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Posts posted by BufferBear

  1. On 7/18/2023 at 12:29 PM, steff said:

    I did as well, i have sold it some month ago. First all the disappointments in the campaign, downgrade and delays, after receiving it depleted battery and sending it back to Fxtec in UK, than no signal and not usable as a phone. And hoping for help in this forum, but Eske and others just saying: We do not know how many devices are effected, not that bad. This forum is disappointing as well. No solutions for all the major problems.

    I made the biggest mistake. Bought an iPhone 13.  Always owned Androids. Whilst I love my photos being in snyc for a change as I use an iMac, I dislike everything else about it the iPhone.  For starters, what’s the issue for a lack of split screen? So basic! 

    • Like 1
  2. On 7/18/2023 at 1:12 PM, EskeRahn said:

    Oh I'm not trying to say that it is not bad!

    What I'm saying is that we have not got a clue if it is 10% or 90% that are affected by the severe bug.
    we do not even have a clear pattern, so we can not say that it is likely or unlikely to work for anyone - and that only adds to the frustration...
    We do not even know if it is specific locations&carrier combinations that are not supported correctly, or if it is specific devices that would fail all over.

    I lean towards it being some particular environment it fails to handle correctly. My personal GUESS is that it is some band-switching that fails, perhaps when the carrier uses particular equipment.

    To get a little bit wiser we might try to take a device A not working under conditions B and swap with a device X working under conditions Y, to see if it is the conditions that are not properly supported or it are some specimens that are faulty.

    We have not heard much from FxTec on this, except they said early on that they were unable to reproduce the bug.

    We have had at the least one reporting the same problems in the UK.

    If anyone here in Denmark have the problem, I will be willing to travel with mine to that spot, to see if mine works there, and if it does, to try to swap sims, and see if the problem follows the device or the sim.

    I’m in the UK. Such a shame as there were many things I loved including pleb, split screen, etc 

  3. On 11/5/2022 at 10:40 PM, liquidvx said:

    I've revisited this thread multiple times in hopes of finding a solution for Tmobile. I love my pro1-x keyboard, but i'm about to give up on this device because i cannot make phone calls.

    • server not found, and cellular service drops entirely
    • If a call connects, the audio drops out on both sides, i cant hear them or they can't hear me.
    • i cannot even check my voicemail because the service can't hear my complete pin number


    Does anyone have experience with getting the phone to work with Tmobile in California?

    Similar experience on EE, UK based. 

  4. On 9/25/2022 at 6:01 PM, eorg said:

    I have an additional issue, where quite often I sit directly beside the router ~1,5 meters away, and I am not able to connect to it, although the signal indicator is showing full strength. And sometime, I am connected with a wifi, and it shows strong signal and saying 'connected' but any app tells me, there is no network connection, and I should try again. when I restart the phone, connection is mostly mots of the time fine, for some time.

    Any ideas about that? Haven't yet tried a lot of mobile connection, so am not yet able to say anything about that.

    So I highly hope, this is a soon fixed software issue, I desperately need this to be my daily driver, since my old BBPriv is getting extremely unreliable and has only batter for about 4-6 hours, when I leave it alone.

    You should see the state of my BBKeyOne!  Think Sellotape and the battery packed up a week before delivery. 😨

  5. On 8/15/2022 at 10:29 PM, claude0001 said:

    I would advise you to relax. I guess, much of your first impression is determined from what other phone you come from.

    I asked, and @EskeRahn reported a direct comparison of the Pro1-X and Pro1 above, which I interpret as "on-par-within-the-measurement-uncertainty". @Rob. S. reported similarly in a different thread.  I own only a Pro1, and was never super-happy with its WiFi or LTE connectivity, but it has still been perfectly usable over the last two years. So, in your place, I wouldn't worry too much about that point right now.

    Don't worry about not being able to use a phone as a phone? 😳

  6. On 12/19/2022 at 2:18 AM, doubleddav said:

    Hi All,

    I've had my Fxtec Pro 1X for a couple of weeks now. Something I noticed almost straight away is very very unreliable connection to both data and phone calls. If I ring someone it takes about 30 seconds to connect, or it will just beep and drop off. Same behaviour for both sims, and both were perfect in my previous phone.

    APN's etc are detected correctly so it's nothing weird like that. I've emailed Fxtec support but got no response in a week, so thought I'd reach out to the community. Any ideas what might be happening? I'm hoping it's a software bug that will get fixed, I'm happy with my phone aside from this.


