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Everything posted by Raksura

  1. I've updated my report following a full firmware restore + clean install that was intended to let met clearly define how to reproduce the telephony issue but ended up removing it altogether. Haven't gotten GPS to work yet (and cellular internet doesn't appear to be working either). I don't know where to get details about UT development specific to the Pro1. There's UBports's repository collection, but it's not Pro1 specific. Installation is very easy: https://ubuntu-touch.io/get-ubuntu-touch
  2. I've been using Ubuntu Touch for about a week: Here's a report of what works and what doesn't: - OS Install process: almost perfect, a slight documentation issue for first time ADB users on Windows 10. ✔️ - OS Welcome thingy: Impeccable. ✔️ - Wi-Fi connection: Impeccable. ✔️ - Lorimi (the window manager): impeccable. ✔️ - The default terminal app: works well. ✔️ - GPS: does not work. That's an immediate deal breaker for me, but since I don't need to travel during our current quarantine, I'll test things out more. ❌ - Media player (for music): impeccable. ✔️ - Default web
  3. I thought libhybris was a replacement for (or at least part of) Mesa 3D so it would be compatible with the Android kernel. I am failing to find a clear picture of what the figure I showed before looks like in the Pro1's version of UT or SFOS. 🤔 Edit: I'm too tired to read it tonight, but I assume I'm not the only one getting a rather brutal introduction to all of this for the first time, so here's a website that looks like it explains it all: https://at.projects.genivi.org/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=53608808
  4. Alright, that's not quite the point where I think I'm mistaken. I do see quite clearly that there is a difference between the Wayland interfaces and EGL. What I don't understand is (and that was my question in the quoted discussion, hence my confusion if this is indeed not what the reply is about): the link between client and the user mode graphics drivers, is there a defined EGL API that allows replacing one user mode graphics drivers with another in a way that is transparent for the client, or does the client have to be compiled with an API that is only valid for a specific user mode gr
  5. I am also far from being expert on this, so it is entirely possible that I misinterpreted the following conversation: I took it to mean that once EGL buffers are properly integrated on the Android platform, hardware acceleration will become available to standard Wayland applications.
  6. Are you sure about that? Hardware acceleration seems to be working on both SailfishOS and Ubuntu Touch. From what I gather, the main issue is the Wayland protocol interfaces not being up to date (SailfishOS, but also sometimes with Ubuntu Touch), not proposing the standard interfaces (SailfishOS), or not quite yet featuring all the stuff they need for hardware acceleration but this lack is being worked on (Ubuntu Touch). Applications ported to these systems are modified to match such restrictions (use Mir on UT until Wayland support is fully there; use the peculiar Wayland interfaces on SFOS)
  7. Is there a list of what works and what doesn't with Ubuntu Touch on the Pro1? The initial message makes it seem like GPS navigation would not be available, for example.
  8. There are people working on a Mobian (Mobile Debian) port: https://github.com/hybris-mobian-images I've attached a screenshot of the progress as reported on a Google drive link that was given by a porter on the Discord (with an understanding that it is not up-to-date, and that was on the 2020-10-23). I am not sharing the link, as it allows editing so I don't think it should be made that public. From what I understand, the main barrier for other OSes being supported is that the drivers for the Pro1 are not available in the mainline Linux kernel. The current solutions rely on lib
  9. Getting a standard Linux install running on SailfishOS is pretty easy, thanks to containers. Hardware acceleration isn't available for those containers, as far as I know, so it might not be the best solution to play games.
  10. I have this issue with mine, but it's most likely due to something different (I am using SailfishOS). In my case, plugging the phone to a computer doesn't provide enough energy to charge (~500mW being consumed, versus ~1500mW when unplugged), but if I use an USB-C hub in between, it starts charging (around -1500mW consumed). However, the phone has a tendency to disconnect from the telephony network while charging that way. Using the adapter provided with the phone works fine though. I've only used once or twice, so I don't have much data for it. Using a car adapter also charges fine,
  11. IIRC, the last instructions given when receiving an import fee, was to accept it and send it to support for reimbursement:
  12. Yes, it used to say 4 to 6 weeks, if I recall correctly.
  13. Not really. The last update indicated that they were trying to get the factory to output one (unknown size) batch every two or three weeks. That's basically 21 days in-between batches. According to the usual thread for informing people they are received, the last "stock assigned" messages were sent June 3 (23 days ago), so they might not have succeeded in getting that deal (or have a small delay in sending new stock assigned messages, in which case we'll know soon enough).
