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Everything posted by jamescarruthers

  1. Sorry to be a thread bumper but can I ask after a week if the Sailfish Community build is still an active thing or is it finished?
  2. I played with a setting and put it back but it behaves as on "always confirm"! Settings --> Security & Location --> Trust --> SMS Message Limit. This was on 200. I thought this seemed excessive, so I reduced it. I think it was then that this message appears every SMS even though I put it back to 200.
  3. Hello Sailfisherman! I received my Pro1 a few days and am running Lineage on it. I came from Blackberry 10 (Z10, Q10, Passport) and would like to try Sailfish in time. I understand the current release is considered "Alpha" which I presume means "work in progress"? Does anyonw working away on this project know if it will ever advance from a "Community" release to the paid official type with the ability to use Android APK apps loaded on the side? I have rather been seduced by the idea of having useful modern apps!
  4. Any idea why the LOS Messaging (SMS) app displays a warning about sending SMS EVERY message. This is madness: it is this apps sole purpose and the Privacy Guard (whatever that is) doesn't seem to know it!
  5. I changed my settings to match you're but still no Folder labels in Landscape. Only a mild irritance but there must be a way to get round it. I just noticed that also the APPS have no name labels while in landscape either!
  6. On the Home Screens, when you make a Folder of Apps the name of the folder is displayer in Portrait Mode. In Landscape Mode the names disappear. Is there a way to switch the names on in Landscape mode?
  7. Thank you very much for that guide. I foloowed it and it jogged my mind to check the files I was trying to siddeload. I was trying to sideload the MindTheGapps-8.1.0-arm64-20180808_153856.zip (I guess for Android v. 8 ) when I should have been loading MindTheGapps-9.0.0-arm64-20190615_031441.zip (presumably for Android v. 9 ). Loading the v 9 Mind the G Apps resulted in booting in to Lineage. So USER ERROR on my behalf! A rather rough start in the Android world but I'm going to get started setting it up! 🙂
  8. I am loading: lineage-16.0-20200803-recovery-pro1.img lineage-16.0-20200803-nightly-pro1-signed.zip MindTheGapps-8.1.0-arm64-20180808_153856.zip
  9. I think I did that! I was following these instructions too from DieBruien: When you reboot in to recovery, does this automatically change the slots or is there something I should do in there to make it happen. BTW I have no idea what slots, but will learn later. Like I say, I am new to Android!
  10. I started again, did the "fastboot flashing unlock" and it came back saying that it was already unlocked. From Recorvery I did a wipe. I sideloaded the two ZIP files (LOS and Mind the GApps), rebooting inbetween. They seemed to load fine, stating "Total xfer: 1.00x" on the command prompt screen on the computer. On the Pro1, there were errors at the beginning of the LOS load (something about couldn't find somethign on "D:" and "E:", but then went on to load. Sorry I didn't have anything to hand to record this. Also, when sideloading the Mind the GApps stuff, I got a prompt about signa
  11. Is that the same as: " Factory Reset, then Format data / factory reset" as in the instructions here: https://wiki.lineageos.org/devices/pro1/install I am completely new to Android, having been on BB10 since it came out!
  12. Thanks for the quick reply! I ran stock Google Android for a day or two and it seemed to remember my finger prints between the few reboots I did, so that is good. Fingers crossed for Lineage working with prints... if it ever boots? Do you know anothing about how long it should take to boot first time to Lineage OS and if me missing out the "fastbot oem unlock" or "fastboot flashing unlock" has wrecked my first install?
  13. Oh, and do I need to do something early on to avoid the forgetting of fingerprints or is this fixed in the latest verrsion of Lineage OS?
  14. Hi everyone, I received my Pro1 a few days ago and am trying Lineage OS for the first time. I'll say hello properly another time but for now I need some help and hope someone is around! It is currently on its first boot and has been on the little circle travelling right-to-left, following an arc for about 30 minutes. Is this normal? I searched online and read references to it taking a long time (e.g. 15 minutes) for its first boot. Mine is 30 minutes and counting! Shall I just leave it or has something gone wrong? Also, I couldn't get "fastbot oem unlock" to work (from th
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