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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/29/2022 in Posts

  1. They will tell us another story like in the last two years. It's only over when it's over. As long as they haven't folded, I'll keep waiting for my Sept 2019 order, and if it will be 2023. Until now, judging from all former experience, there is no reason to believe they wouldn't eventually deliver, as disappointing as such a delay is and as much as I understand everyone who'll say ok, then I'll pass.
    2 points
  2. After almost three years of waiting, I decided to write to FX Tec support and asked for a refund of the purchase price. I did not want to have a meanwhile technical outdated phone... After a few emails back and forth, the money was actually transferred back to me. Only the approximately 38 euros for the upgrade are not. But at least. So I say Goodbye to this community and wish you the best for receiving your phones soon... 🙂🙌
    1 point
  3. I guess @Tommi69preordered an original Pro1 via the f(x)tec website and was later "upgraded" to a Pro1X. As such he is eligible for refund while IGG backers are not.
    1 point
  4. That one is IdeaLTE too. The contract is that IdeaLTE supplies the chips, IdeaLTE designs the board (within the size constraints) and IdeaLTE makes the drivers and the Android build but in a way it can be shared with partners so other Android-based OS could be made. With IdeaLTE gone, so is EVERYTHING (that is not "self-components") that made the Pro¹-Pro¹. Something sort of similar happens now but this time (this is my speculation based on facts) F(x)tec seem to have done some extra work to make sure they wouldn't end up with nothing if the current contract breaks the same way as it happ
    1 point
  5. I am running GMS-less 2.1.5 and I see all wifi networks in the quicksettings panel.
    1 point
  6. Tommi69, Can you please name a few points, how you argued and especially how F(x)tec reacted? That would be very helpful.
    1 point
  7. Unfortunately, the LineageOS developers hate to give status updates. So we only get glimpses when they appear...
    1 point
  8. Sorry if I've missed something, I've been trying to follow the development of alternate OS options but sometimes these conversations are bit of a blur. How far along is Lineage, do we have working calls and sms? Everything else would be a bonus 😀
    1 point
  9. Thanks for making the GMS-less beta-build available. Installed it via fastboot/adb as described above and rooted following the official guide (thanks for that, too!) - works fine. I won't use the Pro1X productively before a somewhat mature LineageOS becomes available. But until then, this is a good way to play around with the device without big G watching too much. Dumb question: Is it normal that in GMS-less 2.1.5 available WiFi networks are not automatically detected or listed in the quick-settings panel? In stock 2.1.2 (as in LineageOS) I get a list of all networks in range by tap
    1 point
  10. Yes, you can. I'll list the general steps below, let me know if you have any questions: 1. Unlock bootloader first by following the guide here. 2. Then, flash the GMS-less recovery.img by doing: adb reboot bootloader fastboot flash recovery recovery.img 3. After that, reboot your Pro1-X to recovery mode. On dead Android logo, use button combo : Power + Volume Up adb reboot recovery 4. Use Volume buttons to navigate the menu to select "Apply update from ADB", and use power button to select. 5. We will now use ADB sideload to flash the "“merged-qssi_bengal-ot
    1 point
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