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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/21/2023 in all areas

  1. hi, I m' not a specialist on android, perhaps you can : Activate "devloppoment tools" on the phone Activate "USB debuging" install ADB tools on a computer navigate to the folder where is adb Open a commande line windows to this folder Connect the phone to a computer type "adb shell" type getevent press the figerprint sensor you have to see something like that if the sensor is there: add device 1: /dev/input/event6 name: "bengal-idp-snd-card Button Jack" add device 2: /dev/input/event5 name: "bengal-idp-snd-card Headset Jack
    2 points
  2. for most of the pro 1 design and production, Chen was able to spend a lot of time in China over-seeing things. That seems to be a requirement.
    2 points
  3. Anecdotally, it would appear that non-Chinese entrepreneurs are much more likely to be SOL than folks from Hong Kong or mainland China. I've purchased kit from GPD and OneNetbook and have 100% shipping/receiving success, and well within the timeframe of a crowd-funded project. Being off-site, as in residing in another country, appears not be a great idea for entrepreneurship, and the fact that Planet Computer--already with two projects funded and shipped--couldn't overcome the difficulties does not bode for future projects anywhere but in HK/China.
    2 points
  4. I've been brooding about this since angst is telling me that given PC and fx woes, this may be the end of any new physical kb phone production. I was startled to read that PC only had 3000 Astros to produce. PC's buggy hardware, poor Linux development, and spotty customer service made me shy away from backing the Astro, but I was stupidly certain that others would not be so wary. I'm no entrepreneur, but 3000 strikes me as a why-bother number. And I don't know the ultimate production figures of the pro1x, but it appears to be on the edge of well-we-tried. Production outside of China, whil
    1 point
  5. Interesting. It would be great if FxTec could reproduce the bug. IMHO that would make it much more likely that they can find a fix. Let me tag @Casey here, and hope you can get in direct contact. I hope they will be willing to take a trip to your location.
    1 point
  6. I made the biggest mistake. Bought an iPhone 13. Always owned Androids. Whilst I love my photos being in snyc for a change as I use an iMac, I dislike everything else about it the iPhone. For starters, what’s the issue for a lack of split screen? So basic!
    1 point
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