    Similar behaviour to my phone. Useless for making calls.  Will need to buy a new phone if not resolved soon.

  7. On 8/6/2022 at 6:47 PM, RichC73 said:

    Just had delivery of the Pro1x and it is a great phone, however the wifi and cellular data connectivity is appalling! I struggle to connect to a router that is only a few feet away, and my old cheap Nokia G20 connects to the network and cellular data absolutely fine.


    Little point having an all singing and dancing phone when it can't get the basics right.


    Any pointers anybody? And don't say it's my provider or wifi router as all other devices in the household connect fine.

    Same for me.  In December's update, this issue along with NFC not working is being investigated. 

  8. On 8/3/2022 at 4:43 AM, Stt_ryan said:

    some oddities so far, but the most concerning is that the nfc reader does not appear to be working on Android. i have a yubikey for a lot of security items. I cannot get the phone to detect the yubikey.

    any ideas?

    Me too.  My yubikey (5 C) doesn't work on my Pro1 X.  Very frustrating being locked out of my accounts   not a techie so I do not follow the technical aspects of the discussion but I will attempt to place my keys in the positions suggested.

    On 8/20/2022 at 8:22 PM, frantisek.rezac said:

    Have anyone successfully used some NFC tag or gadget on Pro1X? I have tried using Yubikey NEO that's working on another phone via OpenKeychain and when it was not working I have tried some plain NFC tag with URL and none of them worked. I have tried puttin it to all possible places on the phone but nothing. NFC is turned on in settings so I don't know what may be wrong...

    As above.


    New issues:

    fingerprint sensor has given up the ghost. 👻 It's not the end of the world as I kept touching it accidently resting in being locked at.  

    The speakers are unpredictable when using landscape with the volume coming from apparently different locations from tim to time and at varying volumes.

    Also, the volume is not v loud.  However, if I plug in earphones and press in the jack to the first point of connection)resistance the volume is crisp and loud.  When I fully push in the jack, the volume lowers. 🤔

    Additionally, as I no longer have sensor access,  there are times that the button for alternative access does not to respond (screen remains black) I.e. activate the pin screen for long periods which means I cannot use the phone. 😳


    • Sad 1
  9. On 8/17/2022 at 9:33 AM, EskeRahn said:

    You have already been pointed to the long thread, but the tl:dr version is: 

    Any soft cases fitting a Huawei P20 Pro can easily be modified in minutes

    No special skills required. (Do not take stiff cases though, as the slight slant of the Pro1X's back towards the edges makes them a poor fit). For a number of my DIY experiments see here.


    • Like 2
  10. On 8/17/2022 at 9:33 AM, EskeRahn said:

    You have already been pointed to the long thread, but the tl:dr version is: 

    Any soft cases fitting a Huawei P20 Pro can easily be modified in minutes

    No special skills required. (Do not take stiff cases though, as the slight slant of the Pro1X's back towards the edges makes them a poor fit). For a number of my DIY experiments see here.

    Thank you.  I missed these response.  Probably just zoned out reading threads...

    • Like 2
  11. On 8/12/2022 at 1:13 PM, sspiff said:

    I'm trying this but it still is very clumsy & not smooth for me.

    Practice makes perfect.  Anyone know where to find a decent case and screen protector.  I pretty much guarantee I am going to drop it...😒

    On 8/14/2022 at 12:47 PM, aquaz said:

    No, not really. LTE is considered 4G. HSDPA and HSUPA were considered 3.5G technology.

    Why does it take so long for images, pages to load etc, at times?  Seems slower than my old BB KeyOne.

  12. On 8/12/2022 at 1:13 PM, sspiff said:

    I'm trying this but it still is very clumsy & not smooth for me.

    Practice makes perfect.  Anyone know where to find a decent case and screen protector.  I pretty much guarantee I am going to drop it...😒

    On 8/14/2022 at 12:47 PM, aquaz said:

    No, not really. LTE is considered 4G. HSDPA and HSUPA were considered 3.5G technology.

    Why does it take so long for images, pages to load etc?  Seems slower than my old BB KeyOne.

  13. Sorted!  Thanks Rob and Eske.

    I’ve noticed a potential issue with the speaker, changes form high to low and back again but I’m unsure if it relates to the recording/podcast I’m listening too. 

    The phone is also slow to load images etc.  Today, LTE disappeared and the phone seemed faster. Confused. I was hoping for 4g but I think LTE is the equivalent of 3.5? 

    Will post an update.


