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LineageOS 20.0 MicroG Release for Pro1x (QX1050)

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FYI, the lineage OS for microg project now included the pro1x to their supported devices. Unfortunately I have not yet been able to test it, but maybe this is something for the ROM's thread @EskeRahn

For anyone not knowing this project, it offers a lineage OS built with included microg as spoofed system app, so you don't have to root your device in order to be able to get the microg support and microg is the only app which is spoofable, what increases security. At least, as far as I understood the description. As I said I unfortunately was not able to test it yet, since I seem to be one of the few lucky ones, who got an actual usable device, which is my only working phone since October, and I therefore hesitate to make the switch.

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I split this into a new thread to avoid confusion, @eorg The thread you posted this in is for the Official Lineage release for the Pro1x, but it is nonetheless worthwhile to have people post what they know about MicroG. Just important for people to know they are different.

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7 hours ago, Hook said:

I split this into a new thread to avoid confusion, @eorg The thread you posted this in is for the Official Lineage release for the Pro1x, but it is nonetheless worthwhile to have people post what they know about MicroG. Just important for people to know they are different.

Alright, thanks for moving and sorry for polluting the other thread!

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  • 1 year later...

Is anyone here using the current version of the MicroG-LineageOS Rom (lineage-21.0-20240612-microG) succesfully?
It installed easily on my brand new Pro 1X, but I have multiple issues with it (phone audio not working, WiFi, 4G and GPS reception being very poor).

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49 minutes ago, mat said:

Is anyone here using the current version of the MicroG-LineageOS Rom (lineage-21.0-20240612-microG) succesfully?
It installed easily on my brand new Pro 1X, but I have multiple issues with it (phone audio not working, WiFi, 4G and GPS reception being very poor).

Did you test the phone before installing this.  Those are all issues that some (not all) have raised with the Pro1x.  There seems to be a lot of variability.  Lineage won't fix any of those problems if they already exist.

Here's one discussion you can look through,


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2 hours ago, mat said:

It installed easily on my brand new Pro 1X, but I have multiple issues with it (phone audio not working, WiFi, 4G and GPS reception being very poor).

Supporting what @Hook wrote, and quoting the official LineageOS wiki:


Warning: Make sure that you can send and receive SMS and place and receive calls (also via WiFi and LTE, if available), otherwise it won’t work on LineageOS either! Additionally, some devices require that VoLTE/VoWiFi be utilized once on stock to provision IMS.

Alternative ROMs cannot magically fix problems that reside in the hardware or the binary blobs of the Pro1X. Are you sure WiFi, LTE and GPS worked fine with stock Android?

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I only checked WiFi before flashing Lineage, which did work. It's not that the radios do not work at all, it it just that the quality declines very rapidly. There is no "average reception" as with other phones, the quality is either perfect or (close to) unusable e.g. when I am in the next room to my WiFi router or in the toilet booth at the office.

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17 hours ago, mat said:

I only checked WiFi before flashing Lineage, which did work. It's not that the radios do not work at all, it it just that the quality declines very rapidly. There is no "average reception" as with other phones, the quality is either perfect or (close to) unusable e.g. when I am in the next room to my WiFi router or in the toilet booth at the office.

That's quite similar experience I had before fixing the antennas of my prawn-x. One one side of my flat calls and data would work, on the other not at all. Can depend on what bands are strongest in different places ...

Also in my case, wifi was unaffected and always worked. Its on a separate antenna module.

Edited by claude0001
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