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esme last won the day on February 4 2022

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  1. Qwerty, I have no idea of the serial number as there's no panel stuck on the back of the replacement
  2. esme

    Pro 1 charging issue

    OK I think I've calmed down enough to finish this story First off they managed to lose the jpegs I sent them, so I resent them Then they said I needed to return the phone, which I did & they confirmed receipt a week after the post office said it had been delivered Several emails & nearly 3 months later I received an update on Pro1-X shipping & was assured the USB module would be included in that shipment Eventually, my partner managed to track down one of the directors on LinkedIn & we told them the tale of woe so far & threatened them with legal action
  3. My last message was via email on the 5th January 2022 when I was promised an update which hasn't materialised
  4. As per the title, please give me a date if you've received any communications from F(x)tec, it can be on forum, via email, a delivery, a tweet, facebook, anything OK that'll do, there's proof of life up to 3rd Feb, so they haven't gone out of business, thanks to everyone who responded
  5. I have the same problem from about the same date I also got a "small team, pandemic" email, well I'm a small team in a pandemic & if I can't deliver I contact my customers & tell them rather than letting them get frustrated Well 2 weeks ago I sent an email giving them a deadline, and I made my best effort to alert them via every other channel that I know of, as far as I know they haven't even seen it So if they don't respond by close of play today they're going to be dealing with my solicitor, who I assure you has less patience than I do ---EDIT-- I got the "sm
  6. I'm making my best effort by hitting every channel I know about
  7. Thanks Hook but that's not it, sorry can't discuss it
  8. I've just sent an email to the helpdesk that someone at F(x)tec should read urgently, if someone from F(x)tec wants to PM me I'll happily give them the details so they can find it
  9. esme

    Pro 1 charging issue

    Well they got back to me, they wanted some photos of various angles, presumably they want to see if I've dropped it or let a small child use it as a hammer or something So I've sent them 17 jpegs front & back from top & bottom, each corner from top & bottom, with keyboard open and finally each edge Lighting a shiny black phone so you don't get glare and the damn thing is in focus is a pig btw I was tempted to do the Dave Bowman quote from 2001 at one point ... "My god, it's full of stars" if you haven't seen it 😉
  10. esme

    Pro 1 charging issue

    Still no response, I've even pinged them on twitter
  11. esme

    Pro 1 charging issue

    OK bit the bullet & tried contacting them via the webform instead of my email lets see if they respond to that If the warranty runs out before they respond to me & they start playing silly buggers, they're going to end up paying my lawyers legal fees too -- EDIT -- Ah a request received email, thank you automated reply system
  12. esme

    Pro 1 charging issue

    @EskeRahn Thanks for the tip Still no response to my email
  13. esme

    Pro 1 charging issue

    @EskeRahn Stock Android, I read through other threads, rebooting the phone has no effect on charging for me, it looks to be how the lead is seated in the socket or how the socket is soldered to the motherboard. If I get it just so it works but then the slightest thing will stop it being "just so" & it stops charging and the annoying thing is the charge light can stay on when this happens, the phone has a charge light & a black screen but when I check Android says the phone isn't charging any more and the percentage charge hasn't gone up. So when I can get it to charge I have to ke
  14. Is anyone else having an issue charging the Pro 1 ? I connect the phone to the supplied charger via the supplied USB-C lead and nothing happens, if I remove the lead, rotate it and reinsert it the phone charges, occasionally. Sometimes it takes several attempts at this procedure to get the phone to charge, then I've noticed that after a while the charge light will go out and the phone will stop charging requiring me to repeat the whole remove, rotate, reinsert procedure until the phone starts charging again. Sometimes the charge light will come on but the Android battery indicat
  15. I'm still waiting for the tracking email, however my Pro1 arrived last Thursday 😁
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