  14. The removal of the time limit does help a lot. The main issue with only using the forum would now be indexing. for example, if I were to look for the currently available OSes for the Pro1.
  15. Hey, Do any of you know of a good (and free) platform to host a community wiki for the Pro1? The issue being that the forums are good for discussions, but not for providing information and guides (especially considering there is a time limit for editing posts). For example, if you were to discover this phone today, you'd have a hard time finding out which OSes are available for it and where the guide for each of them is. Basically, if you know to search for it, the forums will provide you the info you need, but there is no index, nor much separation between conversation and guides (n
  16. Great idea. We could definitely use a community wiki, in general.
  17. There's not much correlation between order number and delivery time. Look up what we assume to be the sorting algorithm for order delivery.
  18. I think there is a time limit on edits on this forum, so I'll post updates on this page instead. Here's a guide on how to get Gentoo Prefix running under SailfishOS. I've made it for the Pro1, but you might be able to use it for another device. If you know what Gentoo Prefix is, do not expect it to be the smooth ride I'm sure it usually is. If you know what Gentoo is, but not what Gentoo Prefix is: the short of it is that this basically lets you install Gentoo as a normal user in the directory of your choice, minus the kernel (since one is already running). You cannot mess up your
  19. I bought a nice magnetic case that seemed very sturdy, but it ended up not being usable, since the phone holder is rigid (and it would need like 1 or 2 extra millimeters). I also had a rather rubbery phone holder for a flip case that was not sturdy enough for my tastes. I tinkered a "best of both worlds" version: I used some strong glue to get the magnet attached, so that it's not just held by tape. Some laundry clips straight out of the garden. By pure coincidence, my mom actually brought prawns for dinner while I was working on the cover, so I
  20. Finally got the phone. 😀 From what I understand, the delivery guy actually just flags packages meant to come here as having been attempted and a delivery notice having been given even though he kept the package, and he simply does that part of the delivery on the next day (the website doesn't help, implying that said notice is indicating if and where the package might have been left, and will tell you if further deliveries will be attempted if it wasn't). Might be making his life easier, but getting blatantly incorrect info is not exactly what I'd call a good experience for the recipients wh
  21. Yeah, that was indeed what I thought might have happened. The house is lost in the countryside, with only two neighbors. I actually checked the slightly distant neighbor's mailbox (they're away and we've agreed to take their mail in the meantime), the other's can't have been reached without me noticing, since the delivery man would have had to park right in front of ours to access it.
  22. FedEx is lying to me and saying they attempted delivery and I wasn't there. I am, not figuratively, camping in front of the house all day and night (working remotely during the pandemic). I'd be impressed if anyone managed to actually go to the mailbox without me noticing. While I do not tend to take being lied to lightly, having yet another "you're about to get the phone" followed by a "oh, never mind, new delay" has me ever so slightly upset. My phone is currently at the location indicated on the delivery attempt notification that was left in my mailbox. You know, the one that was neve
  23. I just received a SMS from FedEx about a delivery on the 8th of June for a package from Expansys (Hong Kong). 😀 Still slightly worried about being the only QWERTY in a QWERTZ batch, but I guess I'll know soon enough if something went wrong. Edit: Got the tacking number from FedEx to go with it by email a few minutes later. They just picked up the package, apparently. That's very fast.
  24. I am part of the batch and in France, so it's not just for Germans (it is however possible that they send it to France through Germany, that's not uncommon). I am however getting slightly worried that I have the only QWERTY in that batch. I'll trust them not to have sent the wrong layout, but I can't help wondering. 😄
  25. Can confirm, I received one. Thanks! 😀 For those trying to make a guess at delivery times: Date of Pre-Order: Fri, 22 Mar 2019 10:20:07 (GMT) Order Number: 103xx IGG Coupon: No Model: QWERTY Location: EU (France) Date of Payment: Thu, 1 Aug 2019 06:06:37 (GMT) Stock Assigned Email: Wed, 3 Jun 2020 12:19:35 (GMT) Tracking Number: No Phone Received: No
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