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Aggregated Message App like BlackBerry Hub?

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I'm a BB user from my first cell phone (BB 9900) to present.

It's a shame that BB doesn't function as expected in China (because Chinese app consumes a lot of hardware resource), and since they ceded BB to TCL, there's no brilliant design thereafter.


However, how about using something like BB Hub in Pro 1? To aggregate messages and reply easily in horizontal views.

I'm sure it would worth 650$ by then LOL

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Myself, I don’t like BlackBerry apps, and the first thing to do on my KeyOne was disable them. Including Hub, and especially Productivity Tab.


Me too, the keyboard app is really great though, especially the ability to use two languages where it auto-detects what you're using, even handling switching in the same text (e.g. for titles)

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Yes, you can install BB HUB on nonbb android phone. But to be a real Hub like on BB10, you have to rewrite android part of notifications and all the apps patch to this. Impossible.

Android Hub is just email client (and not very good one) with reading notifications from other apps and showing them. You cannot reply to facebook messenger from hub like on BB10, it just starts facebook messenger app. What is the difference from android notification? I have disable all the BB apps that were possible to disable, also all google apps on my k2le. And I am still unhappy with the phone, bad OS and bad integration of keyboard to system (which is impossible without rewriting a lot in system I think).

Pro1 is much better design because you choose to use keyboard only when you want which I cannot with BB key series..

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  • 3 weeks later...
Yes, you can install BB HUB on nonbb android phone. But to be a real Hub like on BB10, you have to rewrite android part of notifications and all the apps patch to this. Impossible.


Android Hub is just email client (and not very good one) with reading notifications from other apps and showing them. You cannot reply to facebook messenger from hub like on BB10, it just starts facebook messenger app. What is the difference from android notification? I have disable all the BB apps that were possible to disable, also all google apps on my k2le. And I am still unhappy with the phone, bad OS and bad integration of keyboard to system (which is impossible without rewriting a lot in system I think).


Pro1 is much better design because you choose to use keyboard only when you want which I cannot with BB key series..


We only ship with Essential Google Apps, no other apps at all apart from a Support APP for warranty management, the same as Android One


If user prefers BB Hub, it can be manually installed from Play Store. It will work just as in other phones. I have tested the app in landscape it also works.

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  • 3 years later...

Unified view on multiple e-mail accounts works well with K9 mail and you don't have to pay for the BBHub application nor be bothered by the advertisements. Yes, the original BB Hub on BB10 provided more, but since that doesn't work with the Android version any longer, there's little point using the BBHub there (I tried it and left it after some time). K9 works nicely in landscape mode too. 🙂

  • Thanks 1
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