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Everything posted by BufferBear

  1. I made the biggest mistake. Bought an iPhone 13. Always owned Androids. Whilst I love my photos being in snyc for a change as I use an iMac, I dislike everything else about it the iPhone. For starters, what’s the issue for a lack of split screen? So basic!
  2. I’m in the UK. Such a shame as there were many things I loved including pleb, split screen, etc
  3. I’ve given up on my Pro1X. Without a decent signal, what’s the point? So disappointed as I had such high hopes for this phone:
  4. You should see the state of my BBKeyOne! Think Sellotape and the battery packed up a week before delivery. 😨
  5. Don't worry about not being able to use a phone as a phone? 😳
  6. Similar behaviour to my phone. Useless for making calls. Will need to buy a new phone if not resolved soon.
  7. Same for me. In December's update, this issue along with NFC not working is being investigated.
  8. Me too. My yubikey (5 C) doesn't work on my Pro1 X. Very frustrating being locked out of my accounts not a techie so I do not follow the technical aspects of the discussion but I will attempt to place my keys in the positions suggested. As above. New issues: fingerprint sensor has given up the ghost. 👻 It's not the end of the world as I kept touching it accidently resting in being locked at. The speakers are unpredictable when using landscape with the volume coming from apparently different locations from tim to time and at varying volumes. Also, the vo
  9. Thank you. I missed these response. Probably just zoned out reading threads...
  10. My connection is poor - slow and unreliable. Calls drop out or struggle to find a connection. I have a speaker issue, the sound seems to move or at least go high and low and other times the sound it is barely audible... Any idea where I can find a screen protector and case? Thanks, all.
  11. Practice makes perfect. Anyone know where to find a decent case and screen protector. I pretty much guarantee I am going to drop it...😒 Why does it take so long for images, pages to load etc, at times? Seems slower than my old BB KeyOne.
  12. Practice makes perfect. Anyone know where to find a decent case and screen protector. I pretty much guarantee I am going to drop it...😒 Why does it take so long for images, pages to load etc? Seems slower than my old BB KeyOne.
  13. Sorted! Thanks Rob and Eske. I’ve noticed a potential issue with the speaker, changes form high to low and back again but I’m unsure if it relates to the recording/podcast I’m listening too. The phone is also slow to load images etc. Today, LTE disappeared and the phone seemed faster. Confused. I was hoping for 4g but I think LTE is the equivalent of 3.5? Will post an update.
  14. Fab. I’ve managed to find the options when on portrait and split the screen. So far, nothing happens when I am in landscape mode. Will try again tomorrow. Thank you both!
  15. Thank you for posting. Will give it a go tomorrow. I appreciate your comments. If it doesn’t work, any idea how to correct it?
  16. Hey, anyone know how to split the screen? I hit the square icon, and the windows config flashes as to show 2 screens and then eturns to the default position.
  17. I received an email in advance notifying me that FedEx had paid the custom charge to avoid any delay and I simply paid online.
  18. Thank you very much, Eske. Your language skills are not the issue and are far better than mine. I only speak English! The issue was not understanding what the disadvantages are with Lineage as an Android user without technical knowledge. I'm curious and want to explore other options. I've just posted on IndieGoGo with a similar question but I think I will just settle with Lineage and learn how to change to Android if needed. I was interested to hear Chen & Co on the video footage suggesting both OS can be added by way of partitioning. I'm not sure what this means IT-wise and assume th
  19. Thanks for feeding back but unfortunately I do not understand. I'm wondering whether to choose the Pro1x with Lineage or Android and I'm guessing the latter given I didn't comprehend your post. I'm not techie but just liked the idea of using a different OS...probably out of my league. Thank you, @EskeRahn
  20. Long time to wait and is why I didn't order the first time around given the initial delays. Would be very difficult for fX-Tec to not sort this out now which I suspect they've planned given this new launch. As for the length of time you've waited, I would expect a 256/8 as compensation.
  21. Depends on one's motivation. I have a trusty KeyOne which will not last forever and I'm prepared to take a risk on the FX 1 as it's exciting. My second phone will be the new BlackBerry. One can never have too many PKBs in my view and I've weighed up the risks. Just as importantly, from time to time we should reward ourselves with our hard-earned pennies.
  22. @lameboyadvanceDamn! Could have saved £30! Nevermind and thanks for sharing. 🙂
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