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software update sitting at 100%

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I got my Pro1 yesterday in the mail in the USA.


I managed to get it working on my wireless provider (verizon) and kicked off software updates.


There was an available software update for it and it started. It got to 100% and it has been sitting there even with the phone charged and on wifi. For kicks I rebooted the phone after a few hours as well.


What should I do? It looks like the update is stuck for whatever reason.

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Had the same issue, as told as the others. 

Charge your device. update will stay at 100% without any error message, needs 40% charge to finish the update.


last resort: system->apps->show system apps->software update->clear storage->force stop


Redownload the update then. if your battery is well above 40% and plug charger.

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I got the bug too, doing a clean reboot made it continue.


Can not test again, device now flashed with `sailfishos-t5-release-`. I find Sailfish OS much more pleasant than Android and the Pro¹ being a build target for SFOS is what made me purchase one.

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On 1/28/2020 at 7:37 AM, starcraftm said:

I got my Pro1 yesterday in the mail in the USA.

Interesting. I believe they used Fedex for most everyone else.  Out of curiosity, do you live in a rural area?  In parts of rural Alaska, the only delivery service is mail, no fedex/ups, so if company won't ship USPS, you can't even order from them!

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