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SD Card Help

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So I got a new card and I meant to just transfer my pictures but I accidentally hit move files.
Couple things;

1) The SD card, which is supposed to be a 512 is showing as a 1TB
2) I now no longer have access to the phone itself when I plug it into my computer.
3) The system folder is showing as being filled 506GB our of 1TB
4) What have I done?
5) Can I change it back?
6) How can I get it so I can see my internal storage when I plug the phone into the computer?



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Hmmm, not sure.

Hopefully, the 1TB thing is Samsung sending you the wrong card.  Otherwise it might be corrupt.

Did the phone offer to format the card when you first put it in? If so, did it offer you two flavors-- as removeable storage or as additional internal memory (don't remember the term)?  Which did you choose; I always make mine removable and don't know a lot about the other option.

When you plug in the phone to the PC, do you switch the USB function on the phone from "charging" to "File Transfer?"  You do that by tapping on the USB notification on the notification shade?

I haven't had this happen, just trying to get more details.

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7 minutes ago, Hook said:

Hmmm, not sure.

Hopefully, the 1TB thing is Samsung sending you the wrong card.  Otherwise it might be corrupt.

Did the phone offer to format the card when you first put it in? If so, did it offer you two flavors-- as removeable storage or as additional internal memory (don't remember the term)?  Which did you choose; I always make mine removable and don't know a lot about the other option.

When you plug in the phone to the PC, do you switch the USB function on the phone from "charging" to "File Transfer?"  You do that by tapping on the USB notification on the notification shade?

I haven't had this happen, just trying to get more details.

At my husband's suggestion I chose internal and now I want to undo that.

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1 minute ago, sequestris said:

At my husband's suggestion I chose internal and now I want to undo that.

Hopefully someone else will come along who knows more about that option. Since an SD card for me is primarily for media storage, I usually want it removable and have always gone with that option. 

One thing I am still confused about-- you said you "moved" your pictures.  From where?  You couldn't have had 500 GB of pictures on your Pro 1.  What else is contributing to the 500GB?  The pictures might be able to be moved back. though again, not sure what that looks like if everything is being treated as one big internal SD drive.

I suspect the only way to redo it is to reformat the card, maybe in a PC, but you will lose everything and I don't know if that will confuse Android.  Best wait for someone who is more help on this than I am.  Sorry.

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My husband typed this up... In case this happens to anyone else.
@EskeRahn - can you categorize this as something meaningful?

Formatted card as Internal,
All photos & video & Music put on card,
Lost visibility to internal storage
Decided this was a bad plan
Shut off phone
Removed SD Card
Turned on phone
All apps still present
All games still at previous levels
Phone still works

HYPOTHESIS: Reformatting card should leave everything alone, just need to reinstall photos/video/music

Backed up phone
Powered off phone
Reinstalled card
Powered on phone
Reformatted card
Both internal and SD card storage visible
All apps/photos*/video/music just like before there was a card
*lost a handful of photos taken after the card was removed.
All is right with the world.

HYPOTHISIS was incorrect!

It appears that the data was copied to the SD Card, but still exists on the phone.
Reformatting the card did not disturb the data, just wiped the copied data from the card.

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Not quite sure what it should be catogrised as. "Support" perhaps? Strictly this is a more general Android question than a specific Pro1-issue.

Anyway. When you chose to use it as removable, it is in a standard unprotected format, and the card can be moved to 'anything' that can read an SD-card, e.g. a PC.

When you chose Internal, the card is used encrypted and as an extension of your normal storage (I do not know the finer details of this - never used it). The benefit obviously being the encryption if the data you want to put on the card are sensitive, the drawback obviously also the encryption, preventing easy transport of files by simply moving the card.

And as data are either encrypted or not, the card will need to be wiped to change from one to the other. (AFAIK they do not offer an option to decrypt/encrypt the entire content)

AFAIK you will need to actively tell to use the SD card for storage in e.g. your camera app, And I do not think it automatically copies/moves data.

Some apps might by default use an SD if present.

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Yes and this is the disadvantage of the internal memory solution: some apps might not work anymore if you remove the SD card / you might mess up your phone settings when you remove the SD card. Then you need to reinstall apps and some settings. It happened to me.


By the way, since a lot of users use the SD card as external storage, it might be an idea for the pro 2 to make it easier to remove (not in the SIM tray).

Edited by OKSun
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I'm not sure how things were originally configured, but sans card all the apps were working perfectly. The only change was that the pics and docs and other personal files were not present. I was surprised. If it transferred system files to the card, how was it still working?

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If the SD card is set up as "internal", it is a logical part of the internal storage. The user has no influence on whether the data is physically stored in the cell phone memory or on the SD card. Therefore, an "internal" SD card must not be removed from the smartphone if you do not want to endanger the stability of the system. Conversely, there cannot be any important data on the SD card, then you were lucky if you remove the SD card and the device continues to work perfectly.
I personally do not include an SD card as internal, the disadvantages outweigh the advantages in my opinion. The use as "external" lets me as a user control what is in the smartphone and what is on the SD card. In addition, SD cards are almost always much slower than the internal memory of the smartphone and you can slow down your system with such a slow "internal" SD card.

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17 hours ago, MvBoe said:

If the SD card is set up as "internal", it is a logical part of the internal storage. The user has no influence on whether the data is physically stored in the cell phone memory or on the SD card. Therefore, an "internal" SD card must not be removed from the smartphone if you do not want to endanger the stability of the system. Conversely, there cannot be any important data on the SD card, then you were lucky if you remove the SD card and the device continues to work perfectly.
I personally do not include an SD card as internal, the disadvantages outweigh the advantages in my opinion. The use as "external" lets me as a user control what is in the smartphone and what is on the SD card. In addition, SD cards are almost always much slower than the internal memory of the smartphone and you can slow down your system with such a slow "internal" SD card.

Yeah, I had no interest in having a system run of external media. It was an accident.
And I definitely got lucky.
Ijust wanted to make sure this was documented in case others had a need to know.

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