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14 hours ago, sequestris said:

Stupid Pie.
Is that something that was fixed with Quinoa?

I doubt it, but I do not know.


People in general are complaining about battery sizes/stamina of their smartphones, because they are unaware of all the bloat running and unneeded radios kept on. It is as if Google and the manufacturers want people to have bad user experiences with their devices!!!

What about a little AI here!  Or at the least Common sense!! Let us have some automatic on and off!

But start by the simple: Replace On/Off with Sliders for all the radios like:

"Always on"
"On when requested by app"
"On when requested by foreground app"
"On while requested by an app while in foreground"
"Always off"

And that should be for both Bluetooth, GPS, NFC and WiFi. Some might even want this for the cellular radio, if they are using it for outgoing calls only!!! - Perhaps a toggle for that! Would be great for meetings, that you could still use internet if you are presenting something, but are not disturbed. (And NO I do not mean Do-not-disturb, I mean the radio OFF if not used)

And some smart functionalities on location when On. A setting for "Coarse only" using Cell-Towers (and known WiFi if and only if WiFi is on, or turn on temporarily just for scan say every quarter).


But the fancy stuff comes in is helping to turn OFF radios when they are not really needed.

It is so utterly stupid that e.g. the GPS is wasting power for scanning for sattelittes it is not going to see anyway while we are indoors....
So why not a setting when connected to a specific WiFi, "Location Off while AP in range". That you can select for your Home and Work WiFi... It is not F.. rocket science, just plain simple common sense of everyday usage 90% of the time for 99% of the users


There are (/were) apps that let you choose to only have WiFi on when in range of specific cell-towers. If you are not one of those dare-devils connecting to random WiFi nets, why would you want the phone to waste energy scanning for available except Home, Work, and perhaps specific friends?


Most people have a quite regular pattern of where they are at a specific time, the phone should be able to easily 'learn' that all by it self, and then detect stuff like

  • AHA! (s)he is only using Radio XXX in these condition.
  • AHA! (s)he can not use Radio ZZZ in these condition.

(And the conditions it detects can be much more advanced than just time)

But obviously with the user allowed to overwrite these.


Sure I know there are third party apps that do something related based on time, But we CAN do smarter in 2020....

....and NO I'm not talking stealing data, it should stay local on the device!

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3 hours ago, _DW_ said:

One thing to bear in mind bluetooth while using power uses no where near as much as wifi.  I actually have mine on all the time to pair my watch.

Oh indeed, specially newer Bluetooth versions are more lenient, but for those of us not using it, it is still waste of battery, and hence stamina.
I'm not saying that all radios should be off, just those that aren't in use and isn't needed.

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I am a weirdo. I turn on bluetooth, data or wi-fi when actively doing something.
Bluetooth is on when paired to a speaker or my car (which is in essence a big giant speaker).
I turn data on to check mail, browse while waiting for food to be prepared, look something up.
Then I turn it off when I am done.
I do the same thing with Location (which is only on when I am in the car using GPS or Maps).
I only use wi-fi when I am in a known secured environment (my home, somebody I know's home).
I don't have any burning need to be constantly connected to the universe.
I also don't have any burning need to have my phone hacked or data stolen.
I don't do any financial transactions from my phone (that's what I have a computer and a secured in-home network for).

I love having a Pro1 that let's me have god rights for the most part.

And thank you @EskeRahn for taking the time to explain they why or rationale.
It makes sense.
But I just want to be able to look at the phone and see up at the top what is on so I know to turn it off.

On 3/1/2020 at 4:57 AM, EskeRahn said:

I doubt it, but I do not know.


People in general are complaining about battery sizes/stamina of their smartphones, because they are unaware of all the bloat running and unneeded radios kept on. It is as if Google and the manufacturers want people to have bad user experiences with their devices!!!

What about a little AI here!  Or at the least Common sense!! Let us have some automatic on and off!



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2 hours ago, sequestris said:

I am a weirdo. I turn on bluetooth, data or wi-fi when actively doing something.
Bluetooth is on when paired to a speaker or my car (which is in essence a big giant speaker).
I turn data on to check mail, browse while waiting for food to be prepared, look something up.
Then I turn it off when I am done.
I do the same thing with Location (which is only on when I am in the car using GPS or Maps).
I only use wi-fi when I am in a known secured environment (my home, somebody I know's home).
I don't have any burning need to be constantly connected to the universe.
I also don't have any burning need to have my phone hacked or data stolen.
I don't do any financial transactions from my phone (that's what I have a computer and a secured in-home network for).

I love having a Pro1 that let's me have god rights for the most part.

And thank you @EskeRahn for taking the time to explain they why or rationale.
It makes sense.
But I just want to be able to look at the phone and see up at the top what is on so I know to turn it off.

But just imagine if it turned itself off when not needed/relevant, so we did not have to do it manually.... It would make things easier...

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