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APN settings not saving

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10 hours ago, michael.bosscha said:

Hey guys,
I'm on vacation in Greece and noticed that I can't use roaming data. I googled a solution: manually enter the APN settings. Unfortunately, when done and hitting "save", it's not saving. Is there anything I'm doing wrong? I kind of want to be able to use my 4G while on the road...

I've had a similar issue back in January the first time I was setting up APNs. I can't recall exactly what I did but I got it working in the end. The UI is a bit weird and if you use it "wrong" it won't save APN changes.

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Basically as said: I input all the values as described by the APN document (name, APN etc.), hit the three dots, hit "save"... and then nothing.

I've done as suggested and fill out a single field, then saving, and going back if that works. I've come to the conclusion that changing the MCC value from 204 to 202 bugs it. I've been able to fill out the values before but am not able to connect to the internet with just those...

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3 hours ago, michael.bosscha said:

And out of the blue, it started working. That might have something to do with me enabling the "Mobile Data" slider, which is odd, but still...

Indeed odd, but could make some sort of sense as APN is related to mobile data. I wonder if this is a general Android Pie bug/feature, or specific to the Pro1?

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