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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/04/2020 in Posts

  1. I honestly don't know. But I am on discord and the aicp server is active.
    3 points
  2. Keep my fingers crossed. As some are saying that the loader thing is very picky on the ports and cables, I would not be at all surprised if too old/slow could also posse a problem, as USB2.0 is newer than 1997, so most likely it is USB1.X
    2 points
  3. Are you sure about that? Hardware acceleration seems to be working on both SailfishOS and Ubuntu Touch. From what I gather, the main issue is the Wayland protocol interfaces not being up to date (SailfishOS, but also sometimes with Ubuntu Touch), not proposing the standard interfaces (SailfishOS), or not quite yet featuring all the stuff they need for hardware acceleration but this lack is being worked on (Ubuntu Touch). Applications ported to these systems are modified to match such restrictions (use Mir on UT until Wayland support is fully there; use the peculiar Wayland interfaces on SFOS)
    2 points
  4. I'm actually using an antiquated Dell XPS430/121 from 1997. I'm going to get my more recent PC up and running and have a go with that.
    2 points
  5. I thought libhybris was a replacement for (or at least part of) Mesa 3D so it would be compatible with the Android kernel. I am failing to find a clear picture of what the figure I showed before looks like in the Pro1's version of UT or SFOS. 🤔 Edit: I'm too tired to read it tonight, but I assume I'm not the only one getting a rather brutal introduction to all of this for the first time, so here's a website that looks like it explains it all: https://at.projects.genivi.org/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=53608808
    1 point
  6. Actually, if you are not doing anything fancy with Magisk, you just flash the zip, just like addonsu. I don't even open the manager, although it installs it. Works just like addonsu for me (although I am on AICP and not Lineage right now). I get the flashable zip from here: https://github.com/topjohnwu/Magisk/releases/
    1 point
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