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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/27/2022 in Posts

  1. Yup. Though I prefer the qwertZ, i would much rather have a Pro1 with qwertY than no Pro1. 🙂
    2 points
  2. ... dazed and confused ... Do you own a qwertz or qwerty device, now? Qwertz provides square and curly brackets only via modifiers (Fn key).
    1 point
  3. Ok seems to be a lot harder to get a used fxtec in comparison with a cosmo Communicator
    1 point
  4. True, the same applies also for me.
    1 point
  5. The biggest problem (for me) would be the shifted key locations instead of missing umlauts. Personally, I don't need German-specific umlauts but I am very happy with Pro1's QWERTZ variant because at least it has standard QWERTY key placements. Anyway, it may worth a question for F(x)tec if they may have QWERTZ or current non-shifted QWERTY keyboards as spare part, but it may have low chance before Pro1-X availability. However, replacing the keyboard itself of a shifted QWERTY variant to another one is possible. ...but you are right, most of the Pro1s were sold together with sh
    1 point
  6. Ebay is indeed more likely BUT the qwertY print does not only differ on Y/Z and umlauts, the qwertY have all keys shifted, making it rather uncomfortable for any languages with letters beyond A to Z.... See e.g. here
    1 point
  7. Unlikely (for any keyboard layout); otherwise, there would be a active sales offers, which wouldn't be open for a long time, either, because demand substantially outweighs supply... You might have a look at ebay instead and opt for a QWERTY layout; configured as "English (USA), international", all German umlauts and many other western European special characters are easily available there, too.
    1 point
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