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  1. got mine today. no headphones
  2. just fyi for others out there, i didn't get any emails from fxtec or fedex about my tracking number. i got my tracking number email from paypal. also, i can't seem to login to my account in the main page but as i remember, my account was created after a database reset/purge so it didn't show any orders on it anyway so maybe that's why tracking came from paypal.
  3. qwerty Order #11xxx igg, happy to say i got my stock assigned letter
  4. moto mod backer, paid august 1 with Order #1102x. also patiently waiting. sorry to hear that you're also not in the first batch but its good to know i'm not the only one.
  5. i don't know if it's related but some businesses close for Chinese mid-autumn festival from Sept. 13-15. a delay of 3 days could snowball into a week due to backlog. Still, a little heads up email would have been nice. We've waited for a keyboard this long, what's another couple of weeks.
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