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MonCon last won the day on February 29 2024

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About MonCon

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    Pro1X, Rooted, LOS22

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  1. I see, I hadn't thought of that, or noticed it was under the accessibility section. I was thinking like an Engineer. @Hook @EskeRahn None of us recalls seeing it before though, so still a new feature so it seems. On my PrawnX it was active after the LOS22 upgrade. I noticed the behaviour before I found the setting. p.s. The upgrade went smoothly following the instructions.
  2. Just a minor point, but I think 500msec is a bit too long, at least for the likes of the cursor keys and the backspace keys, but still a massive improvement overall. Only the other day someone mentioned keyboard deterioration over time, and mine has been getting noticeable on certain keys, and this practically cures it. Super. 🙂
  3. Is the 'debounce' a new feature to LOS22, or have I been missing out all this time?
  4. I'm on 2degrees (Welcome Bay) on a Pro1X running LineageOS, and I've had missing SMS for the last 2 or 3 weeks. Discussions with Mrs MonCon revealed that some texts had disappeared into the ether, apparently delivered from my end, never received to her end. Like you, I put my sim into a backup phone and it worked, then back into my PrawnX and it worked. It's just started playing up again. On Friday I sent Mrs MC a few texts from the dining room to the lounge, and when we compared notes, again a few missing. Don't think I've been missing any incoming, but I'll ask around, and n
  5. As the saying goes: "The great thing about standards is there are so many to choose from" P.S. @EskeRahn Agree that a grounded 'sleeve' terminal at the base makes a lot of sense.
  6. More of a workround than a fix, but this is what I use to get audio from my Prawn to my car. https://www.jaycar.co.nz/digitech-fm-transmitter-with-bluetooth-technology-and-usb/p/AR3140 Gives you a couple of USB sockets for charging as well. P.S. I've not had the reboot problem myself, but I've only ever plugged in headphones via a '3 pin' plug (TRS). Is the cable that's causing the problem a TRS or TRRS? https://audiouniversityonline.com/ts-vs-trs-vs-trrs-audio-connectors/
  7. Both, for nearly two years LineageOS, it's super Perish the thought
  8. I vaguely recall reading some discussion about that when I was having a similar problem some time ago. Toggling speakerphone on and off seemed to resolve it, then I think the issue just went away, maybe with an update or the switch to LineageOS. A couple of links:
  9. lineage-21.0-20240701-nightly-pro1x OTA installed okay, 'Camera' and 'Open Camera' still working, root maintained :)
  10. Working ok for me, up to 200MB and still going, connected over WiFi. Edit: Download complete. Edit: Installed.
  11. @david How's Mr Peaseley doing? He's done a grand job, but it must have been quite an ordeal for the little fella. I hope he is all sewn up and on the mend. Get well soon Mr Peaseley. Xxxx
  12. Oh, I can see how that could be a major pain in the bum if you bootup somewhere without a trustable useable wifi signal. Fascinating, I always presumed mobile phones had either a little lithium battery or a big capacitor holding up the clock while powered down or rebooting or such. @claude0001Some interesting reading in those links on your post, and this behaviour apparently going back some time. @EskeRahnGPS sync is an interesting idea, hadn't thought of that. @LaskaOr could you hotspot off another sim card e
  13. would a workaround be to enable settings -> system -> date & time "set time automatically" ?
  14. Companies House may add a bit of clarity: https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/11602958 or confusion
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