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I would love if there were an additional option:

* Disable screen touch sensitivity AND fingerprint scanner when ambient sensor triggered

Many devices do the first, but it oddly does not seem to be a stock Android option.

This would be great both

* during calls
* when inserted into a pocket
* when used with a flip case.

Only the second part is especially important for the Pro1, but it is a general request so there might be apps i did not find that can do these. See also this on the touch.

Note that this should be an OPTION, as some would hold the device closed in landscape, in a way triggering the proximity sensor accidentally.

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A new feature request. Disable Fingerprint Sensor when Display Off  This would mean you'd have to push power button before using fingerprint sensor.   This could be a toggle in case some peo

I'm starting this thread to list what I feel are some missing essential features in the stock version of Android.  Not necessarily bugs, but things that are missing that would be great for FxTec to im

I would like that as an option too. But let the user choose. It is not an issue if the Pro1 is in a flip case, with the flip on the button side, but it is an issue if used without. For the unit in a

Would it be possible to have an optional sticky shift behaviour?
So that you don't have to hit shift and the letter at the same time to get the uppercase. You could just get the next letter uppercase after hitting shift without having to hold it.

Also having an optional auto uppercase at the beginning of sentences like with virtual keyboards would be nice to have.

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12 minutes ago, Slion said:

Would it be possible to have an optional sticky shift behaviour?
So that you don't have to hit shift and the letter at the same time to get the uppercase. You could just get the next letter uppercase after hitting shift without having to hold it.

Also having an optional auto uppercase at the beginning of sentences like with virtual keyboards would be nice to have.

It has been discussed earlier and is build into android. It is depending on whether the keyboard s defined as Full or Alpha. See this

Would be nice if we could choose either,

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More to add to the wishlist:

  • Flashlight on camera / power button (with added timeout for automatic shutoff)
  • Get certified for Google Camera
  • A switch to disable the charging led

Already on the list:

  • disable unlock with fingerprint / with screen off
  • keypress should enable keyboard backlight and screen.
  • fix aptx / bluetooth profiles
Edited by kontakt
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It looks like the keyboard sometimes input the C key while the phone is closed.  It's a rare occasion put does happen from time to time, most often when the phone sits tight in a snugly case.

FxTec, could you guys please make sure the keyboard is disabled when the lid is closed?

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17 minutes ago, Slion said:

It looks like the keyboard sometimes input the C key while the phone is closed.  It's a rare occasion put does happen from time to time, most often when the phone sits tight in a snugly case.

FxTec, could you guys please make sure the keyboard is disabled when the lid is closed?

I agree this would be a very good idea. Can not imagine a scenario where it made sense that it is active while closed.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 12/17/2019 at 11:25 AM, Craig said:

I'm starting this thread to list what I feel are some missing essential features in the stock version of Android.  Not necessarily bugs, but things that are missing that would be great for FxTec to implement.  Feel free to add others if you feel some essential feature is missing.

#1 Sticky Modifiers.  When shift/alt/ctrl/slantarrow is pressed then released, the next keypress should behave as if the modifier is still stuck down.  Ideally the caps led would illuminate when shift is pressed (until next key is pressed).   [Include a toggle in slider settings to disable if possible.]

#2 Wake on Keypress.  Meaning if the phone is asleep and keyboard open, and you press a key, it wakes up as if you reached around the back to press the power button. [Include a toggle in slider settings to disable if possible.] (Can already do this with Esc key - just discovered by accident)

#3 Allow control of Permitted Orientations.  Allow user to select which of each of the four orientation is permitted when set to auto-rotate.  Right now it allows portrait, landscape, and upside-down landscape, but not upside-down portrait.  I personally want to prevent upside-down landscape while auto-rotation is enabled.  Another user mentioned wanting to allow upside-down portrait.

#4 Backlight on Keypress  Right now the keyboard backlight only turns on when you open slider, then eventually times out and turns off.  I would like it to turn back on when I press a key. 

#5 Navigation Keys PgUp/PgDn/Home/End should be accessed by default with slant arrow+directional arrow.  Additionally, Ins could be added as slant arrow+del key with same modifier.   However this should be done at a higher up level than the keyboard layout (kernel?), as currently slant arrow + P/L only work if no layout is selected and even then not in all apps.


Bonus Features.  Not necessarily essential in my opinion, but nice to have.

Dead Zone Control Allow user to customize each of the four edges.  Ideally two settings for each border - how many pixels to disable completely (no display), and how many to disable touch response.

Backlight TImeout Include a slider setting for keyboard backlight timeout time.

Disable Quick Settings Menu in Notification List while Landscape  or at least while keyboard open - Perhaps a toggle

Disable Fingerprint Sensor when screen off - Perhaps a toggle


I just decided to review my original essential feature request list.  As stock development appears stalled, I'm comparing Lineage test6.

#1, check.  #2, check.  #3, check.  #4 check.  #5 check.   Nice 🙂  (Plus keyboard shortcuts and symbols too, both on sym key and on longpress for accented letters).

Let's hope stock does the same when the next OTA comes thru.

Edited by Craig
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