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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/16/2023 in Posts

  1. Sort of. ... It is an internally completely new product and not a minor upgrade as planned an advertised. Hence A (also) fell. But SURE they ought to have changed their communication material accordingly IMHO. We can agree that for some, indeed key functionality is not working. On the other hand for others it works fine. We have no idea of neither why it works when it does, nor why when it does not. Not even an idea on the size of the two fractions. IF we could say that it only worked under very special condition THEN I would agree on the claim - but again we do not know. I grew u
    1 point
  2. Allow me to suggest a compromise version of that statements. It is a really really bad for the affected people that it doesn't work for them.... But the big elephant in the room here is that though we have reports from various parts of the world either way we have no idea on fractions affected.I bet it is at the least 10%, but might well be as bad as 90%. We do not even know if the issue is on the specimen or the models handling of the circumstances. That is, we have no Idea if you and I swapped devices if mine would work in your location with your sim, or yours would work here
    1 point
  3. Funny-- mine isn't. It's my daily driver. Neither are the ones two friends of mine have and are using. I'm curious if that's what you told whoever you sold your Pro1x to. 😉 This phone clearly works for some people. Also, clearly, it doesn't work for some. My two friends never go to this forum nor do they go to the Discord server or the TG channels. How many more are out there? We honestly don't know. It is not a good thing that it doesn't work for some people no matter what the numbers, but that doesn't warrant calling the Pro1x dead. So, I guess we will agree to
    1 point
  4. @claude0001& @steff The DO have other products than the phones, and they have said that they er using some of the revenue from that....
    1 point
  5. Exactly. Some while back they told us that they use part of the revenue for other products to have those sent they could, and that that was why they went out 'drip-wise', as they were able to gather the needed funding. Sad story indeed, but the only really alternative I see is that they give up and go bust, and those of us still waiting do not get any phones at all, and they stay and rot somewhere - or is bought from the remains and go out on a flash sale somewhere, with no warranty or support, and the severe bugs affecting some never fixed. (And no I have no idea if the "some" is 10% or
    1 point
  6. Long spent I figure, I mean they can't afford to pay for shipping and can't refund customers.
    1 point
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