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tdm last won the day on September 25 2021

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  1. No I've been off doing other things. Maybe one day...
  2. Maybe you can try this... I just uploaded it and will merge to 18.1 in a few days after I clean it up a bit. https://review.lineageos.org/c/LineageOS/android_kernel_fxtec_msm8998/+/316402
  3. You should be able to use pretty much any recovery to install it.
  4. This is now official. Builds are weekly, currently scheduled for Wednesdays. Install instructions are exactly as LineageOS 18.1. Download site: https://dwnld.aicp-rom.com/ Enjoy!
  5. This is most likely a kernel issue. I am using the Lineage 17.1 kernel as-is. I'll investigate.
  6. Oh my fault, I was thinking lineage. Did any previous aicp versions ever work properly with HDMI out?
  7. Sorry, the Lineage admins don't allow exFat unless the device shipped with it.
  8. What is the date of the last working build?
  9. I still have the AOSPX 9.0 tree. They were working on rebasing 10.0 at the time I was building it, so I never did an AOSPX 10.0 build. Which do you guys want, 9 or 10? There are pretty much no changes in 9 since the initial build.
  10. Yeah split screen seems a bit buggy. I think R is far enough along that any bug reports should probably wait.
  11. I've not seen the OTA updater crash. But then again, I don't use it much and never with official builds. What crashes and when? Can you get a logcat of it crashing?
  12. There have been rumblings of starting official release builds, so I'm guessing in the next couple weeks.
  13. It builds off Lineage, so I will just wait for Nolen and Bruno to do the hard work... 😄
  14. Indeed, all your data is still present. Do not believe any messages that tell you otherwise. The Pro1 is an A/B device. If an update fails, you should be able to go back to the other slot using fastboot. There are myriad pages on the internet about where to find the fastboot binary for your PC and how to enter fastboot on your phone. Once you are ready, simply run "fastboot --set-active=a" and reboot. If that does not work, try "fastboot --set-active=b" and reboot. Alternatively, @claude0001 is correct. You should be able to manually install the latest nightly. I
  15. Yes the link in the op is always up to date. It is a symlink on the server. I'll add the link to the actual file and the md5 hash for clarity.
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