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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/19/2020 in Posts

  1. I can see nothing bad in that principle. 🙂 That said, as far as I know (from reading alone) the external display works in tandem with PlanetComputer's Android 9 apps. I wonder if it does anything when the phone is operated with the Linux OS.
    1 point
  2. Well, that's my point: Being able to use phone apps and desktop apps in parallel. A priori, there is no technical disadvantage of both environments running at the same time on the same (Android) Linux kernel -- apart from somewhat increased RAM usage which is not really a problem on devices like the Pro1(X) that simply have enough of that. It is true that Chroot or LXC solutions like mine (on Lineage) or @matf's (on Sailfish) do not have direct hardware access to a lot of features (telephony, GPU, GPS, ...). However, this is not a technical problem: it is a consequence of the kernel
    1 point
  3. Some might have definitions of "everything you need" that differ from yours. 🙂 I'm coming from an N900. When you are used to a full Unix computing environment, there is really no way to fulfil all your needs with Android and Android Apps alone. Example? Using my Debian chroot, I could compile and install MAD/X [cern.ch] on my Pro1: So I am now, literally, able to design f***ing particle accelerators using the Pro1. Now go and try that with Android 😎 . P.S.: ... OK, OK, this port was just a fun project. I'll probably never actually design an accelerator with the Pro1 (
    1 point
  4. Mobile data disabled, received MMS. There is a pop-up Can't send MMS message Tap to allow MMS messaging on... and it opens mobile network properties in settings - but I see no option to allow MMS other than turning 'mobile data' on
    1 point
  5. Most every OLED display does that.
    1 point
  6. My thoughts also. I cancelled my Qwertz order a week ago since it was starting to look like I would be receiving Pro1 and Pro1-X too close each other if at all. I need one phone with scandinavian keyboard if possible.
    0 points
  7. My guess would be that QWERTZ quantities, now that most 2019 QWERTZ orders have been fulfilled, might be so small at this point that it wouldn't be worth it for the supplier to start a new batch, or perhaps only at a price Fxtec couldn't really be expected to pay. I'd expect the remaining Pro¹ QWERTZ devices to be delivered together with the first Pro¹ X QWERTZ devices.
    0 points
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