3:22 PM, DieBruine said:

    Check the corners and snap them back by pressing the screen to the back of the frame. Pretty sure that's your deal...



  8. Hi
    I have fxtec mobile cca one year and i have problem with microphone. Microphone does not work yeasterday. Nothing water because is summer and sometime on few minutes working but then again not working.... I tried restart and hard reset all mobile. I have everything update security patch level 5 from 5 april 2020QX1000-EEa-20200825231443-20200825-2316
    Please what do you thing what is wrong or can i claim?

    Moja nahrávka 2.m4a

  9. Hello

    yestarday i done order and gave pay direct bank transfer and today I have not email with pre-invoice and with instructions (IBAN with variable symbol)

    I see only in my profile: (attachment)

    Please What is the next step?



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