  14. 16 hours ago, Rob. S. said:

    I get wildly flashing triangle/circle/square icons when I tap and hold the square icon which is strange, but I get split screen mode by a short tap on the square icon, a short tap on the size-reduced app's icon, and then there's the split screen option.

    (I keep forgetting how this works as well, with so many changes in past Android versions...)

    Thank you for posting. Will give it a go tomorrow.

    16 hours ago, EskeRahn said:

    Split works just fine here, both portrait and landscape. With the android limitation of only offering one 50:50 split in landscape, and 30:70, 50:50, 70:30 in portrait

    I appreciate your comments. If it doesn’t work, any idea how to correct it? 

  15. 15 hours ago, Rob. S. said:

    Today's delivery attempt failed because the delivery person wanted to collect import VAT (130 €). Next attempt tomorrow. (FedEx did not announce the fact, let alone give me the option to pay online beforehand, as UPS did last time I received something through them... )

    I received an email in advance notifying me that FedEx had paid the custom charge to avoid any delay and I simply paid online.

    • Thanks 1
  16. 23 hours ago, EskeRahn said:

    Sorry for being unclear - not a native English speaker.

    The only difference will be what is pre-installed when you get it. And possibly a logo print on the back.

    So it does not really matter what OS you choose, you can swap later as you please.

    There will be guides on how to do that. (I believe they are working on making it even easier than t is on the existing Pro1)
    They are even talking about "dual boot" so we can install more than one system and select at boot time.  😁

    Thank you very much, Eske.  Your language skills are not the issue and are far better than mine. I only speak English! The issue was not understanding what the disadvantages are with Lineage as an Android user without technical knowledge.  I'm curious and want to explore other options.  I've just posted on IndieGoGo with a similar question but I think I will just settle with Lineage and learn how to change to Android if needed.  I was interested to hear Chen & Co on the video footage suggesting both OS can be added by way of partitioning.  I'm not sure what this means IT-wise and assume the OS can be loaded in two different sections of the memory, thus, the ability to switch to both.


    Thanks very much for taking the time to reply.

    • Like 2
  17. 15 hours ago, EskeRahn said:

    With the Pro1 you can flash either of the images, and I expect the same to be the case for the upped variant Pro1x. The difference will be the image that is pre-installed. And it seems the etching on the back.

    Thanks for feeding back but unfortunately I do not understand.  I'm wondering whether to choose the Pro1x with Lineage or Android and I'm guessing the latter given I didn't comprehend your post.  I'm not techie but just liked the idea of using a different OS...probably out of my league.


    Thank you, @EskeRahn

  18. 20 minutes ago, jlavi said:

    I did the same. But fool me twice, shame on me. I still haven't even got the first phone after 350 days of waiting.

    Long time to wait and is why I didn't order the first time around given the initial delays.  Would be very difficult for fX-Tec to not sort this out now which I suspect they've planned given this new launch. As for the length of time you've waited, I would expect a 256/8 as compensation.

  19. 17 hours ago, PanicBrothers said:


    We are sorry for all the time you are waiting for your Pro1 but we had a lot of issues with covid here and toiletpaper there and ...bla bla bla bla bla.

    Meanwhile we take your money and let you wait for the Pro1 but please check your mails for a Status change. We do our best to get all ordered devices asap out of our hard working factory and it is so tricky with covid to get any "bitches" sorry "batches" out.

    Wohooooooooooo the wait is over we are proud to present:

    The new chance to get your money for PreOrder. Here it is the Pro1 X Future Titanium Diamond Gold again waiting for trackingnumber device.

    Unbelivable that even one is spending any cent for this lyinf company.


    Depends on one's motivation.  I have a trusty KeyOne which will not last forever and I'm prepared to take a risk on the FX 1 as it's exciting.  My second phone will be the new BlackBerry.   One can never have too many PKBs in my view and I've weighed up the risks.  Just as importantly, from time to time we should reward ourselves with our hard-earned pennies. 

  20. 20 hours ago, lameboyadvance said:

    ...Just a reminder to @BufferBear and others, there is a secret XDA IndieGoGo link that lets you choose a normally hidden pledge of a 8/256 model for only US$639/-28% off. Currently only 39 out of the 100 on offer have been claimed, and it seems to be the best deal still currently available.

    If you click on this link (originally provided by eldarion a couple of pages back) it shows the normally hidden XDA exclusive pledge: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/pro1-x-smartphone-functionality-choice-control?secret_perk_token=2c0a82a4#/

    @lameboyadvanceDamn!  Could have saved £30!  Nevermind and thanks for sharing. 🙂

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