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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/17/2024 in Posts

  1. It seems that you can buy replacement screen with the frame from AliExpress. - https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005062900944.html Just note that it does not include the front camera module and the board for the connector. So it is missing the piece that is going to be taken apart with tweezers in the picture below.
    3 points
  2. It has a heavily-scratched back (not affecting functionality) and had a non-working main camera upon arrival (as advertised). The latter was easily fixed by re-seating the camera connector onto the mainboard. However, also the camera module itself seems to have the focussing issue discussed here years ago, so I replaced it with the one from my original Pro1. On the positive side, the device's keyboard and battery are in much better shape than those of my original Pro1 after 4 years. I paid 474 €. Not directly a bargain, but much better-invested money compared to my Pro1-X purchase from Ex
    1 point
  3. Later keyboard driver patches in Lineage suppressed unwanted multiple strokes that may originate from the hardware problems you describe. I backported those fixes to my ROM and they work. They do nothing with respect to some keys NOT reacting to a press sometimes, though. All the technical information you provide is certainly interesting. But, from a customer perspective, I would have expected miscalibrated screens to just be sorted out during assembly of the phone. This obviously wasn't done.
    1 point
  4. My Pro1 has also started doing this - not too bad but problem exists. However, if I remember well, later keyboard driver has tried to address this issue to reduce the effect what comes to this result. It is because of reduced connection quality at buttons which causes different bouncing just like how older mechanical rotary encoders develops the same problem what can be addressed in hardware using a small capacitor and also in software tricks - these are mostly used together, none of them are perfect without the other. Pro1's keyboard hardware is as simple as possible, there are n
    1 point
  5. Regularly check Ebay et al. for a second hand -- even partly damaged -- Pro1, and do not hesitate to buy as soon as one pops up. I've done so recently, to get a spare for my original Pro1 I got from f(x)tec 4 years ago. By picking the best parts from the two, I was able to assemble my very own "Super-Prawn" that looks and works better than my original one did even when brand-new. My Pro1-X cannot compete, even after months of trying to make it a viable successor, and is now shelved again. Probably forever.
    1 point
  6. I have a spare battery, usb connector, display from ali express, QWERTY keyboard overlay and the botton of a case. A new camera module is the only one which I must change till now
    1 point
  7. Now that I own two Pro1s, I feel like I'm in a better position to judge whether some problems are by design, in software, or just due to missing QA. Examples: Keyboard: The one of my original Pro1 was slowly starting to fail, with some keys being detected only on the second or third press. Some loyal F(x)tec advocates got close to get me believe the keyboard issues were induced by my self-built Lineage-16 ROM. Guess what: After migrating my identical setup to the other (similarly old) hardware things just work again. -> QA all along! Camera: After moving to that newly-purchas
    1 point
  8. After using my Pro1-X for a few months, I confess that I am preparing to move back to the (SD835-)Pro1. Things initially seemed to work out after I had fixed my GSM/LTE connection issues by replacing the antenna board of my Pro1-X. However, in day-to-day use, the device simply couldn't compare to my Pro1. Some of the things that eventually turned me down: This is actually more a problem of Android 9 vs, Android 13, but it still bugs me a lot: Setting up my Linux-in-a-Chroot setup on the Pro1-X was possible, but turned out to be much less functional compared to the original Pro1 (w
    1 point
  9. Ah crap, having problems getting adb to list my device in Fastboot mode again. I had this problem last time and spent days getting round it, I've just been reading over my old posts seing if I actually detailed a fix but my posts say "I have this problem...." Then the next one says "After days of fiddling I've got it to work!" without actually saying what I did. Damn you past me... Damn you.
    1 point
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